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Yes, some places are better than others.  That doesn't mean my problems are over.  It just means it's easier for you to pretend like they are, because you see them less that way.
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And again, it's not my job to "laugh off" slurs, I'm not the one to blame for slurs.  You're in here defending the use of them for the sake of "humor", don't tell me I'm supposed to just laugh them off when you yourself can't even bring yourself to stop finding them just so dang hilarious.

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shepperd you should be pretty clear that nobody thinks you are enlightened here. what you're saying is just common bull that guys say. you don't know what is up and you don't want to know. you aren't being misunderstood, you just don't really get it. maybe you could but you'd need to drop this pretentious bullshit first.
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By the way this is all in terms of LGBT stuff, this doesn't even begin to touch on being a woman Literally Anywhere, which I really really do not want to have to explain in this topic.

e: lol oh no your privileged tears...I'm supposed to feel bad that you feel bad for my problems when you're sitting in this very topic perpetuating them.  Stop fucking doing it and then maybe I'll believe you're sorry about it.  Hint: you aren't.
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Yes, some places are better than others.  That doesn't mean my problems are over.  It just means it's easier for you to pretend like they are, because you see them less that way.
Correct. Which is better. And you find more like-minded people.
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shepperd you should be pretty clear that nobody thinks you are enlightened here. what you're saying is just common bull that guys say. you don't know what is up and you don't want to know. you aren't being misunderstood, you just don't really get it. maybe you could but you'd need to drop this pretentious bullshit first.

what are you talking about jamicus. why do you think I think I'm enlightened???

ps: I'm a guy, right?
btw, yeah, I'm misunderstood. Who are you to say otherwise
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Correct. Which is better.

When I said you I meant literally you by the way, it's better for YOU because you can ignore it, I can't ignore it because it's happening to me.  Stop pretending like you're doing me a favor when you clearly don't give a shit anyway, I know a hell of a lot more about Life As A Queer Lady than you, I don't need you telling me where the better places to live are.

But whatever, i'm through with this, you've spent this whole topic proving that you've never moved past old GW where we were all teenagers who giggled at slurs because we weren't fully developed people yet.  Grow up and try us again then.
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When I said you I meant literally you by the way, it's better for YOU because you can ignore it, I can't ignore it because it's happening to me.  Stop pretending like you're doing me a favor when you clearly don't give a shit anyway, I know a hell of a lot more about Life As A Queer Lady than you, I don't need you telling me where the better places to live are.

But whatever, i'm through with this, you've spent this whole topic proving that you've never moved past old GW where we were all teenagers who giggled at slurs because we weren't fully developed people yet.  Grow up and try us again then.
of course, if it's happening, then you should perhaps move to a better environment, which is what I'd say is good to consider. And I talk from my own personal experience from travelling and discovering how different places have different profiles. For instance, Spain has a pretty macho culture, but Barcelona is exceptionally gay-friendly.

also, it's a shame that you decide to see it all in such a negative light. Aside the fact that I developed enormously as a homo sapien ever since (what with travelling around the world, completing BA and MA, relationships, self-initiated social work abroad and volunteering locally, other jobs.. etc (all stuff that I bet we all did to some extent)), it's kinda lame of your part to be patronising and say 'grow up' because we disagree on certain things.
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You said very clearly that it's okay to still find slurs funny. Please explain why rather than claiming you are being misunderstood with no explanation. Also you assume that if people are offended this automatically means they are boring and too politically correct. Please explain.

p.s: it's pretty fair to tell you to grow up after you justify the use of the word faggot and try to define for others whether it is hurtful. understand that it is not your place to define for others how they should feel when as a non-minority you have absolutely no experience. That's like being non-musical and telling a guitarist that trying to learn a song isn't hard. It's ridiculous because you would have no idea. This is the same thing, you are an outsider looking in.
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of course, if it's happening, then you should perhaps move to a better environment, which is what I'd say is good to consider. And I talk from my own personal experience from travelling and discovering how different places have different profiles. For instance, Spain has a pretty macho culture, but Barcelona is exceptionally gay-friendly.

