Missing post icon Star Fall: An Role Playing Space Opera by Thomas Myers (Read 181 times)

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Star Fall is a table-top role-playing experience and a love letter to classic sci-fi space flight simulators such as Space Rogue and Wing Commander: Privateer.

As mankind ventures into space a monumental discovery reshapes its entire future. Long ago, the first astronauts to venture outside the solar system, led by James Conrad, beyond the Kuiper Belt, and into the Infinite Void found their ship damaged and derelict with no way back to Earth. Out there in the unimaginable blackness, devoid of hope, a light shone in their window, too near to be one of the distant stars. Still able to steer, they approached and found a device mounted to a large asteroid. At first, the device seemed mundane and ordinary. Only the bizarre writing etched on it evinced its otherworldly origins. Observing it more closely, it began to glow brightly, and they found their ship in a location so distant they no longer knew where Earth was. Not far away was another similar device. Several weeks later, a rescue craft found his ship with him and his crew almost out of resources, barely alive.

The discovery of the Quantum Gates was a watershed in human history. True interstellar travel was in our grasp. There was no way to research them. Drawing close activated them and transported any ship to other distant solar systems. It is a vast network and to this day, humanity has unlocked none of its secrets. For all that anyone knows, there could be paths to other galaxies...or further, wherever such a place could be.

Humanity soon discovered that we were not the only spacefarers using the network. Other people not so different from us used the network to travel and to commute. Civilizations used it to survive. As for who built it, nobody knows, but the many people of many worlds across the galaxy believe they are long extinct. The Quantum Gates have been used to colonize the galaxy and to build civilization farther than anyone could ever imagine.

Three centuries after Conrad's incredible voyage, humans inhabit most of the galaxy. On the outer fringes of civilization, there is a star cluster of several solar systems in close proximity to each other. The inhabitants have named this place Star Fall, for it was here that humanity met the Wah'ri, a relentlessly aggressive species that attacks indiscriminately.

No negotiation.

No reason given.

No quarter shown.

All reason rejected.

There has never been any indication of Wah'ri residence in Star Fall. The war with the Wah'ri raged for nearly half a century until they finally relented, and humans established full control of Star Fall. But still, the Wah'ri wait on the fringes, and sometimes they test our tolerance. It is in Star Fall that the threads of the fate of humanity are about to untangle.

What role will you play in the days to come?

  * Turn-based combat inspired by classic flight combat simulators
  * A completely new system, designed from the ground up
  * Rules for inertia
  * Earn your way through honest business, bounty hunting, or piracy
  * Gameplay requires dice d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d100
  * Hex-based maps
  * Alien races
  * Skill-based Roleplay
  * No-dice character building
  * Coming soon

Star Fall is a role-playing game, or RPG, and as that suggests, players assume a role. They take on the persona of a character. First, and foremost, Star Fall's focus is on traveling through and fighting in space, but gameplay will take place both in space and on the ground. The game is set in a fictional location called Star Fall, a cluster of stars at the furthest reaches of the galaxy. Star Fall, though remote, is an important member of the United Systems Coalition (USC), an interstellar alliance comprised of four species, humans, tal'Q, glimmok, and serrel. Interstellar travel is possible due to the discovery of a network of ancient devices that the USC has named Quantum Gates. Star Fall is important to this Coalition for numerous reasons, but the main ones are that the Star Fall cluster has one of only four planets that can grow food native to the USC homeworlds in abundance, Ceres, and Star Fall seems to be the focus of the Wah'ri. The Wah'ri had harassed the USC for nearly a century as it explored the galaxy, but when the USC began to settle Star Fall, the Wah'ri went to all out war. Star Fall has been a valued strategic position ever since.


The game is nearing completion but it is still in an alpha state. Just like video games, Table Top RPGs need to be tested, too, but they don't just need players; they need Game Masters willing to run sessions for other players. It isn't enough for me to run a game and see how well players can understand the rules. I have to see how well other people can run games based upon my rules. This will be a full playtest, meaning that you will have access to the full game in its current state. Though the ruleset is complete in its current state, maps and tokens still need to be created. I hope there will be interest, and I hope to see this game accepted into the TTRPG community.
Star Fall: A Role Playing Space Opera by Thomas Myers

  • Avatar of EpsilonEagle
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Sounds cool. Might try and test out a game some time when I get the chance.
  • Avatar of pianotm
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For some reason, though, it didn't post the ship loadout sheet, which goes with the character sheet.
Star Fall: A Role Playing Space Opera by Thomas Myers

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The concept seems pretty solid and I like the background story in connection with it. I rarely play tabletop games but I'd be up for giving it a try. Perhaps we could organize something through Discord?

  • Avatar of pianotm
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Just some of the component lists for use with the Ship Loadout Sheet.
Star Fall: A Role Playing Space Opera by Thomas Myers

  • Avatar of pianotm
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I'll share a couple pages from the Races chapter. These are WIP, which means, they could be the finished page, or I may still make changes. It depends. Also, most images with art are too big in their normal size, so everything in this thread has been shrunk to fit in the posts.
Star Fall: A Role Playing Space Opera by Thomas Myers

  • Avatar of pianotm
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A couple of enemy statblocks and the United Systems Coalition emblem!
Star Fall: A Role Playing Space Opera by Thomas Myers
