Games Let's play! (Read 1079 times) lets play rpg maker MISTER BIG T drbigt games

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I don't know, it distracts me I guess
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I don't know, it distracts me I guess
Again, it gives a lot more than it takes away, plus you can see me do things like make a facepalm and roll my eyes, other things than just talking. By the way, speaking of Pewdiepie!
Let's play Pewdiepie Amnesia Adventures - Part 02: SPIDERS!! 

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.
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Hey guys, want to hear me make the world's worst gay impression?

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.
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this is probably gunna sound weird but i'm trying to grab whats left of (what i remember of) rpg maker before the current internet gets steamrollered, long story short can you re-up dooms 1 and 4 somewhere? google and wayback machine have failed me =( and give me beer is gone >_>
also you should do a lets play of this -->
I figure otherworldly / dimensionally creatures is right up your alley =D
peace dude
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this is probably gunna sound weird but i'm trying to grab whats left of (what i remember of) rpg maker before the current internet gets steamrollered, long story short can you re-up dooms 1 and 4 somewhere? google and wayback machine have failed me =( and give me beer is gone >_>
Probably not 4th but I could probably upload 1st to RPGmaker net. I'll see if it gets accepted and I can upload it then. For Dooms 4, no such luck. I tried submitting it but the content was deemed too strong for it.
also you should do a lets play of this -->
I figure otherworldly / dimensionally creatures is right up your alley =D

peace dude.
I'll take a look, thank you from the suggestion!
Let's play How to be funny - Part 05: Family Guy humor 

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.
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Hey I just wanted to drop in to leave a small update, the reason I've been slow in giving more videos is two things really, both as equally major in contributing to it.
1) I'm moving to a new apartment after living in ghetto for almost seven years and was extremely busy packing and getting things in neat enough order since X-mas time is way too busy for something like that.
2) My headphone mic began to act up and then the whole headset broke up. I was able to get a replacement after selling some stuff and it's actually far better than the old one, I'm still getting the hang of it but it's pretty fucking rad.

Anyway, I'll post new video next week, hopefully you'll enjoy the new improved mic quality then!

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.
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Let's play How to be funny - Part 06: I don't even know anymore 

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.
  • Avatar of MISTER BIG T
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This could be considered "Season 2" of my let's plays because various tweaks.
Let's play Zendir 2 - Part 01: What is this even

And that's when I decided to become a barber.

"*sniff* your work, just inspires me to become a better lover." - Brent Murray.