thank you denzquix and evangel!
the demo has slowed a bit, but that's due to school work getting in the way.... i've been musically inspired lately and just been making shit:
more music for the hypothetical boneprides rpg:*Red Ivy Trippin'*tanooki-tanooki-tun
some "real" music:
Girl Album Love Face- Hate Face so the first album is something I did because i was madly in love with some chick and it was how i expressed how i felt about her until she broke up with me, and it's been laying around for a long long time on my bandcamp unpublished so whatever... the second one is all the songs i made about getting over it. don't judge me i just have so much music i never share with anyone and i need to share it!! don't buyt them *i want to make an album of music like this... but with more YMO-like stuff... oh yeah this is probably my first song with me singing in it *blushes**another girl song -_-
annd in honor of barkley2:*Spirit