This may not help you but here I go.You can make an new PC for around 300$ to 400$ and play the games of the now with good high end GFX well not the best but can probably games of the now at full and you can save if you use your harddrive.
Note: Also note APU is a GFX and CPU all in one
Case: $49.99
MotherBoard: $64.99
Best APU: 4 Core APU $104.99
PSU Comes with case
GFX card: Part of the CPU/APU but I will say it's on par with a mid 6000 HD series.
Ram If you have DDR3 use yours if not take your pick here i can find cheapest just to get it to run ay $9.99 but for this example I'll use a $51.99 Gskill RAM Link to take your pick: take your pick of any SATA HDD recommended you pick 7200RPMs Drive the higher RPM ones holdless and I call them suicide harddrives due to there fail rates or use the one you have provided if it's SATA in fact here is a link too all SATA 3.0 HDD with 7200RPM But I'm picking the one I like and that one cost 79.99 1.5 TB Seagate
All that comes too $351.95 without tax.
Note: I also used power supply Calculator to make sure it was good I used 3 2700RPM and about 4 8gb ram in the calculator and got 315W so I used 400W PSU but you can use yours if you think it will work and hell may be better.
Another note APU will be like a mid tir 6000 AMD Card
Now for the question at hand
Best will only be the best till 6 months and to be honest it's not worth getting the best GFX card AMD 6000 cards are good, cheep and will play anything of the now and prospectively 5 to 6 years from now too and I'm not to keen on nividia cards but I would say there better at making games or videos (things that would require rendering) and I'm sure there 1000$ card could beat AMD cards any day when it comes to the best.
If all you want to do is play newer games at good Frame rates go with any card made last year so it will be cheaper (I know nividia had some GFX card issues on them in the past like over heating and ect. so that's why not too keen on them since I stopped looking at them since they cost an arm and a leg and that issue turned me off a long time ago.) But now a days there looking good once more and Some times I wish I had one since I do video rendering.
So I hope I was able to help at all but you seem set on what you want to be fair use your brain on this it's not that hard to compare and contrast what is better.