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i came out of the closet for moriason but what s the point he doesn't return my calls
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So, where did everyone end up in life? Are any GWers now fathers, husbands, or forever aloners? I think most of us are either in our mid or late 20s now. What kind of jobs have people landed? We need updates.
As for me, I'm managing a pharmacy now. I've been a pharmacist since 2010. Moved to New Brunswick for one year in 2011 and then moved back to Nova Scotia. No significant other. Always thought I'd be married by 28, but I'm 27 now and that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. I've almost accepted that I'm going to be alone the rest of my life. Certainly not against the idea of a wife and kids but if it never happens I guess I can live with that. I've always been a solitary kind of dude anyway who never really socialized much out in the real world. But I do have two great cats and finally managed to grow a decent beard; can't complain about that! Gotta look on the bright side of life.
Mateui!  Your life sounds kind of like mine.  I'm 28 now, just got out of the US Army after five years due to an illness (I'm not dying, but I'm not well).  I'm still single with no prospects for someone else.  I just moved back home and got my own apartment and a cat.  I'm also trying to grow a beard, but I keep forgetting to not shave.  
So right now I'm unemployed, but I'm going back to school for a master's degree starting in 2016.  Until then, I guess I need a job, but I've got enough saved up to keep myself afloat for a while.  I'm thinking of getting one of my novels published, which I know is nothing special because thinking about and doing something are two completely different things.  Most of the time I just play games and watch movies.
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I sold my collection of vintage pogs and now my life has no meaning.
now is the winter of our discontent
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Same, but with Transformers :(
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I recall there was a lady at a rival gw site, who was.... Well a lot of Internet drama happened and Internet drama is the best kind of drama. She had a kid, a teenager I think who used to post on the same sites she moderated. I recall thinking it was weird.
But anyway we're almost at that age where an old gwer could have had a kid, and the kid could develop a love of making games and stumble apon this forum. I dunno man, that freaks me out.

Then of course the kid finds his parent's old handle, looks up the post history and finds out what a complete retard his parent was when they were younger, loses all respect for them, is forever on his parents case "hey man, what happened to you? You dreamed of making videogames and look at you now, fucking look at you! You work an office job, working for the man, you disgust me."

Wish I kept up with it, wished I got medication for ADD sooner, wish I didn't hate sprinting so fucking much, Jesus fuck it's so annoying.

