Do you have Gurumin?
Nope! It doesn't particularly interest me. I've heard lots about it, but I get these vibes from screens, videos, and reviews that I wouldn't like it very much.
The thing is that nearly every 3D PSP game that I have played has awful camera controls. Gamers are demanding a second analog stick for this very reason! Personally, I think that if game designers stopped being fucking idiots and configured their cameras *around* the limitations of the PSP, things would be much better. Instead, we have this
tap R shoulder button to center camera behind player standard which is pretty ridiculous! There are a lot of awesome, never-seen-in-America ports that are also available on PSP, but they're unilaterally crippled by unbearable loading times that make hacking your PSP, and dumping your legit games to memory stick, a necessity. This is also a major factor for me wanting to do custom firmware. Why doesn't Sony add this feature to their official firmware, and just add a disc-check for every 15 minutes of gameplay or something?
Anyway, there's a lot of great stuff on the horizon, but for the time being, I don't see myself buying a lot of new PSP games. I really, really love the PSP. It's a masterpiece of engineering! I love holding it. It doesn't hurt my hands, and the screen is actually a reasonable size (the DS screens are too small for my tastes, and I can't imagine playing games on the tiny GB Micro screen). It has an analog stick! I can change the brightness level without resetting my game! The 3D graphics actually look pretty good! But there's just not a steady flow of games to keep me interested. I'd say the same thing about just about every other platform other than the PS2 and Xbox360, but that's a different thread. Hopefully, titles like Final Fantasy Something Something, D&D Tactics, Jeane D'Arc, and others will get me playing it again.