So,"Kinder Cosmic" is a multi-media format series of narratively interwoven stories that draws on a multitude of inspirations to serve as an original method of storytelling that utilizes music paired with my specific style of storytelling and indie artists mostly contracted off of reddit to help me tell it.
The way this is done is that I work with each and everyone of these artists to instill their own identities and artistic style into the imagery and the stories themselves.
Right now it takes the form of this massive collection of short stories, novellas, and books conjoined with the artwork and music to resemble something like a graphic novel.
I've been doing this for awhile, it's pretty fun and through self funding I've managed to get a lil 4k audience.
Figure since this forum is still fledgling and kinda empty I'd share some of our work here!
Think the best way for me to share it is to just leave examples of what we've done and are doing, for those Interested you can ask away or hit me up anytime and I'll elaborate.
The GIST of it is that "Kinder Cosmic" is world building, it takes place within a universe that very closely mirrors our own then mixes inspirations and commentary of a wide range of subjects to serve as a modern sci-fi commentary on the human condition.
This is Kinder Cosmic's synopsis as if you were reading an intro to the first "book":
"Welcome to the story of a pair of most unlikely and unwilling heroes.
Two very ancient, yet very dysfunctional grey aliens. Alpha and Jorg have a very long history with the Earth and it's wonderfully flawed denizens.
Whether trying to uplift unenlightened tribesmen and failing miserably, causing one infamous interstellar DWI incident, or inadvertently sending a young Terence McKenna on the trip of his life. Try as they might one way or the other our heroes have irrevocably changed the course of mankind time and time again and they will continue to do so.
This is Kinder Cosmic; a sardonic commentary of the human condition from the perspectives of those who are anything but and a most unrequited love story.
They're not the heroes we need. They're not the heroes anyone had asked for. They're the heroes that we deserve."
You can find more examples of the stories and artwork involved with it here:
And here:
Though I'm constantly trying to find better ways to compile and share it.
For now I'm just going to periodically share bits and pieces of my favorites and projects we're currently working on here for any interested.
Also constantly looking to hire out new artists and possibly some web design help in the future to help build a platform for it.