Topic: Winter 2013 Round-Em-Up & Voting Station (Read 1381 times)

  • Avatar of Porpentine
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to everyone dying in monster babe's not your fault, there was no time to's forever frozen in time as a simulator of those strategy games i played as a kid where i kept dying horribly due to some obscure rule i couldnt figure out.
king of dragon pass is a definite influence...i'd still like to make something like that...ah dreams
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I think I'll announce the winner tomorrow, I got busier this weekend than I expected.
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ohh gosh, i'm really sorry, i thought i'd already posted this... if it's too late to count, so be it...
first: I liked all the music! in the games that had music. how about a unified compilation of jamtracks...?

Protocol Assault
I thought I got trapped down in a pit but it turns out I can use my shotgun leg for an extra boost! Also, whether through design flaw or USP, it does look like shotgun leg's bullets emerge from the crotch area
Score: Smouldering!
Dale: Lost in the City
Fun map! rude citizenry. easy to mix up talk/murder buttons. Selectable saturation!
Score: "The" Bomb!
Monster Babe Gempire: Keeper of the Gems
These kinds of games always make me kinda anxious... it was a fun ride but the pressure to succumb to failure was as inevitable as in real life...
Score: Gempowering!
Kill Dad
I never managed to work out how to get Patricia Patricide over here to do her one job, but the unnerving bendy world still haunts me
Score: Touch Fuzzy, Get Killy
Amazing!! I love rooftop shenanigans, convenient zebraboards, I love seeing the inside of my own eyeballs
Score: Cherry Pigeonade
Sons of the Holster
Looks & sounds mighty fine, but I was confused by all the fancy-pants city-slicker configuratin'
Score: Bleached cow skull
Up and Down
I have to admit that controlling dude with clicking kinda messed me up somehow, it seemed much harder than it should be, but maybe this was intentional...
Score: Sideways
1. Perdition
2. Dale: Lost in the City
3. Monster Babe Gempire: Keeper of the Gems
Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 02:40:27 pm by denzquix
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Also, was dialogue implemented yet? Mine just came up blank.
nope, you didn't miss anything, don't worry..... it is a staring contest adventure, the black bar is just there to distract you & throw you off your game
Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 02:41:20 pm by denzquix
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to everyone dying in monster babe's not your fault, there was no time to's forever frozen in time as a simulator of those strategy games i played as a kid where i kept dying horribly due to some obscure rule i couldnt figure out.
king of dragon pass is a definite influence...i'd still like to make something like that...ah dreams
!!! your mind is as beautiful as your majorask mask discotheque babe (the music is hella important in dat shop) /   :dopefish:​ Huu, haaah... my LEGS... i-is this... love? i'm IN love, i'm in LOVE.... :love:
OH WAIT im supposed to vote?? what the fuck? how ARE you supposed to do that? ranking or stinking? they're all beautiful... in my eyez... full of potential... shit... impossible!!! fuck...
ok i did get an order but maybe we're supposed to appraise whether the voting is legit cos maybe im just a huge LeKid??... yo...
1. dale (yeah that was a LOT of solid work and fun and therapeutic and holy shit at the bombing mechanics + progress when it get more elaborate, The Bomb Squads HATE This 1 Weird Little Game. the missing link between link's awakening and sartre)
2. gempire (no i wasn't seriously angry/i figured that's the problem, what a beast of burden/lotta work it musta been)
3. kill dad (Aeris... collect all the Mario 64 coins... im begging you... here, take my sword and shield... YAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!)
but like im just leaving holster out cos it looks pr dreking solid and its prob gonna sell (no its not!! shrieks jmickle, YAWWNNN im not listening. im a dogSHRIEEKKK!! SHRIEEKEK!!!) and favoring whiskey is like idk u got couple of pr astonishing screens and sok is my favourite dude anyways so i gotta... i gotta. perdition is prob nice but the fight 4 top contenders is tough, all of them are pretty and beauty-games... i was this close to put Running Man to third but i had to remind myself of Caveguy's lotta work, be ADULT/reasonable for once bonzi... im not mentioning a lot of Perdito but lets face it, its probably a nice game I Can Tell and one doesn't need to play every notch and cranny to judge a persons worth, ne? so take no diss Carrion Crawler...
yeah bottom line: i genuively enjoyed every one of the games and that doesn't happen too often!! huh!! dont harm yourselves if ya ain't in top 3!! idk if we would had got more games/enthuasism without the downtime, one can only guess.
Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:21:50 pm by bonzi_buddy
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Oh boy, saltworlders, if this jam had a secret theme this round, it would probably be, "better late than never".  It is with that in mind that I now present to you, finally, my own little blurbs on the games released this round.
Perdition by Carrion Crow
I've seen a fair deal of post-apocalyptic hellscapes in media, but I can't remember one that took place in kind of a night-time dream world like this one. It takes a special flare to take a new spin on such a heavily-tread genre, and for that I applaud you. My journey was cut short, perhaps prematurely, because for some reason the dude just would not comply when I jabbed the space bar. Foiled again by gravity...
Sons of the Holster by Bwiz
So it seems like the game crashed every time I hit the “L” key. But the western chiptuney soundtrack and pixel art were adorable.
Protocol Assault by casualcatharsis (??? can't find forums name equivalent)
I thought I got stuck in the bottom of the level before realizing I could add upwards momentum to my jumps with the shotgun.  I was so thrilled with this discovery that I proceeded to exit stage left promptly, never to be seen again.  I like to think just off-screen, wild adventures were taking place.
Monster Babe Gempire by Porpentine
I managed to starve my people to death in 3 turns, even after spending one of those building a farm. Alas, poor Hedonia, fallen land of the Gem Queen... Truly yours was the candle that burnt bright yet short.  But the game's concept is real cute, and I think it holds the promise of being a fun little monster-lady empire sim. 
Whiskey Weather by Denzquix and SwordofKings128
Amazing visuals and sound! Skeleton protagonist is a fine way to curry favor with yours truly. I couldn't get any further than the jungle TV and hammock, and I'm not sure if I could go any farther because it was kind of a frustrating pixelhunt to transition from scene to scene occasionally. Still a class-A bit of work that I really hope you see it the rest of the way through. 
Dale: Lost in the City by Dweedes/Magic Dweedo
ah, bomberman followed to its logical conclusions... I went through the game destroying all persons and materials within my grasp, only realizing at the point where I had done everything but talking to the statue, that you could interact with items in this game in a way other than bombing. I had forgotten that fact. The only creature left alive was a worm who told me how I rocked... what had I done...
Up and Down by Grom
Nothing like collecting bones to put a spring in your step as you try to avoid inexplicable hell-spikes and death-voids. I liked the poppy sound it made when you reversed gravity.  I got as far as about 10000 points, maybe a couple thousand more.
Kill Dad by nurseOstsAudy
how many times must we say good bye to our father before it's all over? I never did manage to give him the final farewell without kicking the bucket myself, but I did have a lot of fun trying to juggle those ball-seed things during my several lives that were cut short by vehicular filicide. The stark black and white landscape and the mildly unnerving chorus mumming in the background gave the experience a great, unearthly vibe.
So!  I tabulated the votes, and it looks like a tie between Monster Babe Gempire and Dale: Lost in the City.   This was REALLY tough, and it was one of the reasons I was delaying on the final call, because hoo doggy, I just don't know.  In my eyes, you're both winners, but if I had to make a call, it'd be...
:fogetbackflippe: :fogetbackflippe: :fogetbackflippe: DALE: Lost in the City :fogetbackflippe: :fogetbackflippe: :fogetbackflippe:



