Alls I really know about carbon capture technology is that some company had a way to turn carbon emissions into bread and I was like: BAM! Two world crises with some carbons.
I don’t know specifically how it would work, like is it an industrial modification thing or they plan on trapping the SHIT TON already trapped within our atmosphere!?
See, I do see how our current economic and sociopolitical trappings would make these kinds of changes seem like an idealistic fantasy BUT
Look at where we were bout ten years ago in comparison to now. The world stage is actually starting to take the shit seriously, entrepreneurs bringing it upon themselves, I mean these are assholes; I’m going to use Uber wealthy assholes as a kind of example for a moment.
Elon Musk put a bid out for any sort of blue print or working idea to compensate for global warming (could actually be carbon capture idk) Jeff Bezos fronted 10 billion to help fund conservation efforts
I mean; THIS is a pittance. Really it is, don’t get me wrong about that. But ten years ago the whole concept was nigh fictitious to industry. I mean, really it wasn’t but that was the whole narrative.
Now I really do see it as TOO little TOO late but even if so.
This whole entrepreneurial space race thing is really interesting to me. On the one hand you’ve got NASA cooperating with these huge multi billion dollar corporations planning survey missions, drone missions, colonization efforts.
Now, I TOTALLY HATE the commercialization of it all. I really do. But at the same time we’re bound to make so much MORE progress in the pursuit of surviving within a hostile environment, self sufficiency, trying to make ourselves adaptable within this kind of new frontier and I see that as an aspect of it too.
And yes; back to Andrew Yang and the current political spectrum too.
Like, we all know our system is, has, and will be fundamentally flawed. It’s a fuckin boys club, it really is.
I actually never even expected Biden to win this last election and when he did I just erupted with laughter. It’s fucking hilarious. It reminds me of when the ayatollah and president of Iran conspired the election in like 2014-16 ish and Tehran blew the fuck up because it was such a farce.
I’m not saying it was fake, on the contrary. But it’s all just a facade, some game of thrones shit.
You see these little reverberations; the riots last year, shit even the Capitol Hill uprising.
You DID NOT see these things happening quite so often, quite so consistently fuck even the L.A. Riots themselves took a gestation period and these assholes being constantly and unrepentantly shitty for em to escalate.
To me, these things are different the LA riots kind of being a statically driven reactionary response to latent, underlying frustrations and these more recent ones an escalation of a changing time period
Like, when we talk about “the fall of a civilization” I think hobo mentioned it
I see that, I totally fucking see that coming.
And when we talk about these things I’m not talking about the day after tomorrow or some fallout shit. I’m seeing a fundamental change in power.
Because something I see. Is that EVERYONE is paranoid, fucking angry, discontent, and distrusting. With VERY good reasons
I even see the Chad and Karen outbursts as a kind of underlying hysteria and psychosis.
It’s not about what they’re bitching about, it’s about a world that is changing, it is changing fast and the reality of it. The reality of everything they know being falsities, untruths, or being eroded away scares the ever living shit out of them.
If it’s not the innate sense of privilege, the middle class economic security, being able to GO OUTSIDE WITHOUT A FUCKING MASK ON
Dude, up when Covid hit east Asia, running rampant throughout China and hitting Japan. I PREDICTED this shit happening.
The economic lapse, the general hysteria, even the civil unrest up to a certain extent.
Because something I’ve learned about traveling and working within the atmosphere I have all of my adult life is that Americans have been coddled. Extensively
But in a self defeating kind of way, like giving a kid melatonin to shut them the fuck up and put them to sleep. It is desensitizing, it is suffocating and it stunts personal growth.
I mean MOST modern civilizations are like that but we are the absolute worst at it
It’s like Americans are living in the Truman show
I had an instructor that was just talking shit but he gave me this AWESOME lecture in virility and the evolution of modern diseases.
He called this shit
He said that in a way penicillin, inoculations, and all our antibody, antibacterial treatments had in part caused these viruses to adapt and evolve.
That EVENTUALLY a pandemic of epic proportions would hit if not the US largely then the entire fucking world. It was no longer a matter of WHEN but IF and when it DID it would probably be an offshoot or operate a lot like influenza.
And yes, when you talk about DEEP ECOLOGY that’s kind of the way I think about these things. I mean, they could all be estimates and projections. Of course, but I swear; I swear every fucking single day there’s a new sign. A new struggle or issue or adversity.
And to ME! I don’t think about these things superstitiously and I try not to too abstractly. BUT
I just see us at a crossroads, even the most wealthiest and supposedly effective societies that have fundamentally mastered the trappings of bullshit
And yes, back to the fall of civilization
I don’t see it happening as some great end of the world scenario
I see it happening gradually over time, with subtle changes and accommodations. Do I see those with wealth and power all of a sudden giving it up or sharing!? HELL NO!
I see a new generation living through this shit finding their own ways to initiate change and form fit what is to what works a little better.
I see shit like those riots, like walk on wall street happening time and time again until these concessions are made one after another. Because while it is happening slowly, it is happening and it is a conversation.
Ok, Give me a bit and I’ll talk about Bernie.
I actually LOST faith in Bernies idealism’s and his campaign. I had certain disillusions with it.
Not because he isn’t right in his own ways, but because it would never work within our current functioning society. It is too much bureaucratic bullshit and would just directly empower motherfuckers who would directly abuse it.
He has good intentions but too much faith in the political process
We need a fucking militant
That’s kind of why I like AOC
I mean, she dumb AF but she’s got spirit. More nuts than most men.