Wow … I'm amazed I could remember my password. So much has happened since I last thought about this place.
Life hasn't been too kind; going through some weird kind of PTSD thing from crazy ex (more crazy than most, I guess). Apparently mental health issues mean I can't work or claim unemployment benefits, but I also can't claim disability because I would be capable of working on a good day. The official advice from the departments in question is to lie on the forms for the other one.
Hi again, all these people whose names I recognise from so many years ago. My name's Angel, I'm 34, and now I'm an author. Got a couple of self published books out, and that's enough for me to get self-employment support from the government; but I really, really wish I could get more people to actually read them. I'm also a part-time spambot, because plugging links on forums (
novel /
short stories /
mind control erotica) is the only kind of advertising I can afford.
Umm… yeah, that's my life. Still have crazy ideas for game making, but have pretty much accepted that I don't have the time to teach myself to art. Maybe I'll make something at some point soon.
Congrats to everyone who's got through the last decade without having any bits cut off and has found a place in the Real World ^_^