Topic: Happy New Salt + What's on your mind 2012: CHILL YOUR HEAD (Read 116275 times)

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Belief in a possible direct-democracy isn't considered a typical belief in the US. Most people in the US think they are rational but they aren't. Basically no one in the US considers themselves determinists, consequentialists or deterministic-consequentialists. We have our fair share of luddites. And I don't think I actually know anyone that calls themselves a humanist of any sort, though if it were explained to them they'd probably say they were.

In the context of Globalism, there are a lot of different meanings that could be applied. Really though I'm effectively anti-patriotic/anti-nationalist to the point that I wish there weren't any individual countries or states at all or at least we should cease our competition with one-another and start viewing ourselves as a single coherent species working to advance itself rather than a bunch of separate bickering states.

I couldn't understand people who would be against individualism, especially on a personal rights level, anywhere at all, let alone the US.

I'm not saying I'm an complete oddball in the US though. But I'm probably a little off the average at least.

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In the context of Globalism, there are a lot of different meanings that could be applied. Really though I'm effectively anti-patriotic/anti-nationalist to the point that I wish there weren't any individual countries or states at all or at least we should cease our competition with one-another and start viewing ourselves as a single coherent species working to advance itself rather than a bunch of separate bickering states.
what this amounts to is that everyone who doesn't fit into our western (now global) idea of right and wrong should be steamrolled. this causes catastrophic global issues, eg terrorism

I was saying you should check out those articles if you want, they're not too too boring
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immediate full-communism, nothing less is acceptable

Communism is unacceptable, for being impossible and a bad idea in general

Anarchist-communism, hmm, reading about it, aren't they at least pro-individualism?

Also I never said I was a capitalist by choice. The rest of my compound self-label is arguably neutral or irrelevant towards kropotkin's ideas (at least as a first glance skim read basis) with maybe the exception of "globalism" which he seems to not like in the least in terms of economics.

Anarco-communism is an oxymoron. It's literally like dairy free milk. You can't have a monopoly on the use of force, a planned economy, absence of social classes, absence of property and all the other marxist inanities without a state to enforce them. People aren't ants.
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welcome to the forums!

afura since when are you in canada?
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I'm sad. People make up all those great theories about how everything should work. I like Rothbard a lot, but in the real world people will reward the most retarded ideas with complete power over their lives as long as whoever is spouting them makes them sound good. This is the reason every communist idealist will turn out to be a mass murdering psychopath. This is why I never believed obama would change anything. This is also why the free market won't fix it. People will put in power other people who will ruin everything while sitting on their comfy chairs inside their little air conditioned rooms.

We're fucked. Ted Kaczinsky was right. Things need to get a lot worse before they start to get better.

Also is dada any better or is he sick forever?
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o rly? tell me more about how you're a liberal & why you don't like marx on the internet, iam sure you've got some wonderful insights on the matter.
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I'm not a liberal, just browsed /pol/ too much and became insane. Even though it is true that communists are everywhere and trying to get me, it's a sad fact that I'm now able to see through their trickery while everyone else isn't obsessed with this and just play along nicely
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I'm just here to hear from another viewpoint about the current world issues. I don't even know why this matters, why it matters to know that the "free" stuff the government provides me isn't really free, and it never really belonged to the government. The people I know in real life just repeat whatever each other says in their little cool circles and eat, drink and love like everything is alright. Is everything alright? What I want to know is if I'll be ready when the bolsheviks come in looking for me, if I can be something better than an infinitesimal. I hope I am wrong. I hope I am just overreacting and being a little paranoid.
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Seriously now, why didn't anyone tell me that EVERYTHING was just wrong before? How long will it take for me to be assimilated into the masses and stop caring about anything?
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i'm an amoral nihilist.  it really simplifies your life.
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I just worry about politics but don't do much besides vote and sometimes rant a little here and there in chats and facebook.
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Today I ate: 13 bananas, 3 mangoes, 1 medjool date, 1 head romaine lettuce, 1.5 pounds tomatoes, 1 Braeburn apple, 1/2 ounce chia seeds, 1/2 ounce hemp seeds, 3g spirulina, juice of half lemon, small piece of ginger.

2260cals, 18.3g fat, 550.7g carbs, 40.9g protein, 83.3g fiber.
Dok Choy
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what this amounts to is that everyone who doesn't fit into our western (now global) idea of right and wrong should be steamrolled. this causes catastrophic global issues, eg terrorism

I was saying you should check out those articles if you want, they're not too too boring
I read some of that stuff. I'll get around to reading all of it. Anyway, I don't want a westernization of the world. Especially the religious influenced aspects of our culture. (I'm agnostic, and believe that all organized religions are pointless) I want a ceasing of nationalist attitudes that all countries seem to have. Our work shouldn't be parallel to each other, or be in competition, but should build off of each other. Maybe I'm being 'pie in the sky' but I think for instance, that more projects like the International Space Station should be attempted with out a "me too" attitude but a "we are advancing towards something as a species rather than a collection of states".
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I don't like Penn and Teller, I used to when I was like 15, and a dumb libertarian type, but then I decided to learn things and that particular brand of reactionary thinking didn't gel well with my adoption of the internationale as my theme tune.