Please quit pretending that you care about this or me or that you're actually trying to help anything when I have repeatedly told you I'm not interested.  I don't remember asking you "Hey Shepperd, as a queer woman where should I live?"  I don't want your advice on this, shut the frig up dude, stop pretending to be the helpful savior after what you've already put into this thread.

Also thanks for pretending like I can just move away from homophobia and sexism as if it's not gonna happen pretty much everywhere.  Gosh, why didn't I ever think of that?
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Why can't you just cheer up about the fact that I spent the whole thread insisting that it's funny to belittle you via slurs?
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carlin had some really fucking awful bits that make louis ck look progressive by comparison.
yeah, that's why i made the comparison. carlin was all about pushing those limits, sometimes rather successfully, sometimes not so much(as shown in the video). sometimes it was pretty cheap stuff, but the guy had a really strong presentation i think, an unusually intricate sense of rhythm for a stand-up comic. i more or less value that more than the actual content, most of the time. in any event, this doesn't really bother me. comedy is a rough business. it's an abstraction of reality, and sometimes that takes humorists to pretty dark places. it shouldn't really be a surprise when these guys wander this far, particularly when you're talking about comedians whose thing is to challenge convention and the banality of existence. peter cook is a good example here. a lot of people(myself included) have stood by the belief that he was the most gifted humorist of the 20th century, probably as responsible for the way humor has developed culturally in the english language as anybody. but he loses a lot of people when it comes to the derek and clive tapes, as they were as filthy as you can realistically get, yet in them you see some of the most outstanding examples of improv humor ever recorded, even if the personas they were playing were genuinely gross and offensive. i'd post some of the stuff i really like here, but if shep is being laughed out of the topic for some legitimately innocuous louis ck video, i'm not going to bother with something else that is going to make everyone's bileducts swell.

anyway, on that note, i can say with some degree of confidence that i regret absolutely none of the targ comedystuffs i ever posted here. even the stuff that wasn't very good, or the FIERCE NIGGAR stuff that could easily have been regarded as casual racism(even though my intent was literally the opposite), or really anything else that could have been considered offensive to somebody. i'm sure if i looked back at it i'd regard some[most?] of it as pretty juvenile and not very funny, but i'm not really aware of any tangible bad that ever came from it. apart from the occasional YOU SHOULDNT DO THIS ITS AGAINST THE RULES, it was always pretty clear i was making a joke, and i never got any complaints of my being offensive. hell, if anything, i stand by the whole targ thing i helped perpetuate as something that was definitely good for the people involved, probably the only thing i can really say about anything i've ever done in my life. all the targ guys turned into neat people, and it was fun helping cultivate that abstract, creative side of them, even if it was kinda small and inconsequential in most ways. but there was always that lingering targ thing, that odd abstraction of reality from time to time that most people don't have, and i guess the narcissistic part of me feels like i helped put that there, like this shit we did together taught them as much as it taught me.

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You said very clearly that it's okay to still find slurs funny. Please explain why rather than claiming you are being misunderstood with no explanation. Also you assume that if people are offended this automatically means they are boring and too politically correct. Please explain.

p.s: it's pretty fair to tell you to grow up after you justify the use of the word faggot and try to define for others whether it is hurtful. understand that it is not your place to define for others how they should feel when as a non-minority you have absolutely no experience. That's like being non-musical and telling a guitarist that trying to learn a song isn't hard. It's ridiculous because you would have no idea. This is the same thing, you are an outsider looking in.

ok, let's see. You're giving me work eh, afura! So interested in Shepperd POV, eh!

