Politics Make America white again@ (Read 296 times)

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Hi I love Donald Trump if I had a wish I wish I was gay or a girl so I could be with him he would be my daddy he is so strong and good.  I like how he hates everyone who arnt white bc it's proven not whites have lower IQ how long can white ppl carry them until we say enough?  I wanted to say this I know you guys are so cool and you like him too and in November we can make America white again I hate black ppl esp bc they always eat all the good chicken early I work so I can't go to the market during the day and they buy all the best pieces bc they can just go whenever and not work I get tired of it.  We need to bring back jobs so they can't say theirs not job theirs jobs man.  Globalism is stupid too Trump knows and all Muslims are terrorists that's why we need him.  I know he will win bc God is good and he has a plan but we have to vote for him and show Jesus our love because he wants him for us.  Please vote Trump my dad won't be able to keep his mansion bc property tax and the little girls he lets live in his basement wont have a home anymore.  Best wishes to everyone, together we can make America white again@
terrorists suck penises
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Does anyone have the Doug Beach weight loss manual saved? I want to reread Donald Trumpet's speech now that he's relevant.
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The longer you verk here, diverse it gets.
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don'tald trump like isn't even funny
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I didn't watch the whole thing, but I agree wrt vulgarity and that trump went from funny to troubling very rapidly way back at the beginning of all this.
I've been having similar thoughts about vulgarity recently, regarding anything. in my mind there is a distinct line regarding whether vulgarity is stupid, tho trump never approaches that line. there is a sort of regressive meta-vulgarity I find disturbing that pervades media and the way a lot of people interact. trump supporters might adopt it as a standard against outside perceived-elites telling them what to do, but it goes a lot further than that. 
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I didn't watch the whole thing, but I agree wrt vulgarity and that trump went from funny to troubling very rapidly way back at the beginning of all this.
I've been having similar thoughts about vulgarity recently, regarding anything. in my mind there is a distinct line regarding whether vulgarity is stupid, tho trump never approaches that line. there is a sort of regressive meta-vulgarity I find disturbing that pervades media and the way a lot of people interact. trump supporters might adopt it as a standard against outside perceived-elites telling them what to do, but it goes a lot further than that. 
not sure if you mean this but I feel like it would all be over if trump just called hillary a bitch. Like no insinuating or saying equally horrible things like she's the devil, just blatantly said 'hillary that bitch'. The fact that he's done everything but/short of that says to me that he knows exactly wtf he's doing/is not random at all
and actually I didn't listen to the video i posted, I cannot figure out what he's saying although it might be something deep
Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 01:34:15 am by Ragnar
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I guess I heard part of it and assumed it was a different video, because he talks a little about the vulgarity of the right wing but not much, and I think here he conflates the right wing with social conservatives. and by trump never approaching that line I meant that it's never even a question, he's always wrong.
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Not heared anything about this. This is good news.