I'm LegoNenen (sometimes just Nenen) aka C.N.Gentle. Jewish Jesus-Freak. (also had a black-belt in Tang Soo Do)
Been wanting to make games for a long time, and KotOR gave me my love for RPGs, but it wasn't until I finally tried out RPGmaker that I thought that maybe I could actually make RPGs (a very diffucult genre for beginners)
Mostly use VX Ace nowedays, (for the longest time it was the Lite version, but now I own both it and Xp) - edit2: actually own practically all of them now XD
edit1: However I also use 2k3 occasionally
I've studied Writing Fiction on my own, but am mostly untested when it comes to actually showing off my stories.
I'm fairly proficient at Art, I hope. and am often editing and making tiles, sprites, etc... (Many of which I've shared on Itch.io and the forums)
Outside mostly failed game-jam projects, haven't actually released any games yet.
Also working on some Music composition... None released. - edit3: do have a thing posted on my soundcloud tho that's based on someone's elses.
I didn't necessarily consider myself a fan of the 'Horror' genre, but I've played a few good games there, and some of my projects could rightfully be called that.
Last Edit: December 02, 2024, 03:46:57 am by LegoNenen
I'm trying to make stuff, and as long as I don't procrastinate perhaps I'll finish (Lord willing)