In this game you choose what your fighter looks like and give it a name. Then you run around the globe skirmishing with people, or saving people from bad guys, trying to be the best fighter on the planet. As you fight, you level up and you can get attributes (like atkspd, attack, defense, movespeed, health, magic) or skills (you can even customize your button combos but stronger moves need a higher complexity button sequence. Once a year there is a huge tournament and you can compete in the tournament but meanwhile other rivals in the world level up as well, and if you don't train hard enough it eventually may become too difficult and the only option is to restart the game. Also in a very rare event, an alien force is trying to destroy or take over your planet and you must band together with your rivals to try and save the planet. Only alien encounters can trigger true "game over" sequences. Endgame is still something that needs to be worked out, but as it stands I can see this basically being an infinite fighter as the game will randomly generate fighters for you that scale to your level.