Hello S'goin'on, mons? (Read 516 times)

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thecatamites informed me of this place.
I make all kinds of things in all kinds of media, but mainly music/sfx and video games. I write scripts for games as if they were movies or choose-your-own-adventure books, then put 'em together.
This seems like a place where creativity and discussion can flow unhindered. I dig it!
I'm not sure what to post to showcase my work since it's prolific, to say the least. I'm working on jamming a bunch of it onto an html page.
This intro kinda sucks, but it's really intimidating just trying to describe the extent of my own dumbassery. I'm not involved in other gamedev communities, but had mentioned looking for a friendly one to thecatamites.
My only active project at present is both a prequel and a sequel, which ties two of my other unrelated stories together with its own, and which has procedurally-generated plot, art/sound style, and character traits/development. I am thinking of posting the complete design document, but am not sure whether it's a good idea, since it's a work in progress. It's also a big text file full of links and explanations that describes what goes on in the actual engine (currently RM2K3). Do we talk about that sort of thing around here?
Either way... Hi! ^_^
Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 01:04:37 pm by Zephram
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I like the sound of your approach to scripting for games, I'd be very interested to hear more, and see/discuss any of your work!
unfortunately this place has been especially quiet for a while (I mean it was pretty quiet before, when I first turned up, but not like this...)
but you are very welcome here!! thank you for choosing salt world
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I like the sound of your SOUND. you'd fit in... who told you you of this dis place?? who'se the swine??? spit it out!! *bash punch HNNYAARGH bam pow* why ya punk... ya got a lotta nerve... *BLAM BLAM BLAM HYNNAAARGGH* still alive huh... what a tough piece of work, ya lilla shit... born under unlucky stars!! *HONK HONK!! Hynnaargh HONKHONK HONK GYHAARGH HYNGNYGYAAH etc*
but yeah it's been hella quiet... the air's still, the delta motionless, no fresh air... everybody's zliipin...zzzz....sleep well, SWindrella...
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I wanted to get involved somewhere after years of lurking in obscurity. Saw the posting frequency is relatively low, but the discussion's candid, empathetic, and OTHER GOOD THINGS. Salt.
Any salt-associated IRC channels? I would love to spam them with dick jokes discuss gamedev stuff in 'em, such as whether a chicken could beat a pink ping-pong ball down an infinite staircase.
Anyone need fucked up voice acting/original music? I don't care about credit, or even profit unless I'm paid in laughs, which works out since I can get those for free. (This is an open invitation for whoever reads this to send me lines to read or vague descriptions like "stranded-in-the-ocean-but-not-thinking-it's-so-bad-but-then-suddenly-freaking-out-because-you-realized-you-just-ate-the-last-hot-pocket-music".)
RE: denzquix - I shall PM you some stuff. I still don't know jack about the aesthetic of this place except that it seems to be concerned with doing what one wants and not giving a shit what other people think. If so: RIGHT ON and I'll probably be posting in the dump thread soon
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i imagine it's like... sw's like... SUPER DISTILLER. it's not that it's dead, it's that every post is DROPS of HEAVEN, 100% alcohol, etc... you get only drops but it's out of this world quality... etc... >:^B
RE: denzquix - I shall.
mamma mia... we don't really have any active gamedev IRCies, idk hows earl denz etc are active over there. theres #saltw for general foolishness... #togstudios, the Italy's well-kept culinary secret aka the guys making Barkley Shut up and jam... i suppose, but you know the delta's merciless and guys are hunched over comps working on Dat Hot Sealquel 24/7 doing crunch, mumbling "we don't get too many strangers around these parts... don't get any funny diarreas"...so... idk make do, do your best, dark premonition goty, carpe diem...
but yeah post like WHATEVER you want into dumbtopic, only rule that it INTERESTS YOU... shamelessly plug underwater donkey kong country water level chigago footwork if you want... media ephemera, whatever... eeeh.... brain hurts, too much talking mistaah... time for siesta...
basically im sure guys follow dis here'n'now and post whatever... its like... keepin an eye on it... mumble...zzz
EDIT i bet tho like, everybody follows hundley's every post, he just doesn't know it .email spefically says HUNDLEY JUST POSTED. maybe im berserk, maybe im exaggarating, maybe im pluggin hundley but hi5 to my homie 4 lifes... thanks Choom Gang, Tut Tut, Hundley, Earlchip, DC for all the Good Times...
Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 09:21:39 am by bonzi_buddy
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what the fuck guys. why you oldies poppin like mushroom in rain?? S'goin'on, morons??? do you get like notified that somebody posted in sw, besides the uhh bot in sw irc channel?????? sorry yeah its not hundley, yeah i know sorry, blame the forum softw... we need dada to fix this...
Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 09:25:15 am by bonzi_buddy
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What server's those channels on? Is it super insular? I don't know the secret handshake. *throws salt over shoulder*
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last I checked in a couple years ago, it's insular and kinda standalone. not related to the content of the forums and mostly occupied by people who never post here.
I'm earl, the negative one. welcome!
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hello pal, I am neuropath, one of the Weird Archivists of media in our beloved dump topic, and rare-times organizer of saltw game jams.
welcome!  it's mostly a ghost zone but there's still an air of mystery and possibility in these here forums, I think.  might could be we're just waiting for the right catalyst for something interesting to happen around these parts
also the IRC is #saltw on irc.esper.net, but uh... that place is even more dead than this one for the most part.
Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 05:53:55 am by Neuropath
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It's more live than plenty of forums I've seen. A heapin' handful of active users hardly qualifies as dead... unless we're parts of a giant organism that has already died and we're just waiting for its nerve signals to tell us to self-terminate. In that case, I brought an axe: you tell me where to chop.
Cheers, fellers. Felleresses, too. Y'know, whichever ^_^
OW I stood up and hit my head on a gong. I know they're there, but it happened anyway. This has got to be one of the more fashionable ways of killing brain cells.
Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 01:12:37 pm by Zephram
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all the power to u.

Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 05:46:57 am by bonzi_buddy
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Anyone need fucked up voice acting/original music?
Is this still something you want to offer? I want to keep you on tab, in case I ever make something.
  • Avatar of Zephram
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Yup. I can improv or work with just a list of lines. Info about their delivery and/or the story behind them helps. If you heard my stuff you'd pick me for character, not for talent. I have decent mics and lots of production knowhow, and can get all manner of sounds. I'm not bad at making up fictional languages with unique phonologies/grammar rules  to (e.g.) make up some phrases for aliens to say or whatever.
As for music, I can play written music but MIDI or demostuff that better conveys the feel and dynamics is more useful. Mixing and mastering to a high degree is time-consuming as well, but if I'm into the project, I'll do it.
If you're out for sound effects, I have probably already made several that are similar to whatever you're thinking. I can apply convolution reverb to them so they match the game environments as well. I generically name my sfx, though, and need to organize them... I just memorize the filenames of the ones I like...
It's summer and I have lots of fans going. That limits how many good quiet takes I can get in a day, but only matters for voice acting really.