Continuing from previous posts in this thread: I see that the issues in my copy of the game still have not been fixed. Indeed, this "game" seems to get more broken by the momment! Come on people, get it together. I can't stop playing Goblet Grotto, but just staring at hte title screen, MIDI choir echoing through my rotten empty skull. Voidscum coats the benthal layers of my heart!My chestis empty and I need to fill it as one fills goblet with fluid.Goblets canbefilled with antying
: soothing salve, crabapples, crushed pepper and begonias, slices of pork, peat, bag of crisps...Goblet cells are
glandular simple columnar
epithelial cells whose function is to secrete
mucin, which dissolves in water to form
mucus.They use both
apocrine and
merocrine methods for secretion.The majority of the cell's cytoplasm is occupied by mucinogen granules, except at the bottom.Rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, the nucleus, and other organelles are concentrated in the basal portion.The atypical plasma membrane projects
microvilli to idolize Sierpenski area for secretion.I don't like this one bit, no, no, no!Rapacious sentience stutters that glycoprotein is lost inside goblet cells, vomiting up dust and flagstone crumbling. It is an organ-specific antigen in the gut.Lost inside goblet cells. I'm swimming in a pool in my backyard, but the pool is a goblet, the backyard is the World Wide Web. I need you to help me.
Please update game. Anyway thanks in advance, I hope that the glitches are fixed son.