Hotdog Hey guys! (Read 407 times)

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I've been fiddling around with Construct 2 the last couple of weeks and decided to see how the community has grown and changed over the years.  I can't believe this place is still here!
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No way dude, long time no see! How's life working out? RPG Engine was the big exciting draw that got me into the community in the first place!
Are you still a NAVY?!
Yes, also, it is still here, a form of it anyway! "Grown" probably isn't the right word, but there are still some cool dudes around here and there!!!
Hey hey hey
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Out of the Navy now...  I should add that my dreams of doing something with RPGMaker XP got sidelined when I was sent to Afghanistan for six months.
Got my Bachelor's degree (in Chemistry) earlier this year, in grad school now at the University of Pennsylvania but to be honest it's not really working out for me so I'm looking for a decent job here in Philadelphia, there's a few things that may work out (Forensic Chemist, Police Officer Recruit, Naval Supply Systems Analyst being the main ones) but the job market's in the toilet and has been for years so I'm not holding my breath.
Glad to hear people are still around!  :D
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Welcome back I remember your name but forgot any of your accolades. Also Merry Christmas.
DDay is Dead  I am a dead man typing
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whoa yet another philly guy, that's like half of us. penn campus rox. are there really so few jobs even for a military vet with a chemistry degree? geez, no one's getting hired. 
Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 01:33:59 am by Tiny's First Pepsi
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Didn't you make a game with insane maps that took forever to load?
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Wow, Rast! The man behind RPG Engine. I'm not sure if you remember me, DarkPriest. I used to pester you about including support for mod music into RPG Engine  because that's what I was into at that time. It is seriously weird and amazing at the same time to "remeet" someone I had first contact with when I was like what, 13 years old?
Anyway... nice.
Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 09:24:16 pm by DeePee
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Wow, Rast! The man behind RPG Engine. I'm not sure if you remember me, DarkPriest. I used to pester you about including support for mod music into RPG Engine  because that's what I was into at that time. It is seriously weird and amazing at the same time to "remeet" someone I had first contact with when I was like what, 13 years old?
Anyway... nice.
I hear ya there.  I turned 35 a couple months ago.. my knees hurt and the doctor says I have high blood pressure and I'm like "fuck, when did I get old?"
I don't play so many RPGs anymore, unless you count World of Warcraft which I wasted far too many years on.  I've got some good ideas going with Construct 2 though.
whoa yet another philly guy, that's like half of us. penn campus rox. are there really so few jobs even for a military vet with a chemistry degree? geez, no one's getting hired. 
I'm sitting on an eligible list for two chemist positions with the City of Philadelphia but it'll be anywhere from another 4-20 months before I get called, if ever.  It's really hard to do anything with a plain BS in Chemistry, might as well get a Master's while I'm stuck in school.  At least I'm not paying for it.
Didn't you make a game with insane maps that took forever to load?
Yep, it's all reposted and stuff.  Nice and fast now, even on my 4-year-old laptop.  It's amazing what Moore's Law will do for you!
Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 05:33:40 am by Rast
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I remember the name. Hi!
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