this is where i'd tell you to kill yourself for being a terrible person,
Why? It's one of the most harmless pastimes a person who doesn't go outside can have. Also how can you not laugh your ass off watching this: reading a news article with a picture of a ugly black man saying that he killed a two years old because of a crack pipe
but earlchip says i can't do that to people who aren't middle class suburbanite wasp-y white people.
No, actually sometimes I can be white guilted too
so instead i will just say that, seeing as how you're from brazil, i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you're not a white person.
if this is the case, then congrats, you're visiting and enjoying a community of people who despise you for your skin color.
I don't think they'd do that, even if I had dark skin. There is a topic in there about how "gandhi hated niggers" with people posting about how much they like indians and respect gandhi and I think you probably know enough indian people to know they can be darker than some "black" people.
trust me, it's not just black people they have a problem with. and even if you are white, still, to them you're a dirty foreigner. those people would gleefully have you killed just as much as they would any other non-white.
Chimpout is all about negrophobia but its userbase has a diverse ethnic background (indian, mexican, "azn", etc). It's nothing at all like stormfront (which is pretty dumb).