Dev - RM2k3 The Burned Out Loser Thread (Read 43427 times)

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Psychoactives...
But Were too Afraid to Ask!!

Firstly, I am fully aware that drugs, and their use or abuse, is a sensitive and controversial topic. Therefore, if you are opposed to drug use in any way, I encourage you to succinctly and politely post your reasons why in this topic, in addition to any questions about drugs you may have. I think that this could be a interesting, informative, and potentially hilarious topic, so lets try to keep it clean, shall we?

The purpose of this topic is to discuss any aspect of drugs or drug culture. Questions might range from "What happens when you drink cough syrup?" to "Why would anyone want to do drugs?"In this topic, any member can answer any question if he feels he has valid and accurate information on the subject; Wash-Cycle, Goldenratio come to mind. Pro and Anti drug movements are great topics for discussion but this discussion should stay away from drug law since this varies by location.

The purpose of this topic is NOT to provide medical, chemical, or dosage information. Don't trust any information you receive here as valid unless it is corroborated by an outside source you trust.

Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 02:29:31 am by GirlBones
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so is anything like getting drunk? By that I mean the feelings, dizzyness, and good times. You know, the symptoms and the shit you feel.
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What's Datura and what was that like?

Also, while you're on LSD and things like that do you have a person nearby to make sure you don't do stupid shit or are you aware enough to realize what's going on?
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so is anything like getting drunk? By that I mean the feelings, dizzyness, and good times. You know, the symptoms and the shit you feel.

He stated he has never had alcohol. Which I find to be very weird. But pretty cool never the less.
<Drule> I can play the didgeridoo actually
<Drule> some guy on the street taught me
<Drule> come to think of it
<Drule> it was pretty gross how I played on his didgeridoo

so wrong...
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what do you enjoy about smoking pot? im not trying to be an asshole or ruin your topic but seriously whenver i smoke pot i just like zone out get really lazy but music is better.
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Do you do drugs just to pass time? If so, why not something else?
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Does this sound really really good to you
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has anyone done salvia divinorum

it's a type of sage that has unique psychoactive properties, but no biological risk at all. ideally, the only way you can have a problem with it is if you have a bad trip but if you've got a friend to watch over you and make sure the environment stays calm that isn't a problem. I'd like to try it but I've already said why I can't in the woym thread (this is where the IDEALLY comes into effect; some people have bad experiences with it, but this is the case with nearly every drug and probably every hallucinogenic)

It sounds pretty cool though, so I'd like to hear someone's experience with it. my friend had a cool story about his trip on it, I'll add it to this post tomorrow maybe

Does this sound really really good to you
haha, I expected that to be some binaural beat shit
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What was your datura trip like? I heard that datura is completely nutso.
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What exactly is an LSD trip like? 

I've heard that no one can fully describe one, but I'd be interested in hearing what you can remember.  I mean, was anything SUPER ENLIGHTENING or anything?  (Anyone can feel free to answer, btw.) 

I've never done drugs per say; and haven't really felt the pull of them, but life experiences are life experiences, so my mind isn't shut and locked.  The most that I've done is smoked some pot twice; and I can say that I honestly didn't see the pull.  All I can really remember is watching my friend think he was choking on a Pringle and finding it the funniest shit in the world. 
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so is anything like getting drunk? By that I mean the feelings, dizzyness, and good times. You know, the symptoms and the shit you feel.

I have never had alcohol, but since it is a drug, I would assume that some of the effects are similar. If I had to guess, I would say that Alcohol vs. Drugs is like Cannabis Sativa vs. Cannabis Indica: Sativa and Alcohol are mainly body highs whereas Indica and the majority of psychoactives are primarily brain highs.

What was your datura trip like? I heard that datura is completely nutso.

Yeah, man. I'll post my Datura trip report once I find it on my old computer. To make a long story that I'll post later short: The trip was TERRIBLE, I thought I overdosed and ended up suffering what I thought to be tachycardia and eating handfuls of dirt to make myself vomit.

