Event Winter 2013 Round-Em-Up & Voting Station (Read 1381 times) Game Jam swjam

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it's time to get ready to vote on who gets the Cursed Golden S.K.U.L.L. ! ! !





haha, took us long enough, right?
So!  to the best of my knowledge, the following are your choices:
http://brwiz.itch.io/soth]Sons of the Holster[/url] by Bwiz
http://casualcatharsis.itch.io/protocol-assault]Protocol Assault[/url] by casualcatharsis (??? can't find forums name equivalent)
http://denzquix.itch.io/whiskey-weather]Whiskey Weather[/url] by Denzquix and SwordofKings128
http://magicdweedoo.itch.io/dale]Dale: Lost in the City[/url] by Dweedes/Magic Dweedo
http://grom.itch.io/up-and-down]Up and Down[/url] by Grom
if any of you dark horses wanna step in, or if I missed anyone, let me know right away and I'll add you to the OP!  for right now, this is a time to play the offerings, and get a sense of who you might want to vote for.  that'll also take place in this thread, haha, so get yer ballots ready!


Pick as many as 3 of your favorites at that time!

Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 05:20:38 am by Neuropath
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Try and add your game to the itch.io jam page if you can, please! There was previously a bug, but it works now. http://itch.io/jam/saltw-winter-2013-jam
Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 10:49:15 pm by Tiny's First Pepsi
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OOC but i saw the topic briefly and i read it was Round-em-up & VOMITING station and the visions I saw Were True... True and Bold... 
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please read topic titles more carefully in future....
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Are we encouraged to post our mini-reviews in this thread or do we have to wait until Feb?
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Go nuts!
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Try and add your game to the itch.io jam page if you can, please! There was previously a bug, but it works now. http://itch.io/jam/saltw-winter-2013-jam
I can attest to this working. Added my game to the jam page just yesterday.
EDIT: http://casualcatharsis.itch.io/protocol-assault 
My bad. Totally neglected to think about my itch account not matching this one at all.
Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 07:11:14 pm by EvilDemonCreature
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Alll right people!  It's Feb 1 somewhere in the world, so as far as I care, it's TIME FOR VOTING!
I'll give y'all a week to select up to 3 choices that you think best deserve the prize.  I will abstain from commenting until it looks like it's time for the final decision.  I'll be the tie-breaker, if by next Saturday, it looks like things are pretty even-keeled.
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Perdition  - Counting crows
This was pretty cool, my favourite bit was walking on the overpass but I couldn't figure out what to do after that bit.
The 3D world was fun to be in.
Sons of Anarchy - Bwiz
i didn't play it with 2 people but I tried to play as both players at once with a keyboard.
the game looks well polished and i can see it being really fun for 2 players
Protocal Assault - casual catharsis
I like the music
monster babe gempire - porp
This is one of the best twine games i've played and I really liked it.
it's pretty complicated and in depth, and pretty funny and fun
Whiskey weather - denzquiz and swordofkings98
this is so cool, the graphics look wicked and the song is really good and it all mixes together very well
would be good to see it finished !
dale lost in the city - magicdweedoo
wow what is this piece of junk. this is pure garbage who does this idiot think he is??
up and down - Grom
this was pretty funs, good game, i got up to the yellow and green platforms but died twice because i suck
Kill dad - nurseost andy
this song is freaking me out !! i managed to hit the dad with a knife once... this is cool.
"bye dad!" lol
- Kill DAD
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Kill Dad - nurseOstsAudy
"have a good day cupca-"
this was a neat little game. i liked the blurbs of dialogue and it looks nice.
Protocal Assault - casualcatharsis
agree with dweedes. if you add a little bit more polish and gameplay you'd have a pretty solid tech demo.
Monster Babe Gempire - Porpentine
i like this a lot! would definitely like to see this finished.
Whiskey Weather - Denzquix and SwordofKings128
i really like this. the graphics were cool and went really well together, as did the music. glad you guys are still working on it.
Dale: Lost in the City - Magic Dweedo
i actually really like bomberman so this was pretty neat. i couldn't figure how to get to the top left portion of the map, though. i guess dale will be lost forever...........
up and down - Grom
this reminded me of old klik n play games which is always a good thing.
