I added some basic analytics and graphs to the site!
Blog PostI noticed you built it using underscore.js. How do you like it? Have you used any other frameworks?
I like underscore, I don't really use it that extensively. The useful things for me are the templating system (it's bizarre that it has one but I use it), and a few of the functions like debounce, throttle, and defer. I could save some kb by not using it probably but oh well. I wouldn't really consider it a framework, it's just a bunch of misc utility functions.
I think the most important part of my frontend setup is CoffeeScript. I see CoffeeScript as a replacement for a lot of libraries because of it's syntax. You get a class system, a sane way to loop over things, comprehensions, syntax for binding functions. It's great. So I would recommend that over anything anything else. jQuery is also very powerful.
I don't use any frontend frameworks like backbone, or angular or the like. I have a pretty basic setup where a CoffeeScript class encapsulates the logic for a dom node that should have special functionality. It's straightforward, low overhead, and works well.