Serious lost game from my childhood (Read 50 times)

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Hi ! First time posting on this forum, i'm desperate to find this game i used to play as a kid. If anyone can help me, i'd be glad to have your help !! I might answer very slowly though :/
The game was a point and click where you played a dog who solved small puzzles to find various objects in a backyard. I don't remember the end goal though perhaps it was to get inside the house, or find certain things (gnomes i think?). I remember that around the backyard therr were garden gnomes you had to get though i dont remember if it was the end goal or just an easter egg. IIRC the dog you played as was white, the dog was a poodle/yorkshire terrier (i think it was one of those really small white dogs that old people own? Maybe it was a dalmatian, but i'm 90% sure it was at least partially white). When you'd progress in the game the angle of which you could see the backyard would change sometimes. I think there was a section with paw prints and another with other animals (bats or racoons ?) That hid under a staircase.
The game's artstyle was realistic, as in ot had realistic proportions and such, but tthe colors were flat, like the dog would be pure white with only some grey shadows iirc. It was 3d-ish, like the rextures and all were 3d but it wasn't like a regular 3d game, it had a fixed 3rd person angle.
If you have any questions, ask me though i may have trouble answering because i haven't played this game in over a decade.
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Was this a PC game or was it on a game console? Roughly how long ago did you play this?
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Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 05:54:20 pm by Mr. Malibus
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According to ChatGPT it's probably one of the following:
Pajama Sam
The ClueFinders