Sons of the Holsters - bwiz
TOP 3:
1. Monster Babe Gempire
2. Dale: Lost in the City
3. Whiskey Weather
Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 03:53:35 am by bwiz
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to sweeten the pot, if you're one of the game makers and you vote and include a li'l review of the other games like these guys have, I'll consider it +1 votes for you.  otherwise, the great irony is that if you vote, you are making it less likely for you to win, ahaha.  (unless you vote for yourself, and who would do that)
Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 02:52:49 am by Neuropath
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If anyone wants it, here's the full soundtrack I did for Protocol Assault. It has 3 tracks not used in the demo and might give some more insight to what evildemoncreature/casualcatharsis had planned. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkzcsh91u9izv4r/Game%20Music.rar
I haven't gotten through all the games yet but I'll get my reviews up by the end of the week, but so far I'm pretty impressed.
Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 08:03:02 am by Puppet Master
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Not even critique, just post-alcoholic ramblings.
I don't think I can test this to its full potential as I have no shooting buddy but I like the artwork and music. I am guessing you kinda have to walk away from each other and shout DRAW! to make it a competition.
Protocol Assault by casualcatharsis (??? can't find forums name equivalent)
I enjoyed the music for this. It reminds me of the starting area in Anachronox <3
Monster Babe Gempire by Porpentine
I think this is my second favourite submission. It is reminiscent of a Cybiko game I used to play (Game of Hawaii) where the subject was fishing around the islands of Hawaii. It had a similar narrative and crazy random events also. I think the best part of this was where my empire starved to the extent that I ended up with a population of -1, which when you consider it, it means that my final commander must have self-consumed.
Whiskey Weather by Denzquix and SwordofKings128
I think I passed comment on this earlier but holy balls you two are a match made in heaven. I hope that this is a continuing thing and that you go on to make another great export of SW/GW. To me it doesn't really matter that it didn't end up a complete "experience" for the jam, it is art in its own right. Let us know how you're doing.
Dale: Lost in the City by Dweedes/Magic Dweedo
This was my fave submission by a long shot. It sort've reminded me of a game of similar mechanics called Power Pete, which I used to play on Mac CD-ROM as a kid. I loved the sarcastic dialogue from the NPCs and the way the game started off as a traditional game/bomberman setting before breaking out into a world map. I got very Pokemon-y vibes from the tiles you've made and I thought that even though some might consider the task of blasting the way through a map that size a little repetitive - I found it to be therapeutic. It would be cool if you made some sort of RPG using the same art style and mechanics in future because I would buy it. I liked the colour schemes relating to the bomb-skill level and the statues.
Up and Down by Grom
I could only get so far in this game. It is one of the more complete games (in terms of gameplay) from this jam. I was put off by two things: the music restarting each time I died and the input delay that denied me a quick double-flip but I guess this adds to the retro charm of the game anyway. A retro "game" isn't a game unless the input controls are half the challenge, right?
Kill Dad by nurseOstsAudy
I spent a long time trying to kill dad and I failed. I did make some progress by jumping at the right time once or twice. I often wondered if the purpose was to slam dunk myself through the b-ball hoop but alas, I failed. Loved the sound clips, would love to know whether you harvested them from the internet or did the voices haha. I was left wondering what the whole thing symbolised.
So in summary:
1. Dale
2. Gempire.html
3. Whiskey Weather
Regarding jam-politics:
I think it is pretty unfortunate that SW went down when it did, for as long as it did. I would like to thank Neuro and Earl for the effort they put in in organising this jam and to also thank the people who actually submitted something. We should definitely be tweeting links to the OP on this page to get people playing the submissions and perhaps next time we will get a few more creative new members out of it. Perhaps the itch.io main page could feature a minuscule banner of sorts to funnel people into the next jam, featuring the current competition phase in the link e.g. "SW Jam: Sign up phase", "SW Jam: Review and voting phase". We could try again at Easter?
Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 02:10:01 pm by Carrion Crow
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Whiskey Weather by Denzquix and SwordofKings128
I think I passed comment on this earlier but holy balls you two are a match made in heaven. I hope that this is a continuing thing and that you go on to make another great export of SW/GW. To me it doesn't really matter that it didn't end up a complete "experience" for the jam, it is art in its own right. Let us know how you're doing.

it's getting weird
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thanks for the comments ed. the downtime really rained on our parade
cool 3d environments, adventurous use of theme...this game has it all!! I think I glitched myself out of an ending though, made it to the end of the highway and jumped off
Protocol Assualt
good music, looking a lil like iji which is probably good!
