IRC GWR's Future Discussion - Wednesday 1st August 9pm GMT (Read 1220 times)

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hey you missed it start here

Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 11:54:05 am by Mike
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Brilliant. As Mike said, we've been discussing this previously, and on a private note I'm all into GWR - meaning, I want to see this baby fly again. The internet has evolved, and so has GamingW. We've hosted a multitude of decent shows, and I think its only fair to ourselves that we try a bit harder. There's also quite a few ways to simplify the whole Radio process, perhaps even eliminating the current "need" for everyone interested to listen live, with extensive podcasts and etcetera.

I'll be there, and I hope we'll spawn some cool shit together!!
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I wish there was some way to host a broadcast off itunes....

Ill probally show up Late as hell as i have plans that day but ill attempt to contribute
Wyrm  | Madolah | ær 
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Too bad you're making the get together during a day a work.
Forget it, I can actually make it.  :happy:

I try hard to do shows but with my work.... :sad:
Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 02:10:52 pm by Shadow Kirby
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Too bad you're making the get together during a day a work.

I try hard to do shows but with my work.... :sad:

Well, if you can't make it later then drop me a PM with any ideas you have and I'll pass them on :)
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I'll be at work for that meeting, so I demand that you post highlights and what was discussed for me.

Comply or suffer my wrath.
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Tell us in advance if you can tune in at work. If yes, we'll all emply fake grown up voices and use strange words that imply that we're smarter than people listening in. If your boss asks what in the flaming baffonns is destroying his sparkling peace of mind, you're then supposed to give him a brief, tired look and say "a legal show about worker's benefits and rights. It's very fascinating" and then not reply to any of his questions.

This will get you fired.
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Tell us in advance if you can tune in at work.

No, it is literally impossible for me to tune in at work.
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It doesn't look like we will get enough people for a live stream at this rate.

Also, if someone else can keep a log of the talk, as well, that would be great since my router likes to kill my connection at random times.
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GWR's Future:
The Problem

In the past, GWR has run scheduled and unscheduled content, primarily music only. Every few months, GWR dies and there's maybe a show twice a week (total), which is understandable as this is not a business. This is a fun hobby, a side-project, for GW's members. It's unfair of me to point a finger at a DJ who misses a show, it's too strict and not how GWR should be run. However, at the same time GWR needs to provide content, and I think everyone can agree that a higher level of content is required.

The majority of shows are the same, someone makes up a playlist of songs they probably got from the Zoo or heard about here. Yes, there are a few DJs who do play something different, and there are DJs who actually talk. It's been pointed out by many non-listeners that the reason they don't listen is because they can just get the exact same songs and content in their own time without missing anything. Personally, I don't really have a problem with people playing the same thing, I just dislike the idea of people just giving up their show because they can't get listeners (because people don't listen due to my previous point).

Our best shows are the "special" ones, album releases mainly, which is understandable. These contain new and unique content, a massive change from your standard show. Another thing to note is the time factor. A lot of people will go out of their way to get on for these shows, and if they can't then they know they have the option of getting it later via a download.

Loop back round to your standard show. People lose aren't as bothered with these shows because they aren't important enough or lack the quality for listeners to put in the effort to listen, add in the fact that they can't be heard later and you just end up with listener-less shows.

To sum up, we have periods of time where lots of people will play and listen, but then that dies down after they realize it's just the same thing over and over. DJs have to stop their scheduled shows because of their real life commitments, which is fair enough. GWR dies, wait a while, repeat. Important events get higher listener counts due to the good quality content.

The Concept
First, we solve the problem of things being too strict with a schedule: we get rid of it. No more official schedule, a DJ is free to keep their own routine if they like and if they don't then no one will bite their heads off. Special events can be booked, and listed on the mainsite (and here) so that people know when they are so they may attend them. I'll (or if you think I am crazy and want to opt someone else to manage things) deal with DJ applications as usual and solve any arguements, but I won't threaten to kill you if you don't do a show, it's your show.

Podcasting. A concept first introduced to GWR by KTT a while ago, a form of new media popular on the internet. You pre-record a show, you can optionally stream it live as you do it, then offer it for download. This is NOT for music shows. It pointless to have people download an hour of music as one file, if you want people to hear a song then tell them to go get it. I am fine with music review shows where you play a very brief clip and then discuss it, but nothing more. If it's an album, that's not a podcast. Podcasting will provoke a change of content, a focus on discussion.

However, there is a problem with podcasting, it requires much space and bandwidth. As discussed on IRC, there are three options:

  • GW hosts them.
  • GWR invests in a seperate content server.
  • People host their own shows and GWR indexes them.

We don't necessarily need to stick with one, we can always switch to whatever is best. We could start hosting our own shows and then move them to a main content server when it is feasible.

Podcasts on your own server also means it goes beyond GW. For example, I have been considering a web/tech podcast to run on my blog. I would want to have a co-host (+ guests) from GW to talk about the past week and future predictions, etc. I would host it on akamike, my blog, and then I would also like to index that with GWR so that it's still a GW podcast but also allows me to market it on my own site. This opens up the more centralized content that we see in shows, where everything is the same because I LIKE PORCUPINE TREE/RM2K/MILK @_@/etc. I don't expect it to be too widespread, maybe pulling in communities around GW (Happy RMXP Land or something) and people's own personal sites.

Another point is hosts could obtain sponsorship from friends (a 10 sec ad about their game and how you should TOTALLY CHECK IT OUT) which gives them an option of a little pocket money. Of course, if it was hosted by GW or GWR then I wouldn't allow this for the fact that proceeds should go towards GW itself, which is cool because it just opens a new source of income for GW.

Beyond GW Radio
GW Radio could become GW Media, if things got to a point where people wanted video content or animations (remember GWTV?), offering a wider range of content for GW and opening up more options for content producers. But that's way into the future, so I'll stop here.

So yeah, this is your (GW) station, so give feedback and ideas. The basic idea is we stop the schedule, DJs are free to do shows whenever, we run special events like album launches or GAME SHOWS or something, and move into podcasting to open up a new content area. There will be a site, probably just DJ profiles, special events, applications and podcast index, but we need to deal with the content first. Let's build a model for GWR to make it last longer, be more interesting and (hopefully!) a bit more fun.
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Good talk, better summary. Let's see the best sort of action! These plans rely heavily on, as Mike said, our efforts. I'm going for the disstance, and I hope to see ya by my side (SK... UPRC... champions!)~~
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One thing that has changed and probably been a problem in the past is that here, on the actual forums, GWRadio is a sub forum (now hidden with the other featured projects) so no one really pays attention to it. When this gets going again a sticky in General would be nice, it could list shows (freelance and routine) and also be somewhere else for DJs to get feedback on their shows (no one will go to the GWR sub forum I guarantee it). Just a single topic in General appealing to people. Also, will DJ profiles have a feedback/comments section?

Another possibility is to get rid of the GWR sub forum and place everyones show topics in the appropriate forum. A discussion on Technology could go in General or Hardware and Software, a topic for RPGmaker news would go in G&D, and music topics can either go in creation or music (depending). Special events would still go in general. The idea is like SK suggested reaching out to forums in hopes that their communities will get involved with GWR too.

Inviting other websites; GW affiliates, other sites of similar popularity as GW, smaller websites with their own communities; to use GWR too might bring in activity, though we lose a pure GW audience (I won't lose sleep though). If we offer a common place for these websites to make live discussion shows and somewhere to offer their podcasts, we might gain a big audience all around GWR. This might not be plausible with the state of GW mainsite though.
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Mr Hibbert says:
i will consider this ok
Mr Hibbert says:
and post it in my forum so it looks like i'm doing stuff
Mike~ says:
Mike~ says:
make a quick post in the topic too just to show that there is interest in it
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awesome thx esh :waycool:
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I only now noticed this topic because of the placement of the GWR forum nowadays (If I had noticed it a week ago I would have joined in for the discussion). But I'll just throw in my hat somewhere. I like the podcasting idea, doing shows talking about certain things. In fact you could probably record a podcast and chop it up into segments with music in between for GWR broadcasting and have one without music for download. I've had some ideas for shows but they've never really amounted to anything. I always told myself "I'll wait for the new GWR before doing anything for real".

One of the tie-ins with GW that would be nice is some kind of semi-regular "GW Newscast". Once a week (or more often or more rarely) there'd be news from GW-world. New game releases, the latest drama, new forums etc. It would be a short thing that would be downloadable and also something that could be broadcasted kinda like an advertisment in other shows (for those who wanted to do it).

Another thing just when we're talking about this. If anyone passes by #gwradio and has some extra time and sees me and notices that I have extra time. I would really like to try the whole multiple host thing because I haven't had a chance to test it but I'd very much like to do shows with more than one host because talking tend to become more interesting if there's more than one person around. So if this kind of development would lead to more talk shows with multiple hosts I'd be happy. The problem with talk shows as you defined in the Problem-part is that when you're talking and no one is listening it feels pretty useless so I just put on some music instead.

I'm not very good at committing to things though so I'd love to help but I'm pretty sure I won't be doing very well in helping.
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So, has anyone given any thought to their shows/podcasts? I haven't received any details from anyone, not even a basic concept.
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I've been away from GW for a while, so I didn't see this post, but I'm now on campus at college and have a good computer, so I would think about doing a show.  I've been thinking about doing a regular music show every so often, but also doing something maybe once a month where I feature the music scene from my college and the area surrounding it, which is suprisingly large despite the small number of people. I could play the music and talk to some of the artists, and since it's all local, I could probably do it as a podcast, since it's stuff you can't really get anywhere else.
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I want to do a show, maybe just a one shot thing but still it'd be kewl
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Speaking of this, what is going on with GWRadio? What about the site, schedule, etc?