btw I can't really keep up with the prolific conversation about capitalism, space dicks, carbon emissions, consumerism, for-profit media markets, and china (esp china, like I don't even know how to begin to talk about china, I'm not looking forward to having ordinary conversations about china all the time and I can feel it creeping into my daily Real Life), but I probably agree w you mope and hobo about most of it
rudy I mentioned the supernatural bc over the years I've come to feel less dismissive of the I'm Not Religious I'm Spiritual crowd and willing to acknowledge that spirituality is an ill-defined and inadequately considered category of human emotional experience that is for whatever reason treated as its own distinct category separate from other forms of emotional connection. I esp think this is a problem on the left bc most perspectives I encounter fall into the category of a) feh feh feh atheism, b) I grew up catholic and am gay/trans/queer/whatever now and fuuuuuck that noise, or c) I mean I get why some marginalized groups gravitate towards it but it's still Problematic, and so anything even mildly associated with that sphere either falls into the realm of distasteful artifacts of a history of conservatism and control, socially acceptable opium for the masses, or white women who won't shut up about crystals
so that sucks, because sometimes I think the metaphysical can serve as an alternative means of social change. you've got the fukuyama-adjacent shit that gestures towards the inevitability of capitalist liberal democracies, and the idea of the market has more or less been naturalized despite its status as an historical aberration that requires considerable government intervention to maintain.
and like you think about the le guin quote about imagining a world etc. etc. and part of the reason that's difficult is bc if you take a materialist perspective then it's hard to envision an environment that is not either an iteration of or a direct response to capitalism, and imo a means of escaping this landscape is to migrate to a sort of orthogonal one in which, if we have naturalized a fundamentally unnatural concept (am avoiding the complex philosophical distinction between 'natural' and 'unnatural,' sue me), then the supernatural becomes a space of reclamation, a dimension along which even if one cannot imagine a world outside of capitalism they can at least envision an afterlife beyond that world. when you have lost the natural, as we have, perhaps surrender the natural, reject the validity of the natural, find a space in the supernatural, in spiritual traditions that have by their lack of material value remained external to the Global Economic Regime.
this is essentially about finding a language to observe and articulate the rooms that are not included in the floor plan. to be the post to their modern. we already know that shit exists; we just forgot it because a) eurbody in the club gettin' white consumers between the ages of 18 and 34, and b) someone was smart enough to put it in a time capsule and bury it.
this is abstract but so is the concept of faith (~faith~, reclaim it from #blessed my oppressed, repressed, suppressed brethren). even if you don't believe in shit -- which I don't, honestly, even tho I kind of wish I did, or could -- I have rarely encountered venues more capable of effectively excluding market logic.
Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 07:55:10 am by boy_waitress