hi welcome to reddit enjoy your stay.
it's a slippery slope!!
I'm not even gonna bother with the HEH AT LEAST HE WAS FUNNY...... bullshit which is literally the dumbest I've heard in a very long time
good, bc that's not what I said at all and would be a moot point
and just ask you outright: if a member of your family or a friend suddenly started casually talking to you about MEIN KAMPF and how it was completely right even though that genocide thing was kinda lame, would you tolerate that? would anyone here tolerate that? because, you know, I'd try to talk to them about it first, but not for very long. the point is to verify they're REALLY THIS TERRIBLE and that it's not just a miscommunication or mistake on your part, not to try and "change their mind" and then excommunicate them out of frustration for not being able to do so.
you excommunicate them because they're horrible, obnoxious cysts on society that you don't want to be associated with.
ya my best friend from childhood is kinda like mince, minus sexism and plus being a hide-in-the-hills gun nut who once got arrested for calling a black guy a "stupid nigger". he's half hispanic. and no, I haven't fucking "excommunicated" him (listen to yourself), because we're actual friends, he's not a bad person despite saying and thinking some terrible things, and this whole racism thing is a pretty recent development he picked up from some imbeciles he was hanging out with.
and my mom says racist stuff a lot, but I only rarely say anything about it because she has bigger problems
it shouldn't be news to us wannabe-worldly dumbos that racism is a symptom of deeper issues, not some isolated intellectual theory that you can reason out of people. perfectly fine, mentally healthy people don't become racists. yeah, but he wouldn't have to be a racist if he'd just bootstrap himself up and be smart like us boring self-righteous boners masturbating over how unsexist and unracist we are!!!!! actually in light of that, maybe you can actually gauge where mince was coming from as misguided and gross as a lot of stuff that he said was
the only way you can justify banning him is if he is actually
doing damage to this community, which I don't think he is. the vote seems pretty split: jamie, dada, and konix versus me, farren, dietcoke and possibly bonzi?? it's pretty obvious which side is cooler though
uh yeah this is bullshit. you seem to be mixing together the fact that there's no members anymore with this one isolated incident of a shitty person getting banned. you make it sound as if we actively drove all the members away and wanted the site to consist of its current memberbase.
not actively, passively. but I guess some were actively eliminated
also lol if panda complained about the same shit. he banned members he didn't like that others did (rip jihadjerry). i guess if the person is making a semper games joke then its ok to permaban them, but if the member links to chimpout.org and hates niggers we better tolerate his opinion because he's from latin america and isn't a boring white person.
it doesn't matter what panda did back when but for the record jihadjerry was far more of a detriment to this community than mince ever could be
yeah this is bullshit. callin' literal bullshit helldump on this bitch.
you got me, I'm a closet racist who wants to convert this community to racism
I'm not going to get in a big argument about it though, I just think you're being kind of shit. unban mince or you can lick my poop.