You said very clearly that it's okay to still find slurs funny. Please explain why
Depending on the context, the manner it is used, and when it targets no subject in particular (by that I mean to 'Joe' or 'Ellen' or 'Obama'), it can be funny. Louis CK is an example. I find it funny. WHY??? Because it is dangerous, and has the taboo effect of 'ooohh you didnt use that word didn't you?'. Because it tickles that nerve. And like Louis CK, they are funny sounding words. At least they are personally.
Would I use these words in RL? No, because I understand the faux-pas. But it's like a secret from my teen years. We all have them.
And the way it was used in GW back then was mostly abstract. At least it was for me (which is why I was entertained by it, maybe why I'm misunderstood.)
Also you assume that if people are offended this automatically means they are boring and too politically correct. Please explain.
Inability to laugh at something that is polemic or hurting. Fear/Restriction of humour so that it's not offensive to anyone. We sometimes laugh at things that we even know that are wrong. We laugh when someone trips over and falls and gets hurt, and then we can find ourselves laughing uncontrollably and at the same time feel bad and think 'man, I shouldn't be laughing at this, but it's so funny!'. We laugh at pranks.
Michael Richards' (kramer) 'he's a nigger!!' fiasco is BAD. But the way Louis CK uses the word is funny. Context. Way it is used. etc.

p.s: it's pretty fair to tell you to grow up after you justify the use of the word faggot and try to define for others whether it is hurtful.
Aha, but I didn't do that. What I told others was not to shun GW's past humour as the worse bit of GW history.

Please quit pretending that you care about this or me or that you're actually trying to help anything when I have repeatedly told you I'm not interested.  I don't remember asking you "Hey Shepperd, as a queer woman where should I live?"  I don't want your advice on this, shut the frig up dude, stop pretending to be the helpful savior after what you've already put into this thread.

Also thanks for pretending like I can just move away from homophobia and sexism as if it's not gonna happen pretty much everywhere.  Gosh, why didn't I ever think of that?
lol, helpful savior. Sorry for being nice, it came pretension-free.
Why can't you just cheer up about the fact that I spent the whole thread insisting that it's funny to belittle you via slurs?
belittle me? Me in particular? Yeah that wouldn't be nice. But if the discussion was about slurs about my ethnic minority (greaseball/greaser), it could be funny depending on the intent!!
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yeah, that's why i made the comparison. carlin was all about pushing those limits, sometimes rather successfully, sometimes not so much(as shown in the video). sometimes it was pretty cheap stuff, but the guy had a really strong presentation i think, an unusually intricate sense of rhythm for a stand-up comic. i more or less value that more than the actual content, most of the time. in any event, this doesn't really bother me. comedy is a rough business. it's an abstraction of reality, and sometimes that takes humorists to pretty dark places. it shouldn't really be a surprise when these guys wander this far, particularly when you're talking about comedians whose thing is to challenge convention and the banality of existence. peter cook is a good example here. a lot of people(myself included) have stood by the belief that he was the most gifted humorist of the 20th century, probably as responsible for the way humor has developed culturally in the english language as anybody. but he loses a lot of people when it comes to the derek and clive tapes, as they were as filthy as you can realistically get, yet in them you see some of the most outstanding examples of improv humor ever recorded, even if the personas they were playing were genuinely gross and offensive. i'd post some of the stuff i really like here, but if shep is being laughed out of the topic for some legitimately innocuous louis ck video, i'm not going to bother with something else that is going to make everyone's bileducts swell.

anyway, on that note, i can say with some degree of confidence that i regret absolutely none of the targ comedystuffs i ever posted here. even the stuff that wasn't very good, or the FIERCE NIGGAR stuff that could easily have been regarded as casual racism(even though my intent was literally the opposite), or really anything else that could have been considered offensive to somebody. i'm sure if i looked back at it i'd regard some[most?] of it as pretty juvenile and not very funny, but i'm not really aware of any tangible bad that ever came from it. apart from the occasional YOU SHOULDNT DO THIS ITS AGAINST THE RULES, it was always pretty clear i was making a joke, and i never got any complaints of my being offensive. hell, if anything, i stand by the whole targ thing i helped perpetuate as something that was definitely good for the people involved, probably the only thing i can really say about anything i've ever done in my life. all the targ guys turned into neat people, and it was fun helping cultivate that abstract, creative side of them, even if it was kinda small and inconsequential in most ways. but there was always that lingering targ thing, that odd abstraction of reality from time to time that most people don't have, and i guess the narcissistic part of me feels like i helped put that there, like this shit we did together taught them as much as it taught me.

embracing the madness. loving the madness. eating the madness. rong paul 08.

man I love you hundley.
You're so eloquent, whereas I stumble in the process (something about the forum format makes me write exceptionally bad) of trying to explain myself.

