the server went apeshit and esploded into a clusterfuck of spiffy sammiches. saltw went batshit insane and did an epic fail. the server shit bricks and broke into a fuckton of epic mickeys, but it's back now!
you spent the whole holiday thinking of this didn't you. well, i'll be the first to tell you that it's really go- *FAAARRTT, bonzi freezes on spot, all is frozen but the slowly moving dust particles illuminated by the light of projector, his necktie slightly waving in air... a BOMBARTMENT or fanfare, nay an ASSAULT of fartings comes out of his pants, he shakes on spot in horror as if he is being electrified, his face turning bright red, his slimy slickback shaking into Einstein's, HUU-haha FART uuh eerm HAHAFARTTTT oops, how did this FART aha *gulp* WELL- Faararrrrtfarrrt, his powerpoint slide changing into a nude picture of a lady, WAHHH HOW DID THIS SLIP INTO- FARRTFATRFARARFAIIEEEE!!! AIEEEEEETATFARRTTT