Games DYSTOPIAN ZOMBIES! (Zombie Survival Action) (Read 132 times) zombies infection dystopia post apocalyptic survival action sandbox

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                   A future not too distant from our present...
                      In the year 2056 the world collapsed...
                    Disease, famine, war and energy shortage...

             It began with an infection.

Some believe it was radiation leaks from the failing power plants and grids.
Others blamed God, comparing this event to the end of days and Revelations.
Those that died from the sickness itself as well as those that committed suicide
or were murdered rose from the dead with an insatiable lust for violence.

The infection spread like wild fire and it wasn't long until the world fell apart.
Unaware of the fate of other countries and continents, the USA went black...
And there was never a word from anyone else out there...
Even twelve years later...

You're a survivor in the late, great city of New York.
You must fight to live and scavenge food and medicine to endure this harsh dystopia.

Good luck!



The Seeker -
Luko is a Seeker, constantly on the move.
He is very highly trained in firearms and is
a general jack of all trades melee warrior.

The Engineer -
Daliha is a master Engineer. She wields
a powerful flamethrower and has access
to high-tech bombs that can level a horde.

The Blade Master -
Amsterdam is an artist with a blade.
He is stronger, more endurant of all
of the classes and excels in melee.

The Ripper -
Johnny is a psychopath with new tech.
He wields a mighty prototype Chainshot
weapon that can devastate crowded ways.



-An ABS(Action Based System) with Shooting and Melee

-Over 75+ unique items to scavenge and much more to come!

-Dark post-apocalyptic atmosphere with emphasis on exploration

-Choose from Four different Classes each with its own abilities

-Gather up to three survivors to join and fight alongside you!










-PSZ's or Public Safety Zones were set up for large cities to provide a guided holo-map, a telephone and portable computer as well as a armed security guard in a well-lit area. These places though comprimised still offer a Save point to record your data. -



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I'm happy to say I met my goals for the completion of episode one by a longshot! Development has been fast paced and progression is coming way too smoothly.
I know working with RM2003 for so long that it feels nice to be able to do simple thing simply and that's what VX ACE allows, from Falco's ABS(which has been a dream of mine since I started making games was an action based system) to V's easy plug and play card game gambling system!

It's all has gone really well and I've definitely enjoyed myself with this one.
So, some FEATURES of the episode one release is three quests, one boss, two secrets, two available followers, three shops and gambling!
There's also the end and when Episode Two is available will have a save file to pass over to the later release.

I'm going to start working on Episode Two soon after some extensive bug testing for Episode One, so if ANYONE wants to be a play tester, let me know! Send me a message or comment here. I'd love a second set of eyes and you will also get to play first hand releases and updates!

Thank you to my subscribers and those who have given feedback so far, I really appreciate any and all support and criticisms and hope you enjoy Episode One!
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The game is now complete! I decided for a early completion because DYSTOPIAN ZOMBIES! was my first game with the VX ACE engine and was a great learning experience for me and I want to move on with different ideas and styles.
My current project is:
Resident Evil : Road to Raccoon City
It shares a lot with DZ! in that it uses the same engine or project folder with a lot of changes and personal touches.
An RE fangame is something I've wanted to do since I got into RM2K3 and actually have an unreleased RE fangame demo with Ashes of Emerald setting up a nice target ABS shooting system for rm2k3 but now I have all the tools and knowledge I need to produce a quality, modern RM game so my dream is finally a reality!
Check it out! oh and DYSTOPIAN ZOMBIES! also got a 4 STAR review over at RMN so go give it a read! :D