i know thecatamites fights dirty so i want to pre-empt his inevitable swiftboating attack-ads:-
the rumours are true... 4-Lung Boy was submitted a day and a half over-deadline... please take this into consideration when the time comes & you are in that voting booth... and also... the other rumours, that 4LB really isn't all that halloweeny-themed... there might be something to those as well... but we never meant to lie to you, the great salt-public.... now go out there and vote with your hearts
thank you & god bless
I'm denzquix and I approve this message
Wow, thanks for COMING CLEAN... Pity there's a FEW MORE THINGS that the PUBLIC might LIKE to KNOW...
- Four Lung Boy actually poorly-concealed remake of Namco's 1983 hit Poki Poki Damage
- All profits from Furling Buoy go towards funding israeli occupation
- AGS sourcecode LACED with cusses
- Furlong Bay neither technically a videogame, racehorse nor bay
Please don't
be D*PED... Make the INFORMED CHOICE... F*** L*** B** is a BETTER GAME than Mystery Chanel but please STICK to the ISSUES THAT MATTER... Thank