Stay away from that shit.
it's a type of sage that has unique psychoactive properties, but no biological risk at all. ideally, the only way you can have a problem with it is if you have a bad trip but if you've got a friend to watch over you and make sure the environment stays calm that isn't a problem. I'd like to try it but I've already said why I can't in the woym thread (this is where the IDEALLY comes into effect; some people have bad experiences with it, but this is the case with nearly every drug and probably every hallucinogenic)

If I remember correctly, Salvia is an herb called Salvia Divinorum. Even though it's really popular down here by the border because it is a native plant of the Sonoran Desert, I've never tried it because a LOT of people have terrible trips on it, regardless of whether or not they have a trip sitter. Honestly though, I recently started a goal to experience the most terrifying trip I can, so I have been considering trying Salvia or Datura again.

As for medical issues, Salvia is traditionally taken by chewing two leaves and smoking, which seems to suggest that it is not poisonous. Any chemical psychoactive can cause psychosis after regular or sporadic use.   

What's Datura and what was that like?

Also, while you're on LSD and things like that do you have a person nearby to make sure you don't do stupid shit or are you aware enough to realize what's going on?

Usually when somebody tries drugs, especially dissasociatives, they have a trip-sitter with them. A trip sitter's job is to help the psychonaut maintain a good trip through reassurance, safety, and good vibes. The most common way to have a bad trip is to begin to worry about something concerning the trip: Worrying about the sudden lack of control can lead to a complete panic attack which can be very dangerous. A trip sitter needs to keep the psychonaut from becoming frightened.

When I try a new drug, or take two or three times my normal dose. My favorite trip-sitter is my best friend, Andria.
what do you enjoy about smoking pot? im not trying to be an asshole or ruin your topic but seriously whenver i smoke pot i just like zone out get really lazy but music is better.

I love smoking pot more than I love hot dogs, apple pie, and fireworks.

Do you do drugs just to pass time? If so, why not something else?

No, it is actually the opposite of passing the time. Most of the time when I am high on something light, like marijuana, I can still function easily so I enjoy performing my daily tasks (work, school, chores) completely stoned. (case &  point: I am totally wasted right now.)

The real reason I started doing drugs is because I thought they would be fun. The reason I KEEP doing drugs is because they really open new ways of thinking up to me. Some  of the thoughts I have had are so incredible, it would be impossible to explain to someone who has never experimented.

What exactly is an LSD trip like? 

I made a topic about this like ten months ago. I remember that I got all the units wrong when I was talking about doses, so I'll go back and edit it before I post the link.

Basically, you become really dissasociated from the concept of yourself and you start asking yourself questions in your mind that are phrased on a universal scale. This is in addition to the mix-and-match of your sensory inputs. Smell becomes touch, Taste becomes hear, and every other combination.
Last Edit: July 27, 2007, 06:55:09 am by Girl Bones
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Is it true that trips on Salvia tend to be extremely short? I've heard it compared to a 15-20 minute trip on LSD.

Also, have you hallucinated on your LSD trips, and, if so, to what extent?
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in what way does music enhance drug experiences and what sorts of music would you suggest (METAL MACHINE MUSIC)?
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Is it true that trips on Salvia tend to be extremely short? I've heard it compared to a 15-20 minute trip on LSD.

Also, have you hallucinated on your LSD trips, and, if so, to what extent?

GENERALLY SPEAKING, from what I have observed from friends, Two full leavves chewed lasts between 60-80 minutes, though Erowid says its between 30-40.

I have never had strong visual hallucinations. I have, however, had strong mental hallucinations; thinking thoughts that weren't mine, having thoughts that weren't real, stealing thoughts from other people.

in what way does music enhance drug experiences and what sorts of music would you suggest (METAL MACHINE MUSIC)?

In MY opinion, the only drug where it is not a waste of time to listen to music is marijuana. Why waste your time listening to music while on a powerful dissasociative when you could be listening to the cosmos instead?

In conjunction with weed, though, ANY kind of music becomes immediately engaging. When I am high, I love the stereotypical Reggae, in addition to Electronica like Imogen Heap, or Post Rock.

Seriously, some of the best nights of my life have been spent listening to old records in my friends livingroom while sharing a smoking bong.
Last Edit: July 27, 2007, 07:14:52 am by Girl Bones
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The reason I KEEP doing drugs is because they really open new ways of thinking up to me. Some  of the thoughts I have had are so incredible, it would be impossible to explain to someone who has never experimented.

This is one of the things I've thought a lot about whenever drugs have come up. I've never done any drugs (not counting alcohol), so it really leaves me wondering what kind of thoughts you are speaking of. While I'm sure drugs open new pathways for one to think or create (I'm sure we've heard the "all good books / all good music / all good thoughts have been conceived on drug trips" -argument), do they REALLY do that, or are they just fooling your brain into thinking you've come up with something incredible?

I mean, what kind of incredible thought is that if you can't even explain it on this messageboard? As I said though, I don't really doubt it beacuse one of my favourite albums (Marillion's Misplaced Childhood) is the product of an acid trip. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the whole "enlightening" thing that is so often associated with drugs.
<Drule> I can play the didgeridoo actually
<Drule> some guy on the street taught me
<Drule> come to think of it
<Drule> it was pretty gross how I played on his didgeridoo

so wrong...
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This is one of the things I've thought a lot about whenever drugs have come up. I've never done any drugs (not counting alcohol), so it really leaves me wondering what kind of thoughts you are speaking of. While I'm sure drugs open new pathways for one to think or create (I'm sure we've heard the "all good books / all good music / all good thoughts have been conceived on drug trips" -argument), do they REALLY do that, or are they just fooling your brain into thinking you've come up with something incredible?

I mean, what kind of incredible thought is that if you can't even explain it on this messageboard? As I said though, I don't really doubt it beacuse one of my favourite albums (Marillion's Misplaced Childhood) is the product of an acid trip. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the whole "enlightening" thing that is so often associated with drugs.

Okay, imagine if tomorrow a third arm mysteriously sprouted out of your chest. Your brain has spent the last 20 years perfecting the tasks necessary to operate two arms and now it is presented with a third! Think of how much inward thought it would require for you to forcibly re-train your brain to operate the third arm. You would begin to have complex META-thoughts, about the very operation of the brain itself.

When you are on strong psychoactives, it is as if your mind has sprouted another appendage, and now it must focus completely inward to fully explore it. Now imagine if when your mind looked inward it saw - AND BECAME - the entire universe.
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I saw your LSD topic and I am just.... :incred:


What the fuck man, how are you still alive/not insane after you combined MARIJUANA and LSD, I mean, for the love of Ra,
I have no idea what they actually do to but I assume that even if they are CLOSE to alcohol, then f*ck, I want LSD :(

Did you do this because Fatty joned you so hard?

Last Edit: July 27, 2007, 08:35:22 am by TommyOliver
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When you are on strong psychoactives, it is as if your mind has sprouted another appendage, and now it must focus completely inward to fully explore it. Now imagine if when your mind looked inward it saw - AND BECAME - the entire universe.

That sounds pretty intriguing, but I was actually looking for more concrete examples. Even if your mind becomes the universe and you suddenly understand where we came from and what we are here for, there's no point if you can't explain it to other people.

So, what I'm really trying to ask, would you say drugs have provided you with insight that has somehow, in a noticeable way, helped you or someone else in real life?

... i became an orange and peeled myself ... :emo:
<Drule> I can play the didgeridoo actually
<Drule> some guy on the street taught me
<Drule> come to think of it
<Drule> it was pretty gross how I played on his didgeridoo

so wrong...
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Okay uhhh, one more question...
What do yo think would happen if yo took LSD, MJ and good ol' alcohol
and DIDN'T OverDose?

Would it be like, a MIND-BLOWING experience or jst pretty weird?
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Why do drug users sound like psuedo intillectual douches when trying to describe how mind-opening they are?