Topic: metadata - fall dst (ep) (Read 277 times)

  • Avatar of malaperi
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didnt set out to make an album but
the idea was there. i named it fall dst.

you can download here:
for more information.
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you need to unbed the music from the photo. for osx users, i know ' unzip file.jpg ' on the command line of terminal works.

similarly, i hear winrar works as well.

its interesting being back here and seeing familiar names. for those whom remember me as prefix,
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prefix?????????? shiiiiiiitt, dude. 
have you heard of britney's new single?? >:^B 
this is RPG_Boy/Ramci though i don't think we talked much. And yeah i little more enthuastic to click that mysterious link, you sure made it strange (dropspace + mysterious How to Hack/how to Make 1000$ in an hour - guidelines)
Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 09:09:51 am by bonzi_buddy
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its been quite awhile- but no havent heard any britney in awhile. it was mostly my troll tendacies. i remember you though- good to see you here.

anyway, yeah the album is safe though. sounds a bit cryptic but it was intended, part of the idea or concept was for it to be embedded behind an image. i think it fits well.

here is the self titled track on soundcloud,
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its been quite awhile- but no havent heard any britney in awhile. it was mostly my troll tendacies. i remember you though- good to see you here.

anyway, yeah the album is safe though. sounds a bit cryptic but it was intended, part of the idea or concept was for it to be embedded behind an image. i think it fits well.

here is the self titled track on soundcloud,
Yeah, i was just trollin'/just refreshin' those gringe-worthy memories etc. I'm suprised you recognize me! I have no memories of myself really (i was probably insufferable?? i was young...)
Also haha yeah, for sure. It really gave it a more mysterious flair... hmm!! This track... Idk about the rest of the album since I haven't heard it but I do like the concept, like 80's minimalism on piano but even more use of sampling as a rhytmical tool. Phillip Glass looks proud of prefix... did you play that piano yourself or did you just sample some random song?
Also listening to guitar playing since you uploaded this stuff on the same day... do you also just record of yourself improvising? Playing the feel of the day... I do that a lot so I figured... kindred spirit... you got some good hang of mute pickin + those british folk noodles/grace notes/tapping notes...
idk Well, i ofc didn't know much about you in gw times but it sounds like you're pr musical and that music plays a role in ya life. Where else would Elliott and Nick start from than daily playing... What instruments do you play/prefer mostly anyways?
barf... sorry for meandering, wandering comments...
Last Edit: October 21, 2013, 07:23:03 am by bonzi_buddy
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i was young back then too-

yeah, i just record everyday- solo whatever im feeling or jam session or whatever. its a lot easier for me to remember something i think sounds good and expand on it later. thanks for the positive comments though about it. i get self conscious about it.

i prefer guitar but i like to play piano whenever i get a chance. i dont mind picking up whatever though and trying to get a sound of it.

most of the songs on fall dst are guitar recorded by the microphone on my computer or cellphone- chopped, skewed and sampled.

tracks 5, 8 and 10 are sampled from vinyl, but are less than seconds sampled at any given time.
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you can also listen on soundcloud:

sounds taken off. refer to blog for link to album.
Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 06:24:26 am by malaperi