i think it was just the say she kept saying BENTO over and over again. i don't care if people have lunchboxes. I have a lunch bag but for lunch i just eat a sandwich so a bento box is a bit overkill for me but it was the "cultural fetishism" that was bothering me I suppose. I mean I know it's totally irrelevant and nobody really cares, but it's just so OTAKU and i hate that. just rubbed me the wrong way.
like, you can't just call it LUNCH BOX.
I don't get that. why can't you call it a lunch box, isn't that what it is? i mean isn't that what you said, bento box is just a "lunch box" but you can't call it a lunch box? calling it BENTO over and over again reeks of LOOK AT HOW UNIQUE I AM SO KAWAII. I mean this is mkk we're talking about, one of the people who is such an obvious attention whore that defending her for not being one seems ridiculous to me.