And more about the community itself; well, if you’re a growing and intelligent person you’ll always tend to look back on your past self and see yourself as a fool. Almost always. And I was much, much dumber too. Though I was never really much of an internet person either. I still really don’t see myself as an internet person. I like learning things. I like involved, informative conversation and interactive humor. I think when I say I miss this place that’s what I mean. That even then, even when we were dumbass kids we had that “spark” I don’t really see in so many people anymore. Could just be the circles I run in, or lack thereof; it still happens sometimes but people seem to be so full of themselves, divisive, and militant they can’t even interact that way.
Still do it sometimes but not really as often as I’d like.
I think that’s the thing I miss. That’s the thing I’d like to preserve. The “oh hey look I found this” or “experienced this” or “what do you think about this” and just cracking jokes, learning, getting these new things that are like little treasures.
It might be different being in academia or around folks that consider themselves intellectual. Maybe it’s tiring in a way. Hard to be entertained or see value in things like that.
I spend most of my life around people more concerned about where they’ll take their next dump or who are seriously barely literate on the most literal level. Even they’ll find interest in certain things like that if I share it but there’s just no….what would you call it? Input? Poignancy?
And I find that the internet circles I was in when I ended up in them with people who did consider themselves intellectual were filled with condescending fucking white boys who were far far stupider than the illiterate people because of their conceit and ego.
Which oddly enough trend and identify as libertarians. Conservative libertarians I guess you’d say. This specific niche of volatility ignorant; sexist, racist, intolerant predominantly white or white nationalist men who aren’t white but identify with it. It’s really a mind fuck thing.
And I look and look and look and it’s actually quite hard to find people that don’t fall under some specific niche or mode of thinking that handicaps them.
I think here, I saw kids that were a little ahead of their time. I mean if you really sit down and think about it; contrast 2003-2008 or whatever, for the time I think we were pretty progressive. Of course things are a lot different now, time has definitely changed.
I’d like to think we’d have grown with it. Or pushed one another to.
Most of the time when I talk to people about THINGS I like to talk to women and foreigners or 2nd gen immigrants; people of color.
I know that sounds kind of backwards racist and generalized. You can find ignorance everywhere. But I think it’s something about the culture or prevalence of one that makes those kinds of people better thinkers in terms of open-mindedness and willingness to flex within their own perceptions and perspectives.
I know it sounds like I’m all over the place but why isn’t there a good place to facilitate that? Other than the library of Reddit or impersonal social media platforms.
I think I just wish there was because I feel like a crazy person up at 3 am rambling about Diogenes because I’d never even heard of him until about a year ago when I read about him then spent days reading everything I could possibly find and then losing my shit over this provocative, ancient Greek dick-head who lived like a crazy vagrant but was quite possibly one of the wisest, cynical, ballsiest son of a bitch to have ever probably not lived at all and had been more like the “Hercules” of philosophy. A personification. A legend.
FUCK….even shit like the discovery channel is void of real, genuine intellectualism and creativity.
And I dunno….it’s like everyone wants to speak but not listen or think. And when they do speak it’s about something base like their whining kids, shitty job, or the last thing they ate.
I made a page, an outlet just specifically for me to articulate my thoughts because I really have nowhere to put them. It’s got over 200 subscribers and people read things but don’t talk about it.
I hate that. I think it’s a bad, bad thing. No discussion, no growth, no real community just the shadow of one. No soul. Filled with personalized advertisements and idiotic, heavily opinionated articles. The internet has become an intellectual landfill, where all thought goes to die.
And for people like me, who don’t have that access to creative minds or positive intellectualism it’s a kind of hell.
I want to make a place to facilitate that. I want to preserve the soul of what this place once was. I want to find more and more people with humor, intelligence, hobbies and interests and creative minds and stick em all in the same room. I want em to tear each other’s ideas apart like a game of gladiatorial combat in a fun and engaging way that teaches everyone. I want people to groom and encourage others to think, learn, and share things. Even if they’re stupid and they suck ass.
That’s another thing this place was good for, quite a few creative people got even better because of feedback and encouragement. Yes, many of us were horrible, horrible assholes. And many of the contributions were utter shit. But some things were awesome.
Couch fiend and Jamie’s music, hundleys writing, lots of game making and art. I remember that chain topic where people would consecutively write a story and then adapt it with art.
It was fucking stupid but also awesome in a way. That collaboration.
I don’t really miss the in-jokes, the male testosterone and obsession with “fitting in”, the elitism or the condescension but I don’t really think I was ever really into that to begin with.
And I don’t really think or want to even get the community itself and all of it’s members back. Not really
I wanna make a motherfucking baby
A fat assed, chubby cheeked, benevolent baby. Full of people that need or want a space to grow, to push and challenge one another, that will take the ignorant, insufferable assholes that fall through the cracks and not ban them, not simply insult or belittle them, fucking eat them alive and spit them out into something better.
I think that can be done, easily. Maybe. I dunno specifically how. I dunno if forums are just dead, I dunno if another social media platform wouldn’t function as well, I dunno if I’m the only person in the whole world who sees a thing like that as important.
I dunno, I know I can contribute and put in the work. I know I can find a ton of shit to talk about and an engaging way to talk about it.
I think a social media group would be a good start. Have a basic idea of what we’d want and a kind of ideology behind it. A way of conversing specific to us.
Something so general and stream of consciousness/flexible input can go a number of different ways.
Not rules as much as outlines for what to expect:
A place for thought, conversation, input and sharing
There is absolutely no censorship but if refuse to at least try to contribute or act like a decent human being you can go fuck yourselves.
There are no set topics, no specific definitions of what to discuss IE: if we’re talking about a writing, music, a game, or a book and it made you think about another topic or narrative that’s on your mind or you feel is important then go right ahead.
There may be four different discussions in the midst of a single topic; who gives a shit.
BE CREATIVE if you think something or have an opinion, articulate it. Express your mindset and ideas. This isn’t a fucking poll or a census. We’re not here to take sides or come to an overwhelming consensus. To learn from one another.
I think, I think it’s a good idea but that’s me. I am not much of an internet person but what I have seen throughout it is devoid of REAL, ENGAGING, THOUGHTFUL conversation and community.
I think essentially, that’s what made this place important to us and it’s what I’d like to preserve and shape into something even better.