Super addictive, probably the most addictive quimdung since Warping War Pig. Every once in a while I'll get some gems that don't have the right number on them, or no number when there should be a number, but I haven't made a mistake because of those yet. The vampires are so tough! I kind of miss the quimdung ms-paint art, though, and there's no pokemon collect-'em-all thing going on in this one. I like the swooping feeling of traveling through the dungeon, and I like how the shadows and objects move at different rates. It's cool how you alternate between a battle and a reward. I don't really like waiting for rewards. The battles are fun, not frustrating.
Touch Dungeon was fun, too! A little empty-feeling at times, as in, spacious. It's cool how you can play with one hand (and you can do that with Cavesweeper, too).