Topic: A high school discussion on racism (ALSO BOOTSTRAPS) (Read 9603 times)

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Is it true a bunch of black people started riots in america over some nike shoes?
Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 11:42:40 pm by Dada
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why would you ever know about the air jordan "riot"? that's not even national news. I had to look it up, and it's just a bunch of shitty news sites and a forum called "chimpout"

edit: I managed to find a bbc article, but they used "stampede", not riot
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holy shiiiiiiiit
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holy shit chimpout is the worst the fucking website. jesus christ they make stormfront look progressive.
Does the name "chimpout" mean what I think it means?
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why would you ever know about the air jordan "riot"? that's not even national news. I had to look it up, and it's just a bunch of shitty news sites and a forum called "chimpout"

edit: I managed to find a bbc article, but they used "stampede", not riot

I go to chimpout because I think it's funny. It cured me of my antisemitism. Also that's where I got that from.

Also I think that if people knew about it in brazil they'd try to get it banned from the internet or to get whoever hosts it thrown in jail with a bunch of rapists (as if they could). Sometimes I feel like I'm in communist russia without the planned economy and borsch.
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this is where i'd tell you to kill yourself for being a terrible person,

Why? It's one of the most harmless pastimes a person who doesn't go outside can have. Also how can you not laugh your ass off watching this:

Or reading a news article with a picture of a ugly black man saying that he killed a two years old because of a crack pipe

but earlchip says i can't do that to people who aren't middle class suburbanite wasp-y white people.

No, actually sometimes I can be white guilted too

so instead i will just say that, seeing as how you're from brazil, i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you're not a white person.
if this is the case, then congrats, you're visiting and enjoying a community of people who despise you for your skin color.

I don't think they'd do that, even if I had dark skin. There is a topic in there about how "gandhi hated niggers" with people posting about how much they like indians and respect gandhi and I think you probably know enough indian people to know they can be darker than some "black" people.

trust me, it's not just black people they have a problem with. and even if you are white, still, to them you're a dirty foreigner. those people would gleefully have you killed just as much as they would any other non-white.

Chimpout is all about negrophobia but its userbase has a diverse ethnic background (indian, mexican, "azn", etc). It's nothing at all like stormfront (which is pretty dumb).
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Like, stormfround is about a bunch of people who live in trailers and wave confederate flags around posting about how they're proud other people who aren't them invented a bunch of stuff. I'm pretty sure hitler would gas them as if they were a bunch of gipsies.
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so you're an unrepentantly racist piece of shit then. okay, you are now white noise.
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Yeah but it's society's fault.
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I'd just like to remind everyone that this was an actual thing:

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speaking of censorship and latin america: did you know that hugo chavez personally banned Family Guy from venezuelan TV because he thought it was the worst thing ever and damaging to the culture? now that's the kind of censorship even I could get behind.
hugo is a boss
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Chavez is very far from being perfect and is still a repressive strongman, but he's one of the first leaders who's actually doing something for his country. In fact it seems that Latin America is finally getting rid of the shackles of Western power, and Chavez is one of the people making it happen.
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Hugo chavez is using oil money to enrich himself and control his own people.
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Hugo chavez is using oil money to enrich himself and control his own people.
Not true. In fact oil money only went into the pockets of a few superrich individuals before he was elected (in monitored elections by the way). He changed that. The standard of living has gone up, particularly in the poorest regions. He also helped start a Latin American monetary fund and bought up a third of Argentine's public debt to help reduce the influence of the IMF, which is immensely important for any sort of economic development to take place.

It's not perfect by a long shot, but he's not some dictator who's robbing the country blind. That's just what the US is saying.

Fun fact: the Bush administration supported (and probably helped organize) a coup against him in 2002. It was successful for a few days after which it was reverted because of massive popular resistance to the coup and widespread disapproval from everywhere else in the region.
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How do you know if he isn't just paying FARC people to kill whoever states otherwise (which he does)
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How do you know if he isn't just paying FARC people to kill whoever states otherwise (which he does)
I've only ever heard right-wing conspiracy theorists use that argument. I've never seen any actual proof of this. Chavez even publicly called on them to disarm.

Also good job ignoring everything else I said.
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I don't think they'd do that, even if I had dark skin. There is a topic in there about how "gandhi hated niggers" with people posting about how much they like indians and respect gandhi and I think you probably know enough indian people to know they can be darker than some "black" people.

I also think racism is hilariously funny but in a "oh my god you are such a stupid motherfucker how could anyone end up so closeted and sad in this day and age" way and I tell them that instead of silently chuckling to myself while giving some ignorant ass little 15 year old's piece of shit website more hits.
Hugo chavez is using oil money to enrich himself and control his own people.
dudes using natural resources to enrich his own country which is what we should be doing. Mexico does what you're talking about and sells it back to the states.
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Good job ignoring everything I said again.

Hey look there are people who are against Chavez, I guess that means everything I said was wrong.