this link will work
It's better to start from the first kinder cosmic post and work your way up.
I'm trying to find out if it's a cohesive and fluid storyline I reckon. To me it is; I specifically tried to write it in a very kind of linear and simplified manner but like you say layered and coupled with a certain sense of earthly "realism". I don't really write from my own personal experiences because IDK to me that is kind of boring but both characters are aspects of my own personality, every "philosophical" or "ideological" theme in it is something I've struggled with or thought about to myself alot.
Trying not to go too descriptive or dumping too much text into each post.
Because Ive never liked that in anything ive ever read. Especially like Steven King or Tolkien shit. I mean they're good stories but I don't wanna read 2000 words describing a fucking building. After about 20 I get it and stop caring. Think that's why people don't read so much nowadays.
I like intelligent complex thought and unorthodox narrative and ideas
I'm going to try to explain the "gist" of it.
Instead of being overly concerned with humanity or not at all it's more like they think we're "so stupid it hurts".
Not stupid in the context of a human to an ant. To me; the funny thing about human beings is we can empathize with pretty much any sentient creature. Whether projected or shared and I kind of built upon this.
This something I believe; that alien life probably did find us at some point and maybe even interacted with us but the nature of human behavior could not literally comprehend or understand them so we reacted as humans do.
In this story I kind of build upon that, embellish it and make a joke out of it.
That these aliens are like higher intellectual, emotionally intelligent beings that just don't give a shit about any of the things that humanity deems important because they aren't.
But these characters have their own flaws and dysfunction that I think any socially intelligent creature would have.
At the same time rather than being just these technologically advanced beings as portrayed throughout science fiction history they mostly depend on their own minds and bodies.
They have telekinetic powers and can "manipulate space and time" they can use technology but don't depend on it.
So to humanity they're these little omnipotent powerhouses that in the context of scientific discovery are pretty much entirely useless or mostly unwilling to cooperate.
They can and basically will do whatever they want but like I said earlier their motivations are entirely different.
Conquest, power, leadership are these things they just don't really give a damn about.
And throughout this relationship I try to portray that this intellectual relationship with humanity is painful in a way for them because deep down they are altruistic creatures but the kind of petulant self destructive behavior of humanity is painful to them; it's a trauma and so they react as any creature would to a traumatic experience and avoid it.
Atleast that's where I'm generally going with it there's alot more to it; alot of different themes and influences and ideas but I'm trying to see if it's easily conveyed.
Usually when I relay things like this I can get ideas across pretty easily. But this is more "showing" and not "telling".
And for me it's easy to understand but for others it might not be so obvious or maybe I didn't relay it directly enough.
I like it though, it makes me laugh my ass off but my sense of humor is a little different than most people's I think.
I started writing that scene about Alf trying to convey the idea of an animal's consciousness experiencing ego death and that theme behind sentience and altruism.
Then I started playing the "dead dog song" and it's perfect; it's brilliant. Atleast to me.
The song is about the artists old pet dog dying and his sense of loss about it that symbiotic, altruistic relationship and how it impacted him.
So as I was listening to it; over and over and over again I finished writing and then listened to it again and just started laughing hysterically at the idea of this poor little innocent puppy flipping through the void and experiencing this remarkable psychological experience from a puppy's perspective.
Shit I still keep laughing