Congtatulations, saltworlder Dweedes, AKA Magic Dweedo, AKA the recipient of the glorious cursed skull, your game, in addition to being based on a compellingly anarchistic premise, was the most completely implemented of the offerings this round.  It is with this in mind that I have selected you as the Winter Salt King 2013!  PM me a shipping address of your choosing, and soon... you shall bear a great darkness, dressed in the trappings of precious metal and glimmering jewels...
Good night, all!

Last Edit: February 11, 2014, 08:11:38 am by Neuropath
  • Avatar of Porpentine
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congrats dweedo you deserved it! it was by far the more fully realized of the games, i only consider gempire to be a skeleton of the glorious flesh beast in my It's All About The Bombs
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yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!! well deserved
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o shit! whoa!!!
damn thanks a bunch guys, can't believe i won the golden skull of kings !!! OH!
<skeleton party emoticon >
bonzi, shit, i love reading your posts
(nurseOSTandy nah you didn't kill dale it was jus a cool worm)
Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 10:28:41 am by dweedes
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nice job, dweedo!
(also i know that soth is really unstable. i have no idea what the code even looks like at this point (very badly commented) but i might remake it one day.......)
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 :fogetgasp:​ WOW! :imfree:
Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 07:14:23 pm by bonzi_buddy
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Hey, congratulations Dweedes! I'm glad my fave entry won.
When are we gonna do all this again? April Fools Jam?
FYI people who have not received LAST JAM's prizes yet - I am still sourcing some particular ingredients for the runner-up and grand prizes so don't move house or anything.