Idea Space RPG idea (Read 129 times)

  • Avatar of EpsilonEagle
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I want to run an idea by you guys and see if it gets much interest, it's a game I've been wanting to work on since the days of the original Gaming World website when I used to be regular (Back when I was Lord Gelgothia). The game is an RPG done in the JRPG style like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest but unlike most RPGs which take place in a medieval time period this one takes place in a galaxy where the player is allowed to explore different planets in his spaceship and do a large variety of sidequests (as well as the main quest of course). It's going to have a Star Wars-esque space opera feel to it in which the technology of the galaxy is powered by magi, and you will have a party of both human and alien characters you can recruit, each with their own abilities and skills in battle (and possibly some out of battle).
The battle system of the game will be turn based and on a side view, but there won't be an ATB and instead the battles will play out based on initiative which is based on the character's agility stat, much like the Phantasy Star games. The magic system will consist of both equippable basic magic spells for each of your characters as well as unique spells learned by certain characters like mages and espers that other characters can't use, it will also have a skill system in which each character gets a unique set of attack and buffing skills which have a set number of uses per level ie: the magic system of the original Final Fantasy. The game will probably be very long as well and if possible I'll take advantage of several RPG Maker plugins. I need a few opinions though.
1: Does this sound like an interesting idea?
2: What version of RPG Maker or Game Maker should I use (I am not making this a 3D game). My original plan was to use RPG Maker 2003 but I haven't decided what would be the best option.
3: Any additional ideas that might make the game cool?
I'd love to hear back from you guys, let me know what you think.
  • Avatar of hukt own fonikz
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No reason not to give RPGMaker VX Ace a shot. Are you going to have classes, or is everyone a magic user? Will you have to complete specific side quests for the unique spells? Sounds like Fun to me.
  • Avatar of EpsilonEagle
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A bit of both actually. Anyone except for the robot and vampire characters can equip items called "amulets" which more or less work similar to materia in Final Fantasy VII or espers in Final Fantasy VI, in other words allowing a non-magic user to use magic, there's also limitations on the number of amulets they can equip and other things. However, natural born magic users like a wizard character can learn unique spells that don't come in amulet form and typically these are the most devastating spells in the game, not to mention that in general they use magic better than everyone else and aren't limited on how many spells they can learn.
RPG Maker VX Ace may be a good idea, I hate the first person battles though. On the other hand however I plan to make a custom battle system anyway so it probably would be a better option.