finished the first season of walking dead today
impressions are as follows
I don't know if it matters too much since this is a first season impressions, and the show is no on its third, but for anyone who is interested in starting the series but hasn't, I'll do this as a favor to you.
If you are interested in the series but haven't started it yet, no better time than today. Overall its no masterpiece, but it at least deserves some of the hype that it has been given. At the very least, there are not particularly any gaping flaws in plot, writing, or acting that I can identify, its just that so far it seems like it could be a lot more. This is also based on first season jitters, and the show hans't gotten its footin yet (not uncommon for a first season). I'll update on season 2 impressions when I get around to watching it later in the week (I've got shit to do, but fuuck that).
Spoiler (Click to reveal)firts of all, as much as the season ending was totally contrived, i thought that at least it was well pulled off, although the plot devices and how easily the doctor was convinced to open the blast doors kind of hurt the narrative/plot quite a bit. I was totally bummed Andrea didn't die. She is an annoying character at best.
Overall impression; the series is good, but it so far has been falling too much into my least favorite zombie movie problem, which is characters failing to understand that zombies cannot be reasoned with. I had a big problem with the fact that they thought they were doing the characters who were infected during the attack on the campsite by letting them suffer and become zombies, especially Andrea, who I was so certain was going to get bitten because she wasn't able to think reasonably. I understand emotional attachment is an important factor, but I would think at this point in the apocalypse, people would start to understand this sort of thing.
Favorite character so far is Glen. I dislike the dynamic with Rick Shane and Lori, as it doesn't seem like Lori gives a shit about Rick, and seems content to shit all of Shane (which is then justified in the season finale when he tries to assault her, etc. What a dick.)