Topic: A high school discussion on racism (ALSO BOOTSTRAPS) (Read 9603 times)

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You realize you're talking to someone who lives in a poor part of Rotterdam where there's literally about 80% dark-skinned immigrants.

Holy shit you're a minority in your own country. How much racism do you suffer?
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I mean, you already are, so I got my prediction right a lot sooner than I expected
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Thanks for the name change.
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Holy shit you're a minority in your own country. How much racism do you suffer?
You're not even consistent in your delusions. Right now you're just flailing your arms about trying to punch anything that even remotely pertains to racism or social issues. They don't exist as far as you're concerned. You even think one of the most racist forums on the internet is just "harmless fun". You're just ranting and raving, probably frothing at the mouth behind your computer.
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"just trollin' lol"

i only wish this would be his next response
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Ok, what is so harmful about it then? Is it more or less harmful than smoking cigarettes?
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JMickle it wasn't even my intention to start this but it takes two to tango doesn't it?
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yes but whether it was your intention to start this or not you have the incredible innate ability to be on the worst end of every losing/most bigotted argument possible. it's like you love getting angry about shit you know your wrong about.

look, i'm shouting at you about arguments. how meta
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Man my ancestors were enslaved! I'ma smoke me sum crack
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hahaha man, ok few points.
1. colonialism, institutionalised racism and the slave trade have made a shitty situation for black people that they are still not out of. In certain areas they simply get arrested for being black. This is due to a couple of centuries of, let's say, a negative culture towards people of african descent. You couldn't really say what you've said if you had any idea of the shit they put up with in the us. The rammifications of such things last centuries. Not days.
2. If you think a race of people have a certain lean towards criminal behaviour, you're a moron who is at odds with the leading geneticists, psychologists and neuro-scientists, y'know involved in people's behaviour. Also it clearly shows you're a racist who judges people on superficial details.
3. a website which 'harmlessly pokes fun at black people' continues the stigma that they are inferior, and to be laughed at. It is dumb, really disturbing, dangerous and grotesque and to be honest kinda insulting to be of the same species as the kind of people who find that kinda shit funny.
4. you honestly think people here will become dumb racists when he's older?

you're making a massive asumption on a group of people based on no solid evidence. It's like saying mexicans are worthless layabouts, jews are coniving thieves, germans are militant racists or arabs are terrorists.

Man, I grew up in a council estate with many of my closest friends being from pakistan, sri lanka or other places. I knew people of all races, and it didn't take me more than about 1% of a second to realise HEY THESE ARE ALL PEOPLE and I've never judged anyone on anything like race because, people are people. Some are good, some are bad.
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wow I hope you don't think I suck mince. well you can think I suck but I don't want you to think I was mean to you. I only called you aspy bc I thought you mightve wanted to start fresh w/o being associated with inri. I want to be nice 2 everyone besides drule and bled if he comes back.
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yes but whether it was your intention to start this or not you have the incredible innate ability to be on the worst end of every losing/most bigotted argument possible. it's like you love getting angry about shit you know your wrong about.

look, i'm shouting at you about arguments. how meta
don't talk about meta and hey did you ever finish the dynamite game? it was cool
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that dynamite game? oh shit yeah that was awesome. i lost the original files though so i'd have to start again (i think)

i'd probably do it in flash nowadays anyway. gonna see if i still have the sound effects i made with my mouth
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Reminded me of THe Game.. btw, you lost too.
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warning! porn ads
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1. colonialism, institutionalised racism and the slave trade have made a shitty situation for black people that they are still not out of. In certain areas they simply get arrested for being black.

Yeah but today you have welfare, you can vote, you have public schools and a bunch of other things, even if you don't enjoy the same standards of living someone in Denmark does there's no acceptable excuse at all to have 9 kids with different people and look after none of them and people fucking do that out of their own free will, not because of racism.

In US more black people are killed by other black people than by the police.

This is due to a couple of centuries of, let's say, a negative culture towards people of african descent.

And people proving stereotypes to be true. I don't walk outside in the night with fear of being robbed by poles.

You couldn't really say what you've said if you had any idea of the shit they put up with in the us. The rammifications of such things last centuries. Not days.

Yeah, welfare and cheap consumer products. That's really terrible and I'm sure it's because of hundreds years of slavery.

2. If you think a race of people have a certain lean towards criminal behaviour, you're a moron who is at odds with the leading geneticists, psychologists and neuro-scientists, y'know involved in people's behaviour. Also it clearly shows you're a racist who judges people on superficial details.

Did I say that anywhere?

I do believe that some people might be genetically prone to exhibit violent behavior ( , but then every armchair/real psychologist will state that genetics don't define everything about a person so that would be a shitty excuse even if it might have worked in a murder trial.

Associating black people with crime is just something you end up doing by 1) being robbed by black people 2) watching black people rob others. You do that automatically. There's no way around it.

3. a website which 'harmlessly pokes fun at black people' continues the stigma that they are inferior, and to be laughed at. It is dumb, really disturbing, dangerous and grotesque and to be honest kinda insulting to be of the same species as the kind of people who find that kinda shit funny.

I think having black skin and smoking crack does that a lot better than a website. I think south africa does that better than chimpout.

4. you honestly think people here will become dumb racists when he's older?

See number 2. But I'll try to repeat myself again: you make associations based on life experiences. That's how the brain works. I'm not saying that people start believing that being a member of ethnicity X defines what you are. That's dumb as hell.

you're making a massive asumption on a group of people based on no solid evidence. It's like saying mexicans are worthless layabouts, jews are coniving thieves, germans are militant racists or arabs are terrorists.

What assumption? The only assumption I made was that you were a nicotine addicted liberal with a white guilty complex.

Man, I grew up in a council estate with many of my closest friends being from pakistan, sri lanka or other places. I knew people of all races, and it didn't take me more than about 1% of a second to realise HEY THESE ARE ALL PEOPLE and I've never judged anyone on anything like race because, people are people. Some are good, some are bad.

Hm, fine, but I wonder if that would be the case if you had grown up in Detroit
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HMM YES BUT WHAT ABOUT [complete ][/complete]
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Video of nigger being executed - topic about an actual video clip of a human being getting killed courtesy of

"I think this was already posted, but still very funny. " - a reply in said topic

Do you think it would be better if people pretended that kind of stuff didn't happen? (which people do)

yeah inri this is just harmless fun!! dont mind me i just wanna watch my snuff videos of black people being killed whats the big deal guys?? ps im not a racist, it is YOU guys who are the real racists also i was just trolling all along/this was a social experiments dance puppets dance

It's less harmful than smoking cigarettes and a lot other things you have the freedom to do
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Oooh but the blacks had it bad in the 40's
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You have freedom, you have access to resources 99% of the world doesn't yet you still manage to fuck everything up. Do you think I'm going to believe it was because of something in the past that you didn't experience?