Hello Rules...I mean guidelines...of the Welcomes & Farewells Forum (Read 0 times)

  • Avatar of Jeff
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  • Joined: Jun 5, 2003
  • Posts: 1461
Time to revamp the rules topic because I am bored!

This forum is for posting introductory topics and for informing members of your leaving or absences. The key thing to mention here is that this is a lax forum, For those of you unfamiliar with the history of GW, we used to ban people daily in this forum for not complying with simple rules. We won't ban you here any more. This may or may not be a good thing. Also bear in mind that posting in this forum does not increase your post count.

There are, however, still simple rules that you can be warned for breaking. These are in addition to the normal general forum rules.
  • Do not flame new members. You may suggest ways they can improve their behavior to fit in here, but do not insult them. I would like this to stay a friendly forum (as friendly as GW gets) to encourage people to stay here.
  • Only post a welcome topic if you are, indeed, a new member. If you have more than...say...50 posts or you have been here for like 6 months, don't post a welcome topic because odds are, we already know you. Exceptions are if you, for instance, joined a year ago and made 2 posts and now plan to be more active.
  • Only post a topic about leaving if you are leaving for more than two weeks or so.
  • Don't bump topics over around a week old.
Just because this forum is lax, doesn't mean your topics should be "hi guys im new" and that's it. The point of a topic is to introduce yourself. If you don't tell us anything about yourself, you will be asked politely by me to do so. If you don't, you'll probably be met with negative responses from other members. The other big issue is that while this is a gaming community, there are many people here, myself included, that care nothing about making games or playing them, so you probably don't want to include only game information in your topic.

Here are a few questions you might answer if you don't know what to talk about. I don't know what your mommy or the news media told you, but online stalkers aren't going to kidnap you if you give us some information about yourself.
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Where do you live?
  • How old are you?
  • What do you think about politics?
  • What kind of games do you like?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Do you like anime?
  • Why did you join Gaming World?

Answering even one or two of those questions is better than nothing and you will likely get a good response from people whose answers are similar.
Last Edit: February 26, 2007, 09:51:07 pm by Jeff