RPG Dragon Quest Remake SIMPLE, a free fan game (Read 27 times)

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Hello, I am a software engineer who dabbles in game development for a decade but never finished a project, so I decided to make this game in RPG Maker to make it easier on me making something simpler than I tried before, as it I always advised(always start with a small game like pong or snake). After completing Dragon Warrior on the NES for the first time a couple of months ago I was wondering about how a game may be made more fun not despite its simplicity, but because of it, so I decided that my first game would be a game that tries to recreate that simple addictive nature and that is why I put the effort to first make a remake of the original Dragon Quest so that I can understand what is behind that simplicity. Because of the use of copyrighted material and being so close to official releases, I decided to work in secret until release.

So, I am happy to say that I am now releasing my first project release ever in the shape of Dragon Quest Remake SIMPLE, built with RPG Maker XP. This Remake tries to recreate the original Dragon Quest release as faithfully as possible by using the same attributes as the original on the NES, while using the tileset from the Dragon Quest 3 remake for Super Famicom.  I tried to keep the map layouts as faithful as possible to the original game, only changing when necessary to increase the fidelity of the visuals. All official remakes are based on the first SNES I&II release that doubled the size of all the dungeon and cave maps and made major changes to the layout of the dungeons.

The only changes I did was doubling experience and gold rewarded by monsters and changed spell power to make them more viable(non-status spells were quickly made obsolete by normal attacks in the original). Aside from that the game is as hard(or as easy in the case of the last boss) as it was in the original game. The game also come in both English with dialog referential humor that will surely date the game, and Brazilian Portuguese for those who don’t need to learn English since they were born Brazilian(naturally).

If you have any suggestions on how to improve the game, like for example including super bosses to the game, because we all know there is a bit of the world map that has no business existing, please let me know. I didn’t because I was aiming for fidelity, but I am open to changes if people think it would improve it.

Like I said previously, the reason why I made this Remake is because I wanted to know the inner working of the original game intimately so I can recreate the good parts in my own original game, so if you are an artist or musician and want contribute to my project, I am open to contact through the forum or through my email: [email protected], and considering the niche nature of my games if you would like to contribute in any other way, you can fling me a few bucks on Patreon if you like what I do and want to help me focus more hours into my future games instead of my day job.

Trailer: https://youtu.be/0-frtiMICsU?si=WsKKb6qLXzx959Si

English Version: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d54njk8f6qgu778z6klvm/Dragon-Quest-1_1.0.4.exe?rlkey=duv3j9ddc56zmelfqixwz6jn9&st=93zvvufr&dl=0

Brazilian Portuguese Version: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b7nubhony63oja90sqc9g/Dragon-Quest-1-PTBR_1.0.2.exe?rlkey=917y3e3rw75n9x7fn0p8po1v2&st=b0so23m4&dl=0

Patreon: https://patreon.com/BrazilRules?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink

Dragon Quest and all its components are copyrighted by © Square Enix. I have no affiliation to them, and this fan game should not be used to gain financial gain in any means and should always be distributed for free.

EDIT: Improved feedback in battle with animations, sounds and more messages. Also fixed some minor bugs.

EDIT2: Fixed a crash when enemies breath fire and the status window not updating when using an item.
Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 04:24:04 pm by BrazilRules
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I've been playing through this and I gotta say that it's pretty faithful to the original. And it seems that you are working hard to improve it too! Looking forward to playing it some more this evening because I love Dragon Quest type games.

Oh if you want to put screenshots it's [ img ] [ /img ] without the spaces.

  • Avatar of EpsilonEagle
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It looks very promising. Going to check it out later when I get time.