I share that same spirit. That targ spirit. That part that you wrote speaks to me very truly, and I know it did to Diggity Dawg too. Who I miss. Fuck, where is he. (I understood that the intent of FIERCE NIGGAR was the opposite as well.)

in case you care, targ still is part of my life. I dont manifest it much, but it has been incepted into my DNA
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i understand the logic in comedians having freedom and pushing boundaries - and for some dark humor can even be a coping mechanism through some kind of trauma - but more often than not these jokes are always lazy and unfunny and said mostly for dumb shock value. like take that carlin bit for example. completely ignoring the subject matter, there was nothing about it that made me think 'ok this could be kinda funny i guess'. he seemed to think that there was something inherently funny in being silly about a serious issue and that was basically the extent of the whole bit. like there was nothing clever about it at all. any dumb hack could've made the same joke and often those are exactly the kinds of shitty jokes you hear from people who've watched too much family guy or tosh.0.
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posting for the cred but not for the rape jokes
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posting for the cred but not for the rape jokes
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man I love you hundley.
You're so eloquent, whereas I stumble in the process (something about the forum format makes me write exceptionally bad) of trying to explain myself.

I share that same spirit. That targ spirit. That part that you wrote speaks to me very truly, and I know it did to Diggity Dawg too. Who I miss. Fuck, where is he. (I understood that the intent of FIERCE NIGGAR was the opposite as well.)

in case you care, targ still is part of my life. I dont manifest it much, but it has been incepted into my DNA
Yeah, I had a feeling this is kinda what you were trying to say all along, but kinda got caught up in this stupid rapid-fire debate to say it.

It's been a bit of a bummer seeing the last couple pages of this topic. I can understand why people would not have the same fondness for that bullshit as we do, as you can take a pretty objective approach to how stupid it all was, but that rubbish was pretty important to us for our childish reasons. It was this thing we had, and it was neat being a part of it, particularly considering all the fun stuff that came from it. I guess it's really inevitable that this would happen when you have this kinda foolish, silly entity that some people see as a period of their personal growth but could pretty easily be just written off as bad humor. Oh well!!!

I'm glad to see I'm not the only targ lifer. :)
It's not the same as it was, but I still got that shit in my blood. Probably always will. RUINED FOR ALL ETERNITY.

i understand the logic in comedians having freedom and pushing boundaries - and for some dark humor can even be a coping mechanism through some kind of trauma - but more often than not these jokes are always lazy and unfunny and said mostly for dumb shock value. like take that carlin bit for example. completely ignoring the subject matter, there was nothing about it that made me think 'ok this could be kinda funny i guess'. he seemed to think that there was something inherently funny in being silly about a serious issue and that was basically the extent of the whole bit. like there was nothing clever about it at all. any dumb hack could've made the same joke and often those are exactly the kinds of shitty jokes you hear from people who've watched too much family guy or tosh.0.
pretty broad generalization, i think.

"i understand the logic in comedians having freedom and pushing boundaries ... but more often than not these jokes are always lazy and unfunny and said mostly for dumb shock value."

correct me if i'm wrong, but this is basically saying that satire breeds laziness? i mean, that's the internal logic for comedians to push boundaries, to challenge the norm and rationale of acceptable behavior and thought. some comedians do it poorly, sure, or do it for no reason other than to be noticeable, but i don't think their fuckups really override the reason why comedians do this to begin with. it's bad, sure, but "more often than not are always lazy and unfunny" suggests some intrinsic failings in this method of comedy, which i genuinely disagree with.