Up and Down
achieved that unattainable industry niche, combining the magnetic aesthetics of both cute and scary (kawaii and kowai)... I gotta praise your faithful use of the tri-theme as well
Sons of the Holster
its cool its cool..nowhere to improve/nowhere to go but up?? though I did encounter some bugs: music stops playing, health # disappears after first death for me
a pixelpunk bomberman with good use of theme...a strong contender
my fav part is the end where you [SPOILERS] recklessly can blast thru everythin, also that you can change the colors which are cool to start but I felt could use extra magenta
Monster Babe Gempire
sweet game, I like the aesthetic. my commanders are cool. I can never survive winter though, I wish I could make my cool commanders eat citizens even when food stores are up.
kill dad
this is the sort of game I was hoping to get out of this theme. cool concept and design! but I can't figure out how to kill my fucking dad. love the voices
whiskey weather
great start! I like the music and art and cool animals, looks promising as heck
Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 04:11:02 am by Tiny&#39;s First Pepsi
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cool 3d environments, adventurous use of theme...this game has it all!! I think I glitched myself out of an ending though, made it to the end of the highway and jumped off
Ha, yes I should have made a solid trigger that fades you out at that point. You are not supposed to make it.
If you're using OSX you should now be able to play my game! Same url ~ http://carrioncrow.itch.io/perdition
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Oy I was absent for too long!  Please don't close the polls before I get to vote!
No later than sunday I promise!!!
edit: for love
Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 11:49:49 pm by nurseOstsAudy
SW Jam 2013 Entry - Pumpkin Moonshine - http://nurseostsaudy.itch.io/pumpkin-moonshine




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yeah okay
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HAHHAH guess you didn't expect this rubber mug to show up!! too bad it's nothing too investive or inventive, just me ole me rambling until bo- stardom. let's get this ugly show down the road, shall we? no? okay. sigh.
protocol assault
shiieeet, protocol assault got somethin' POWERFUL going on despite uninfished. it's kinda holy...like holy aura emittin' a little (it's a good sign). good music. this is probably how Commander Keen got pitched in originally!! observe carefully, children! (can you hear the flutter of history bookz?) Just a great non-indie-game-but-recognizeable game sprite with an non-explained shotgun in leg struttin' thru these soundcloud-vision of Amiga-sounding music. Judgin from sprite, I think I imagined that the girl has dungarees/overalls? and I'd like to keep it that way, I imagined cave story's main hero was wearing a wifebeater due to mis-pixeling on the pixel artist's part and game improved HELLA lot with a detail like that.
kill dad
ahahah FUCKING HELL. what can i say to -that-?? MIRACLE!... i never finished this all the way to end (if u can anyways). we need more games like this, games that tap into mario 64 memories of coin collecting (WHY????) while you are vaguely-representin' Aeris whose dad is... you know. it's incredibly powerful imaginery. music is fitting... i liked the vocal quips, important details... Top Gun, Top Gear or Top Contender?
whatta promisin game... trying to imitate the big boyz, aren't we, gordon, freeman? too bad i couldnt jump... misguiding consumers is bad behauvior... something like a mix between thief and... i really liked the friendly banter with the weirdos! just my normal daily life with weirdos...
*haven't played anything so DECANDENT for the longest time, jesus christ. im killing people fucking hell. it was kinda worrying to get used to bombing "enemies" when they die with a dying groan. noticed soon after that i was used to it. is this how US military trains their soldiers? killing people is just a game?
*btw the bombing premise was incredible... powerful... also i came to thoroughly hate my main hero, this fucking jockey BOMBER who just does whatever he wilts. who does he think he is? what is even his NAME? maybe that was the real mystery of the game? just WHO is looking for Dale? we may never get to know.
*i cant really speak a lot without going into secrets/spoilerz but i liked all the "level up"/key items and features. this is how 3d games should be done. press spacebar to offer money to hooker, watch her blow up. alien might or might not appear from her. 
*it was incredible, just teleporting constantly between teleports. 
*worm's turf (the inside part) has pr powerful music. the main music was pr good as well, to Built an Empire Onto This... booker t an' the mg's...
*what is this jurassic park, haha. amen.
it was pr good, like uh this was probably how gameboy experiences were? incredibly crude but rude... harrowing adventures, reflecting onto your actions, I Think Of You With Hesitation / I Think Of You Too Hard, simple mechanics bringing compex ethical issues... dweebes is drilling his name into the annals of... wait, isn't that michael jackson HIStory statue? wait, stop the drilling!!! 
Gempire by Porpentine
shit!!!! fuck!!!! what a shitty game!!! i kept looooosing!!! make games where i WIN!!! i LOVE mobile games!! jokes aside, idk how balanced or working this is but wow never seen an empire game/King of dragon pass made with THIS game engine. i really liked it...wow... i still kept losing though... wouldn't have it the other way tho...
