I was playing Streets of Rage II with my nephew and let me see it's annoying as hell that some games back then had the mode where you could hit each other while others didn't, and of course in SoRII you can't shut it off. Also the original Double Dragon is two-player ALTERNATING. wtf
it's a weird game imo actually, the enemy names are bizarre sometimes and also each level seems to feature all the bosses from the previous stage. Like even by level 3 it's like that, and the game just keeps shoving more and more previous bosses at you as the game goes on to the point it causes lag. I made it to level 7 and where I died was some elevator that literally THROWS enemies/old bosses at you which I assume would've gone on indefinitely as the exponential frequency of boss enemies reaches infinity
also the amount of variety/assets/length of each stage seems to be completely random. stage 2 consists of a bridge and the interior of truck, but stage 3 has outside amusement park, arcade area, interior/exterior of pirate ship, more outside, then an alien area probably inspired by the Alien movies. Stage 5 is just some drab ship interiors and exterior and the re-use of assets gets really bad by this point. Also Stage 6 doesn't even have an original boss, it's just two bosses from previous levels at the same time. Also the first level has signs saying CLAP CLAP and DUNK