i don't think you're really trying to say this, or really mean this. i'm guessing you're just unusually irritated to see comedians fuck up serious topics, and i can respect that. i'm not really terribly bothered by it myself, and humorists really need to step extremely far over the line to bother me, but that's purely my own sentiment. i've tried(and failed) enough in comedy to know that sometimes you throw everything and the kitchen sink out there. sometimes stepping way over that line is the right thing to do, sometimes it isn't, and it can be hard to tell. i usually save my venom and intense scrutiny for comics who are expressing a genuine, quantifiable negative viewpoint, rather than one that is just obliviously reaching for a joke in the taboo, which is usually the case for a comedian not understanding a topic they're trying to satirize.
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buncha straight white guys tryin to explain how slurs can be funny sometimes, N I C E
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Yeah, I had a feeling this is kinda what you were trying to say all along, but kinda got caught up in this stupid rapid-fire debate to say it.
no he got too caught up in being a fucking horrible dumbass whose sole purpose of returning to this forum appears to have been to get everybody riled up with his bigoted pseudo-profundity under the guise of nostalgia. there was no debate. there was just an endless string of attempts to prolong this ad nauseam at the expense of everybody who genuinely cares about this type of thing.
and you know what? I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm just not. Sheppard is just not using this forum as a platform to facetiously push people into a confrontation with their real-life status as second-class human being. this is a decision on content I'm forced to make here. remember fuckcrypt? yeah, cool people like her are going to end up avoiding this place if I keep around people who just L O V E complaining about that pc bullshit and then go out of their way to convey to those who come to its defense that they're not listening and don't give a shit. Sheppard is just the latest in that group of people who are better off going to #tcot or #ReplacingFilmTitlesWithNigga, and he's not using "but remember the golden days of targ?????" to sway me into thinking otherwise.

i don't think you're really trying to say this, or really mean this. i'm guessing you're just unusually irritated to see comedians fuck up serious topics, and i can respect that. i'm not really terribly bothered by it myself, and humorists really need to step extremely far over the line to bother me, but that's purely my own sentiment. i've tried(and failed) enough in comedy to know that sometimes you throw everything and the kitchen sink out there. sometimes stepping way over that line is the right thing to do, sometimes it isn't, and it can be hard to tell. i usually save my venom and intense scrutiny for comics who are expressing a genuine, quantifiable negative viewpoint, rather than one that is just obliviously reaching for a joke in the taboo, which is usually the case for a comedian not understanding a topic they're trying to satirize.
tell me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that the only thing you're really analyzing is whether the humor works or not in such an event. but that's not really the concern here. I'm sure for most people it works exactly the way you describe it. if the point is to try and use these taboo subjects to really get through to people and hammer the point you're trying to make deep into their beings, it might very well work for some, but you're going to cause a split in your audience. and the split is probably going to be on the basis of demographics. and as unpredictable as the outcome will be when you start going there, it seems to me that this is a predictable effect. some will be taken in by it, and some will be taken out of the narrative and back into the real world where these things are real. the question is whether you're willing to have that happen.

I mean, when you're talking about pushing boundaries: exactly which are you pushing? there's nothing profound about a white guy climbing up on a stage and saying "taboo" things—except for the fact he's doing it while on a stage, but other than that it's 100% status quo. someone doing a comedy routine about "cunts and niggers" isn't winding the clock forward. and yeah, I can understand why you would be not terribly bothered by it personally, for the obvious reason that, to you, it isn't personal. but what your limits are aren't very important or relevant. I could ask myself how I personally feel about someone making a slur towards black people, but in such a case what matters is how Afura and other PoC would feel about it. I mean, they bother me too, but not in the same way as those who are targeted, and it's their feelings and considerations that matter. there's very little value in someone who isn't personally being slighted commenting on how relaxing or intriguing it is to have this discussion.

"stepping over the line" can be effectively done, I think, as long as it's the right line. if you want to joke about murdering David Cameron and pissing on his corpse, that's crossing a line too, but it's not one that actively alienates people on the basis of a personal realization that they are hated by a good part of the world for biological facts they have no control over. it's important to make this distinction, because the lines that are being defended right here do have that inherent demographic alienation, and it's very disappointing to see them being defended.