Idea Supervillain Action RPG Ideas (Read 122 times)

  • Avatar of hukt own fonikz
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So I've been thinking about this game for some time now but haven't taken any time to write any of this down. I'm thinking of a heist/action rpg game where you develop your own supervillain from the ground up. The game may start off as small as robbing convenience stores, all the way up to world domination. The game will send the appropriate authorities at you, relevant to what sort of heist you're doing. I'd like to have randomly generated superheros trying to take you down along the way, along with one particular superhero that will develop at the same rate as your villain, and he will be your arch nemesis. I'm thinking of having the arch nemesis having skills that purposefully counter your own to make those battles particularly difficult.
I haven't decided what sort of perspective it should play from. A sidescrolling Streets of Rage style, sidescrolling Terraria style, or overhead Gauntlet style all come up as potential candidates here. XCOM style gameplay was also suggested, but I haven't played it so I wouldn't know how relevant that would be. I do know that trying to jump into 3D development would almost certainly be over my head.
As far as skill development goes, I'll probably have a skill tree with points to put in a variety of skills. You use money from your heist jobs to level up your skills.
I think the first step is to get a prototype running and see which playstyle feels the most fun, and then really start to flesh out some of the other core gameplay mechanics.
  • Avatar of EpsilonEagle
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This actually seems to be a very cool idea, some aspects of it as well remind me of Tecmo's Deception. I think that the side scrolling perspective might work better for the more action oriented parts of the game, however the overhead view might work better for building your own lair or something along those lines. If push comes to shove you can also have both perspectives, side scrolling perspective for action scenes and top down view for other stuff.
  • Avatar of hukt own fonikz
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Yo, thanks for the input. I think I like the idea of the Separation Anxiety/TMNT perspective for the fighting. I'm really considering a WoW or MOBA style action bar to place skills. I'm not sure how to "acquire" the skills though, since a lot of skills happen by accident and some people are born with all their powers. I think it's necessary to have a progression system in place, so that rules out Superman. But really, since I'm giving the player the freedom to mix and match skills, it's not like your standard comic book heroes anyway.
  • Avatar of EpsilonEagle
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Well, maybe at the beginning of the game when you create your villain you choose what kind of power you have and from there you build it up. Say for example you decide your supervillain has ice powers he can start of with minor ice powers and eventually become like Mr. Freeze from Batman. On the other hand, maybe the villain doesn't have "powers" per say but buys or invents various weapons or gadgets which he could equip that act like powers such as a freeze gun or magnetic gloves or a mind enhancer thing that gives you psychic powers.