ugh, i've got bad news. :<
apparently, doktormartini was in a car accident, and he passed away today. here's an article about what happened: (you can see from the picture that it was a pretty horrible crash... :c )
dok has been involved in the GW/SW community for many many years, and i'm saddened to see that he's gone... he's always been a unique fixture on these forums, eager to talk about his interesting eating habits, his frequent work at a Jewish summer camp, his experiences with learning Chinese, etc... he was a very caring and entertaining guy. i've had many interesting debates with him, and he definitely influenced me growing up (as did all the regulars in this community). i'm glad for his involvement in my life, and it's so surreal and sad to learn that he's no longer going to be around. :(
dok wasn't friends with many GW/SW people on facebook, aside from me, and i only found out about his death through seeing people posting sympathetic messages on his timeline-- so, i thought i should let you all know about this unfortunate event, since doktormartini was a long-standing and valued member of our community.
RIP Marty Baureis :(
edit by dada, link to a second article: