so is anything like getting drunk? By that I mean the feelings, dizzyness, and good times. You know, the symptoms and the shit you feel.
I have never had alcohol, but since it is a drug, I would assume that some of the effects are similar. If I had to guess, I would say that Alcohol vs. Drugs is like Cannabis Sativa vs. Cannabis Indica: Sativa and Alcohol are mainly body highs whereas Indica and the majority of psychoactives are primarily brain highs.
What was your datura trip like? I heard that datura is completely nutso.
Yeah, man. I'll post my Datura trip report once I find it on my old computer. To make a long story that I'll post later short: The trip was TERRIBLE, I thought I overdosed and ended up suffering what I thought to be tachycardia and eating handfuls of dirt to make myself vomit.
Stay away from that shit.
it's a type of sage that has unique psychoactive properties, but no biological risk at all. ideally, the only way you can have a problem with it is if you have a bad trip but if you've got a friend to watch over you and make sure the environment stays calm that isn't a problem. I'd like to try it but I've already said why I can't in the woym thread (this is where the IDEALLY comes into effect; some people have bad experiences with it, but this is the case with nearly every drug and probably every hallucinogenic)
If I remember correctly, Salvia is an herb called Salvia Divinorum. Even though it's really popular down here by the border because it is a native plant of the Sonoran Desert, I've never tried it because a LOT of people have terrible trips on it, regardless of whether or not they have a trip sitter. Honestly though, I recently started a goal to experience the most terrifying trip I can, so I have been considering trying Salvia or Datura again.
As for medical issues, Salvia is traditionally taken by chewing two leaves and smoking, which seems to suggest that it is not poisonous. Any chemical psychoactive can cause psychosis after regular or sporadic use.
What's Datura and what was that like?
Also, while you're on LSD and things like that do you have a person nearby to make sure you don't do stupid shit or are you aware enough to realize what's going on?
Usually when somebody tries drugs, especially dissasociatives, they have a trip-sitter with them. A trip sitter's job is to help the psychonaut maintain a good trip through reassurance, safety, and good vibes. The most common way to have a bad trip is to begin to worry about something concerning the trip: Worrying about the sudden lack of control can lead to a complete panic attack which can be very dangerous. A trip sitter needs to keep the psychonaut from becoming frightened.
When I try a new drug, or take two or three times my normal dose. My favorite trip-sitter is my best friend, Andria.
what do you enjoy about smoking pot? im not trying to be an asshole or ruin your topic but seriously whenver i smoke pot i just like zone out get really lazy but music is better.
I love smoking pot more than I love hot dogs, apple pie, and fireworks.
Do you do drugs just to pass time? If so, why not something else?
No, it is actually the opposite of passing the time. Most of the time when I am high on something light, like marijuana, I can still function easily so I enjoy performing my daily tasks (work, school, chores) completely stoned. (case & point: I am totally wasted right now.)
The real reason I started doing drugs is because I thought they would be fun. The reason I KEEP doing drugs is because they really open new ways of thinking up to me. Some of the thoughts I have had are so incredible, it would be impossible to explain to someone who has never experimented.
What exactly is an LSD trip like?
I made a topic about this like ten months ago. I remember that I got all the units wrong when I was talking about doses, so I'll go back and edit it before I post the
Basically, you become really dissasociated from the concept of yourself and you start asking yourself questions in your mind that are phrased on a universal scale. This is in addition to the mix-and-match of your sensory inputs. Smell becomes touch, Taste becomes hear, and every other combination.