thanks! glad it runs decently!
my main concern was have quickly it would do transition animations/how efficient it would be since the game has to take a screenshot of the game and then erase it quickly for wandering around and if a sprite dissolves in...
im glad you noticed the compression on the sound! it's... instrumental you could say to having an authentic experience. those message screens aren't there to stay, they're there for debug purposes at the moment, and the reason nothing happens when those appear is they pause the game and happen before my resume music function runs. there wont be any messages like that, all important stuff will be explained through crazy, horrible voice acting and word art subtitles! the icons are just placeholders now but to know exactly what they are just hover your mouse over them and you'll get a description of what it is. (also lemon is on screen two, turn left, and try to
though looking at eric the unready, clicked on a random point in the video and apparently you are kissing a pig and its really awkward.... i love it already
also the game you're talking is something Denzquix and i made for that game jam where the game is named after a racing horse(Whiskey Weather)(that's still going to be finished eventually!)
also cicada you're thinking of is 4 lung boy, made by denzquix and anatola, though i cant take any credit for that masterpiece! had nothing to do with it heheh!