U & D
ahah wow. is that lupin the 3rd running? cant stop running, have special ability to reverse gravity but only when running on a surface, W O W. the stuff the dreams are made of... theres something MAGICAL in this game. it's like christmas!! except you're collecting bones, avoiding nbloody spikes and praying that youre not dropping down to death or infinitely into space, yikes. the music is great cos you just want to stay alive to see how the goofy country honkhonk music progresses to...! wow...! solid ideas of living...!
Sons of the Holster
a fabulous game i didn't get to play. i like to solo... also crashed for some reason. im sure it's great...! hah hah *bwiz looks hella depressed*
Whiskey Weather sword denz
ohhh myyy goooooooooooood *girl shriek* *faint*
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Super cool.  Got to the highway but then I fell off of it. I'm not sure if this was the end or not? (Note, I played it about a month ago).  REALLY dug the eyeball vision.  
Protocol Assualt
I know this wasn't finished, but it definitely served as a good tech demo.  Graphics were really cool, especially the texturing for the ground.  Not sure if anyone else got this glitch or if my keyboard was just freaking out, but my shotgun only fired in the downard direction, which created the hilarious visual effect of defecation. 
Up and Down
Probably the most accessible game in this comp with the clearest game mechanic.  Could definitely see this being on some phones.
Sons of the Holster
No matter what I do I can't get input to work!  Which is a huge shame because this game looks and sounds amazing!   My keyboard just isn't working for some reason.  I'll try to install joy to key or something so that I can 'pretend' i'm using a game controller... maybe that will work?
Really good - a game with a very much completed experience arch:  Bombs all the time, RPG talking and clue finding some of the time, upgrades and unlocks even less of the time.  I have a question about this game though:  SPOILER - I got to the part when I could blast through everything (awesome) and then went to that building that had no entrance BUT I MADE THE MISTAKE OF BLASTING MY WAY IN BY KILLING THAT LITTLE WEIRD GUY THAT WAS IN THERE!  ...was that dale?
This game is probably my favorite.
Monster Babe Gempire
Tried real hard to progress past winter in this game.  Got two commanders going and such.  Built like 6 or 7 farms.  Still couldn't save up food.  I was trying to figure out how the math worked for that but I couldn't make sense of it.  For example things would happen where it would say on the end of turn screen FOOD: 0; FARMS + 18 FOOD; COMMANDERS -8 FOOD; CITIZENS NEEDED 6 FOOD BUT ONLY GOT 5 STARVATION -1;  which doesn't add up to me (-8 + -6 = -14 but 18 + -14 = surplus of 4? (note these aren't actual stats from the game play, just kinda fabricating an example here).  All in all, I think this was a fantastic start.  Very in depth and I could see really getting into this.  Also, who am I talking to?
kill dad
Answers to questions - Super secret forum lurker msServiContinued (or something like that) made all the sounds and music together.  She did the voice for Cupcake and I did the voice for dad.  Also, I'm just gonna tell you guys how to kill dad cuase it's not like I"m going to reveal all the everything of the mystery of how to kill dad for fun SPOIIIILERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (white text)
<ol><li><span style="color:#ffffff;">touching bulbs (coconuts they were supposed to be as old dry bones suggested a few months ago) will make them bounce on you. you can do two things with these</span>
   <ol><li><span style="color:#ffffff;">bounce them on yourself 5 times so they start flashing then plant them by letting them hit the ground to create more plants with more bulbs</span></li>
      <li><span style="color:#ffffff;">bounce them through the b-ball hoop to turn them into daggers (again suggested by old dry neuro)</span></li>
   <li><span style="color:#ffffff;">Use the above two techniques to create a garden near hoop to make creating daggers at the hoop easy.  </span></li>
   <li><span style="color:#ffffff;">Juggle 3 daggers to landing on dad without getting hit by dad.</span></li>
</ol>My goal was to make the above logic somehow apparent without spelling it out.  Totally had a blast making this.
whiskey weather
This was super beautiful and the music was spot on.  Loved the select animated parts of the backgrounds.   Reminds me of the good old days of pc adventure gaming.  Can't wait to experience further releases.  Thing is awesome.  Also, was dialogue implemented yet? Mine just came up blank.   Patiently waiting for news... :)
FAVORITES in no order:
monster babe gempire
dale (did i kill him)
SW Jam 2013 Entry - Pumpkin Moonshine - http://nurseostsaudy.itch.io/pumpkin-moonshine