Trailer: Indiegogo link: Hi, everyone! I'm not sure if anyone here remembers me or my game, but I'm Admiral Styles, and I had a little RM2K RPG called "Love and War", that I released a long while ago, back on the old Gaming World forums. (You can actually find the old thread over here: Wow, has it really been so long...?) I've made the decision to go to Indiegogo to try and fund a new game in the series. Magical Girl Lavie is a JRPG made with RPG Maker VX Ace starring Lavender "Lavie" Regale. It takes place some time before my aforementioned RPG, Love and War: Act I, making it sort of (but not really) a prequel. Those who have played Act I before will recognize some familiar faces, but no prior knowledge of the series will be required.
Chapter 1 of Magical Girl Lavie is intended to be a shorter game, roughly around 2-4 hours in length. I love the dozens-of-hours long epic RPGs as much as the next guy, but I feel like shorter, more focused RPGs can pack in a lot of fun too. MGL is also intended to be the first in a trilogy of similar-length games, if the first one is well received. The intention is to make this a commercial game (hopefully sold on Steam) after a successful crowdfunding campaign! Chapters 2 and 3 will follow afterward, perhaps with their own crowdfunding campaigns if all goes well with Chapter 1. Any extra funds we raise for Chapter 1 will go towards making Chapters 2 and 3 as well, of course!
Some screenshots: some art: In the end, it's very much my hope that "Magical Girl Lavie" is just the beginning, and that you'll be seeing a lot more "Love and War" from me in the future.

Please do let me know if you have any questions or comments (or have gotten stuck in the Baron Snake Cave when playing Act I - that place can be tricky!). If my ramblings here have piqued your interest at all, then I hope you'll decide to join me on this journey!