I recently got an adult adhd diagnosis, it was mostly to get a prescription for amphetamine salts tho.
which did you go to? A psychiatrist or physician?
Its not like I want to take some pills or whatever all the time because the ones they're gonna give me are probably the kind I don't like taking anyways. But I honestly think I need something because I get worked up sometimes when I know someone is undefensibly being a dick to me and have trouble controlling myself, with that and when I work sometimes. So I could either end up permenantly damaged or locked up for jumping on some old salty asshole out here.
it's like CT but in my whole arm and shoulder. and I used an abbreviation bc I'm only typing w one hand u ass
yeah I get it up to my elbow alot of the time too. The main problem I have is when my hands stop working because of it though. I can hardly even tell its there. Like I said I got a high tolerance for pain, I can't even really feel it like it hurts the only reason I can tell its still there sometimes is because it doesn't feel
right like an uncomfort. Not because it actually hurts.
It was actually harder for the doctor to figure out exactly how severe I had it because of this. He said its just mild but I dunno man I was home a week before I got to see him and it pretty much got to the point to where I can barely feel it in like a night or two. I literally could not grip or use either of my hands the morning I left though.
The corrective bracers he gave me are falling apart though, when I wash them the stitching is coming loose and I dunno if they'll last long enough for me to finish out here. If they don't I'll just wait till I can't work anymore and get put back on disability till the surgery or whatever. I'll prolly need it anyways.
I slept on my shoulder last week and when I woke up it hurt like a motherfucker and I thought I broke my arm in my sleep. I think thats just one incident of me doing that though because it hasn't happened again.