Ultimately, I'm a hippy, just a cynical hippy. Like John Lennon, but without enough money to buy them funky glasses.
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i'm an amoral nihilist.  it really simplifies your life.

ya i agree
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I read some of that stuff. I'll get around to reading all of it. Anyway, I don't want a westernization of the world. Especially the religious influenced aspects of our culture. (I'm agnostic, and believe that all organized religions are pointless) I want a ceasing of nationalist attitudes that all countries seem to have. Our work shouldn't be parallel to each other, or be in competition, but should build off of each other. Maybe I'm being 'pie in the sky' but I think for instance, that more projects like the International Space Station should be attempted with out a "me too" attitude but a "we are advancing towards something as a species rather than a collection of states".

The only problem with the new space program (from what I see) is that its been turned into some kind of commercialized corporate run entity. Yeah they're pretty much the only ones that could afford to do it now space.

They're gonna be the first ones to put a mcdonalds on the moon or trade orange county chopper t-shirts to martians so they can completely rip off their tech. I read in some shitty peoples magazine while I was on watch about how theres atleast 8-10 different celebreties that have already bought their way to the moon in like 2012-2013 and I hope they're first to get sucked up in a tractor beam and dissected or burn up in atmosphere fuck all those people.
the only good thing about it is maybe if they colonize the moon or some shit in like 15 years I can get some more schoolin and get a job runnin a space ship instead. Its my pipedream right now..

I like the idea of the UN I wish they were given more power. I think it would be better if nations worked together to facilitate all international economic and military efforts through a reformed version of the UN that was totally democratic. Not that psuedo democratic shit either where the country with the most money gets to do what it wants or everyone else suffers but international reps straight vote. Every country indoctrined into the organization gives an equal amount of resources. Richer countries money, tech, or food. Poorer bodies or natural resources. Most importantly any countries that choose to ignore the UN's position as international mediator or facilitator and starts to do inexcusable shit gets bombed to fucking hell.

that way countries could keep their own cultural and political standards without oppressive western influence or rule and eastern third worlders could get a fair chance at trade, industrialization, and conflict resolution without having to resort to complete insanity.

Also read WWZ its a really really good book. Zombie fetish shit aside it covers alot of past and present international relations, economical, and cultural problems and uses the medium as a kind of THIS IS WHAT IT WOULD TAKE TO ACTUALLY FIX ALOT OF SHIT which is honestly really convincing. I'm still kind of awestruck at how that dude covered all of those different points in such detail and from what I understand pretty damn accurately.
also I'm reading 1984 and animal farm and they're both awesome. I really like 1984 though. Its kind of gotten me to shy away from that neo-com theory that dietcoke and ryan were talkin about. I mean the idea is pretty admirable but people need to go buy their stupid shit, to think they're government doesn't have as much influence as it does or would, to think that they could one day be running industry in some manner and not some super regulated government outfit (which is alot harder to get into I think).
I dunno though I don't really pay much attention to specific ideologies either. I like the idea of government regulated business in the form of enforcing fair trade, education, health care, and transport. Like giving people the means and just sitting back and letting them do their own shit for better or worse.
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Also as far as faith goes. yeah we're pretty terrible but I think thats mostly because for a very long time and still now in a way the only people that were encouraged or could afford to travel internationally for any kind of remotely positive purposes were fucking missionaries who didn't/don't give a shit about the cultures they're subjecting themselves to and trade food/healthcare for bibles and jesus talk. So after years and years and years of that shit conversion was bound to follow suit.

Also yeah crusades but I don't think they covered much ground in south america, japan, africa or china. Also the muslim faith is just as bad if not worse. I never realized a fuckload of india was muslim or indonesia is almost entirely muslim as well as east asia and alot of west asia now since immigration. I don't really pay much attention though except for what I've seen and barely even know much about the crusades. I met this dude from battam who was younger than me that was talking about his two wives and girlfriend + kids. We were joking with him about it, dude couldn't believe I wasn't married.

They should do more stuff like this though:

I called about working on one of them but I didn't know it was entirely voluntary. I knew they had people work there for free as a sort of on the job training thing but I thought they still paid people with professional titles and I was really broke or I prolly still would have gone. Someone told me they do but officially they say they don't, I don't really care though I'd def do it for free.

If I ever get into enough wealth to where I can afford to do that for awhile then I plan on it as soon as I'm capable.

I wish they'd make the peacecorps more of a jobcorp thing too though. Where anyone could join instead of just college kids it kinds of limits itself alot that way I think.
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Also is dada any better or is he sick forever?
who is you
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ps: Welcome back, Medieve ! !
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I wish they'd make the peacecorps more of a jobcorp thing too though. Where anyone could join instead of just college kids it kinds of limits itself alot that way I think.

why? the program is essentially charity+a PR campaign, it'd make absolutely no sense for the US gov to start expanding the peace corps, hiring just anyone to dig wells or whatever in other countries.

It makes perfect sense, on the other hand, to keep the program small and restrict your applicants to the college educated...