Fight Roguelike 2D Fighter (Read 233 times) fighter; game idea

  • Avatar of hukt own fonikz
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In this game you choose what your fighter looks like and give it a name. Then you run around the globe skirmishing with people, or saving people from bad guys, trying to be the best fighter on the planet. As you fight, you level up and you can get attributes (like atkspd, attack, defense, movespeed, health, magic) or skills (you can even customize your button combos but stronger moves need a higher complexity button sequence. Once a year there is a huge tournament and you can compete in the tournament but meanwhile other rivals in the world level up as well, and if you don't train hard enough it eventually may become too difficult and the only option is to restart the game. Also in a very rare event, an alien force is trying to destroy or take over your planet and you must band together with your rivals to try and save the planet. Only alien encounters can trigger true "game over" sequences. Endgame is still something that needs to be worked out, but as it stands I can see this basically being an infinite fighter as the game will randomly generate fighters for you that scale to your level.
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That's pretty cool rougelike idea. If you do want to make it so that you can fail to become strong enough for it to "not be worth" continuing your play-through. A neat way for the game to implement this automatically might be to have it so that any fight you lose leaves you literally at the "mercy" of whoever defeated you.
With the fighter's randomly generated, you could make it so that some fighters are the type that would "spare" you in that situation, or if you lose to a particularly bad guy, he just straight-up decides to end your life on the spot once you are incapacitated by them. (probably put a rule in the tournaments that prohibit this, so you can still fight in THOSE safely. But then again, maybe still have a VERY small chance of facing off against that one asshole that simply goes "Screw the rules! I don't CARE if I'm disqualified, I'm ending you!")
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Hey, sweet ideas there! That would be a cool implementation of Finishing Moves, and I suppose that opens up a karma system as well. I suppose one instance is that if you're a bad guy you get some cool violent finishers, but I think you have a higher chance of being finished off yourself. That alone doesn't support a karma system though, I'll have to do some more brainstorming on that.
Oh man it would be really awesome if it could have a multiplayer mode. Have a ladder system where you're literally battling other people to be the best fighter in the world. And try and figure a cool way to have multiple people fighting on screen at a time when you have to band together against a ridiculously hard enemy. The sprites would probably have to be a bit smaller than your standard to open up more screen space, and I'm thinking it would have to be a hard limit to the number of fighters in a single battle. I'll have to look into some other games to try to implement flying in a fun way, I know the games i played in the past, flying was a pain in the ass.
I really think this sounds like a fun game. Any ideas on how I would go about even starting this project?
All of the fighting sequences would be 2D, and right now I'm envisioning a SNES Final Fantasy style overworld for traveling to find fights. Maybe have little popups as you move around for different types of encounters, but that sounds kind of boring and cumbersome. I would like to stay away from the Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter method of throwing fighters at you constantly. Some sort of open-world feel would be a nice break from the fights, but that kind of lends to the idea of having something else to do besides fight, and I'm not sure I want to go into all that.
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I'm dropping some links here for myself to check out later:
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Okay so obvious things to do while roaming the world would be training and customizing your character. There could be Gravity Chambers to train in where your attributes are greatly reduced but you gain more experience. I suppose you could also wear weighted clothing that could be dropped in between rounds, that would provide extra experience, some defense and (maybe) attack power at the cost of reduced movespeed and attack speed.
A method of spectating matches (with your fighter showing up in the stands!) would be a really cool addition, for PC and mobile phones. I feel like the tournament experience mixed with the possible permadeath would lead to some very exciting matches. In this sense the karma system wouldn't have to be measured in game, but as a bad guy you'd have a hard time entering fights with some opponents. Some users may opt for a completely different tournament where killing isn't frowned upon?
Health and energy could both regenerate over time, while some special abilities are going to take time to charge up. Maybe even regular attacks could drain a tiny bit of energy to simulate the fighters getting tired as the battle wears on and they don't take a second to rest and even taunt each other. Dare I add microphone support so the players can actually yell obscenities at each other in-game, lol.
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Woah woah woah. The multiplayer aspect makes it a whole different game than the first one I described. Nope, this one is a single player experience. The sequel can be multiplayer. I've completely lost the roguelike aspect and that was my very first idea. A roguelike fighter.
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I didn't think of it that deeply, but the easiest way I suppose you could implement a "Karma System" fairly is by simply making it so that the more "wicked"  you are, the more likely you'd be finished off by a "good guy". Like folks that are good wouldn't normally just kill folks, but if the were fighting someone they already knew WOULD kill more folks if they "spared" them, then they'd still kill you out of a simplistic moral obligation. 
Then just have it so that killing folks you already know are wicked adds to your "bad karma" by a much smaller amount than it would if you just go around blindly killing innocents (since they'd be likely to kill you regardless of how good or bad you are, and nobody wants THOSE kinds of folks around).