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fuck it all, dd is dead
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I'm 25 now, came to Japan last year but moving back to the US this year to desperately try to find a job.  That's all I really got goin for me.  I own a Sega Saturn now I guess.
I love this hobby - stealing your mother's diary
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this is the topic of crushed dreams
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i'm a dead man typing - sell your indie games
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this is the topic of crushed dreams
Let us sew our taints together
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So, where did everyone end up in life? Are any GWers now fathers, husbands, or forever aloners? I think most of us are either in our mid or late 20s now. What kind of jobs have people landed? We need updates.
As for me, I'm managing a pharmacy now. I've been a pharmacist since 2010. Moved to New Brunswick for one year in 2011 and then moved back to Nova Scotia. No significant other. Always thought I'd be married by 28, but I'm 27 now and that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. I've almost accepted that I'm going to be alone the rest of my life. Certainly not against the idea of a wife and kids but if it never happens I guess I can live with that. I've always been a solitary kind of dude anyway who never really socialized much out in the real world. But I do have two great cats and finally managed to grow a decent beard; can't complain about that! Gotta look on the bright side of life.
29 years old now, 30 in September. Have a wife. Have an almost 2 year old son. Working as a quality manager / consultant in a not-for-profit organization. Play a lot of board games. Dream about making a game in Game Maker, but looks like it won't happen. Life in general is nice. Sometimes I do miss the silliness of GW though. Life was, while not better, certainly easier then.
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I have some more years until my 30s. Besides that, I'm finishing up my M.S. and about to set off to work. I'll be moving up to New York City, which will require some big adaptation in my lifestyle.
Other than that, nothing drastically new in my life. Those two things pretty much are the new steps in my life.
Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 10:50:27 pm by Fire Mage
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(Yeah, great name, but I was like 14)
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I recall there was a lady at a rival gw site, who was.... Well a lot of Internet drama happened and Internet drama is the best kind of drama. She had a kid, a teenager I think who used to post on the same sites she moderated. I recall thinking it was weird. But anyway we're almost at that age where an old gwer could have had a kid, and the kid could develop a love of making games and stumble apon this forum. I dunno man, that freaks me out. Then of course the kid finds his parent's old handle, looks up the post history and finds out what a complete retard his parent was when they were younger, loses all respect for them, is forever on his parents case "hey man, what happened to you? You dreamed of making videogames and look at you now, fucking look at you! You work an office job, working for the man, you disgust me." Wish I kept up with it, wished I got medication for ADD sooner, wish I didn't hate sprinting so fucking much, Jesus fuck it's so annoying.
You're thinking of wishmoo and gaming ground zero
Just finished getting my MPH degree (Masters of Public Health), and am currently looking for work in Chicago in the upcoming months. Anyone know of any jobs
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anyone know of any jobs
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i do software dev but its boring shit compared to rpg maker games
fuck it all, dd is dead
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anyone know of any jobs
jk now there are a ton more jobs than there were. in the future I hope I can get a job in a cool city that close to where I grew up.
oh yeah. I'm earl, I'm an architect now, I moved from PA to south florida for a job, it's a cool change I guess
Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 01:01:05 pm by E-Z Chips
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Dream about making a game in Game Maker, but looks like it won't happen.
I did this thing twice. I consider them both successes but neither were received. Marketing remains my biggest folly. I am working on a third but neither drunkenness nor soberness inspires much in the way of motivation for me, outside a base motivation I have managed to cultivate for stringing videos together.
I tried the "living in my car" thing for 6 weeks before a broken laptop forced me to move back to the "dead end job" thing again but with a considerable amount put into living in a motel this time 'round. I am currently torn between scratching up enough savings to be able to bring my cat into the suite with me or scratching up a considerable amount more to be able to move back to an apartment where savings will be more plentiful and I will be closer to friends and relatives. On top of that I am growing increasingly weary of the routine of jobedness and so exert more of my willpower each day just for stability.
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But no, seriously guys what happened to bart
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I'm pretty sure he's just like...livin a proper adult life now.  I think he's a programmer by trade these days, not talked to him in a while but I follow him on twitter so I kinda passively see him that way from time to time.  Don't know when the last time he came here was but he's definitely still alive and kickin.
I love this hobby - stealing your mother's diary
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So, where did everyone end up in life? Are any GWers now fathers, husbands, or forever aloners? I think most of us are either in our mid or late 20s now. What kind of jobs have people landed? We need updates.
As for me, I'm managing a pharmacy now. I've been a pharmacist since 2010. Moved to New Brunswick for one year in 2011 and then moved back to Nova Scotia. No significant other. Always thought I'd be married by 28, but I'm 27 now and that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. I've almost accepted that I'm going to be alone the rest of my life. Certainly not against the idea of a wife and kids but if it never happens I guess I can live with that. I've always been a solitary kind of dude anyway who never really socialized much out in the real world. But I do have two great cats and finally managed to grow a decent beard; can't complain about that! Gotta look on the bright side of life.
im currently nowhere
my mother started drinking a few years ago and ive failed my first year of university three times trying to juggle taking care of her kids, taking her drunken abuse and doing a degree. a few months ago she got clean and now im just a 22 year old NEET whos £9000 in debt. im so fucking done with life i feel like im just sitting here waiting for a relapse. i'd kill myself but i can't inflict that pain on my siblings so i just sit here playing videogames and being a worthless human being.
sorry to darken the thread or something
Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 01:09:35 am by bible_basher
[19:42] <crooksy> i kissed a 13 year old