I don't know how rare / olde these are but I think this would be a pretty good Time Capsule mix of indicative / generic stuff mixed with weird outliers.
- Devil Hunter and Final Fantasy Endless Nova since I remember these as being kind of decent examples of popular generic rpg maker games circa 2007?
- Demo for "Homeland" I remember liking and esp worth dredging up since there's a whole bunch of goofy customgfx RM games now, and it would be nice to emphasise how this stuff has always been going on in some form. Also I think any compilation of rpg maker scene would be remiss without promising vapourware.
- Ghosts Of Aliens which I don't think is backed up anywhere consistently? and Wilfred The Hero.
- Every Dooms game
- Onyx / Onyx 2 / some other games by this guy (Yeaster?) since the graphics were ripped from so many different sources (promotional tv show images, comicbooks, default rpg maker facesets) that they're kind of fascinating for that alone
- That total conversion project of FF7 into RM
- Ragnar's demos that he posted here a while back are still best thing done in engine
- Marvel Brothel / Polymorphous Perversity 2-pack
- Beloved Rapture demo why not or equivalent baroque chipset fantasia
- The Way even though I never played it just for all those strange 3d landscape overlays.
- C'est Lavie by admiralstyles and whatever other game was done by this guy (Love & War Act 1?) were weirdly touching pieces of adolescent yearning fossilised into generic RTP artifacts iirc
- I read the 2007 misao topic and apparantly a game was released called "Clown Opacity" and i feel it should be included to capture the fact that in any list of rpg maker games there will always be something with a name like Clown Opacity.
- Don Miguel Adventure
- Pirates by Carius just cuz while it was so edited to not resemble an rpg maker game at all it was still kind of fun. you played as the duck pirates from Wario.
- I remember Mog released a demo for his game once and I liked it since it was very earnest... hope this helps....
- That one postapocalypse Fallengriever game with some line like "give it to me boyo, this irish lass needs your cock inside me now" (maybe wasn't by him?)
I'm sorry for this miscellaneous mix. If it had to be shortened I think the games to be archived should be Don Miguel, Ragnar miniprojects, Dooms, and Love & War as a best/most indicative epitaph.