Topic: Rare RPG Maker g.a.m.s.... + NEW SITE YA IDIOOTS!!! (Read 681 times)

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So, here's the thing. I'm working on the long-overdue Salt World site and one of the things which I think would be cool to include is Olde RPG Maker Game's. Some of them were pretty genuinely cool and in and of themselves they have a pretty interesting utility in being a sort of time capsule from the RPG Maker heyday. There are some here but I think it's better to try and limit the selection to stuff that had some importance and/or resonance, rather than dumping all old crap on there (also because these games sometimes run pretty large, and bandwidth/space aren't infinite). For this, I defer to your judgment.
Feel free to also use this topic to give suggestions for the new site. It's going to be relatively simple, but the idea is to make it a canvas for some of the cool gamechat/GAME ANTHROPOLOGY going on here these days. The site won't really be "about" anything in particular. I'm hoping to be able to finish it before the end of the month because I'm going on a trip by then, but we'll see.
Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 10:17:02 am by dada
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FF-XAT is going to be one of the downloads for sure......
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Hey then quickguip: rename the topic Rare RPG... + NEW SITE YA IDIOOTS!!!
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good call bonzi...........good call
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a cool place to put full set of aging games, even ones that don't seem important/worth the space, might be
seriously they already host all kinds of software/game related stuff including pretty huge files/collections
and so on and so on....i'm sure olde RPGM-ers would fit right in....
Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 03:36:40 pm by denzquix
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the first  MrBigT rtp RPG about farting is the first thing that came to mind, then Coaster Craft Gold
I know there were some HOLY GRAIL rpgs with names like Lumeria or whatever, but I can't remember any of them. If no one else can either, it might be worthwhile to go to whatever rpgmaker site there is and just ask what the best old rpg maker games were
checking out that list, I remember NigSek being mind-blowing at the time. The dev (SovanJedi) also made Idunn Ymiraldor, which was earth-shattering too...neither of them are really typical of the era though. might have more reflections on em later
Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 04:56:33 pm by Tiny's First Pepsi
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the first  MrBigT rtp RPG about farting is the first thing that came to mind, then Coaster Craft Gold
Skunk+Maid? Do you really want to play that?
I mean, I have it of course but you're seriously not missing anything by not playing it. It was amusing shortie I suppose but still nothing of value is lost if you don't play it. 
Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 07:18:36 pm by MISTER BIG T

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Ahhh the ol' overdue SW mainsite eh?
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I don't know how rare / olde these are but I think this would be a pretty good Time Capsule mix of indicative / generic stuff mixed with weird outliers.
- Devil Hunter and Final Fantasy Endless Nova since I remember these as being kind of decent examples of popular generic rpg maker games circa 2007?
- Demo for "Homeland" I remember liking and esp worth dredging up since there's a whole bunch of goofy customgfx RM games now, and it would be nice to emphasise how this stuff has always been going on in some form. Also I think any compilation of rpg maker scene would be remiss without promising vapourware.
- Ghosts Of Aliens which I don't think is backed up anywhere consistently? and Wilfred The Hero.
- Every Dooms game
- Onyx / Onyx 2 / some other games by this guy (Yeaster?) since the graphics were ripped from so many different sources (promotional tv show images, comicbooks, default rpg maker facesets) that they're kind of fascinating for that alone
- That total conversion project of FF7 into RM
- Ragnar's demos that he posted here a while back are still best thing done in engine
- Marvel Brothel / Polymorphous Perversity 2-pack
- Beloved Rapture demo why not or equivalent baroque chipset fantasia
- The Way even though I never played it just for all those strange 3d landscape overlays.
- C'est Lavie by admiralstyles and whatever other game was done by this guy (Love & War Act 1?) were weirdly touching pieces of adolescent yearning fossilised into generic RTP artifacts iirc
- I read the 2007 misao topic and apparantly a game was released called "Clown Opacity" and i feel it should be included to capture the fact that in any list of rpg maker games there will always be something with a name like Clown Opacity.
- Don Miguel Adventure
- Pirates by Carius just cuz while it was so edited to not resemble an rpg maker game at all it was still kind of fun. you played as the duck pirates from Wario.
- I remember Mog released a demo for his game once and I liked it since it was very earnest... hope this helps....
- That one postapocalypse Fallengriever game with some line like "give it to me boyo, this irish lass needs your cock inside me now" (maybe wasn't by him?)
I'm sorry for this miscellaneous mix. If it had to be shortened I think the games to be archived should be Don Miguel, Ragnar miniprojects, Dooms, and Love & War as a best/most indicative epitaph.
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yeah the way was really cool
i remember it
moved me
when i was a teen
also a blurred line
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I dunno if there actually was a cult for coaster craft gold or if it was part of a running joke I wasn't in on, but actually I think its main claim to fame was being stuck on the front page of the dead mainsite for years.
the first  MrBigT rtp RPG about farting is the first thing that came to mind, then Coaster Craft Gold
Skunk+Maid? Do you really want to play that?
I mean, I have it of course but you're seriously not missing anything by not playing it. It was amusing shortie I suppose but still nothing of value is lost if you don't play it. 
if that's the one with the custom sprite of the RTP ninja woman bending over to fart. but yeah catamites is right, dooms series is probably a better choice
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ahaha which demos of mine are you talking about? Also I have Homeland somewhere this is soundtrack included stuff that wasn't actually used but made for the game probably. Corno B is an important track it samples Nu Pogodi among other things. Old Man in the Cave is also very good
Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 06:34:26 pm by Ragnar
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I can't wait to see what exciting new adventures Alex has been on this past decade. Good luck on the site.
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YS series just seems to BEG for RPG Maker subsequel/reimagining. This One Weird Little Series BEGS For This Weird Little Subsequel or something. Chef... 
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The Way.

A Blurred Line
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It was a fairly basic, dirt-average game, but... Legendary Adventure.
That other thread has a broken link :(
Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 11:02:59 pm by ReloadPsi