Like if we wanted to do a Hideo Kojima right now I would pick World War II because we're the fucking Medal of Honor generation and WWII is just this neverending thing in our subconscious that is slowing driving us insane. But yeah like develop off of that CYBORG HITLER HEAD imagery from Bionic Commando and make that the most normal element of the game.
i think i liked MGS 1 2 3 because they sort of felt like videogame equivalent of watching weird oneiric genre movies at 2am where instead of following the narrative you just kind of get caught up in moment-to-moment scenes of people yelling at each other or sudden dramatic closeups or a car chase(?) where both participents just seem to be driving in circles through an empty parking lot and crashing through the same cardboard boxes each time.
like all of those goofy once-off game mechanics that don't do much other than replicate some kind of imagery stolen from movies / press X to smoke and have snake stare ruefully at it while intense music plays and there's a really slow cut of the butt falling slowly to the floor.
probably said all this before...!
i'm 99% sure that this is being too fair on these things since i can only remember the funny stuff and not the 90 hours of conversation about some bullshit but i feel the same way about those films.
also all the stuff about Hideo Kojima Famous Auteur Of Vidcons is pretty gross i think, we have etc, there is less need to get so uptight about clawing back anything of value from dessicated industry pit that you'll humour 100 fucking hours of custom knife physics and misogyny just to hear some radio broadcasts sort of opaquely talk about postmodernism or opening 1000 lockers ingame so yoy can find the one which has a dirty magazine inside (otacon will call your radio if you read this magazine!! ensuing cutscene is totally draining and intermineable and only worth reading about when you're not exposed to the game itself).
maybe it's less to do with the games themselves and more how they're seen but i think i'd have more tolerence for kojima / suda51 / deadly premonition stuff if they didn't have to be humourlessly pedestalled just to maintain illusion of an interesting or vital culture going on, rather than just being taken as goofy or intermittently interesting games. what if cinema only had one director and it was russ meyer and he got seven billion dollars to keep remaking the same movie about women hitting each other and rolling around except it has an extra 3hours of dramatic awfully-written conversation each time because everyone's afraid of spooking the one guy who has some semblance of a personality. it sounds cool, but it probably wouldn't be cool.