16:04 ShadowKirby: so, do we start this meeting or what
16:09 Kalar: I'm here.
16:10 Mike: hey what up
16:10 Mike: ok so whoever is here jump in as you please
16:10 Mike: Here's the state of GWR:
16:12 Mike: There is no schedule, however if there were one it has been proven over time that it will always die off every few months. There is no site at this time, though there are plans for one. DJ and listener activity is low, and I have to state that the content on GWR can be a little stale at times (same music mainly, but thats to be expected)
16:13 Untitled: hey
16:13 Mike: As DJs and listeners we need to collaboratively decide what direction GWR should head so that we can not only keep it alive, but provide good quality content
16:14 Kalar: Okay, I see your points, and I agree.
16:14 Kalar: I have to be honest and put it out pretty bluntly: I listen very seldomly to GWRadio myself, even as I'm a very dedicated supporter.
16:15 Untitled: yeah
16:15 Kalar: Why? Because there's so few good shows. It's all metal and other quasi-strange music that doesn't interest.
16:15 Untitled: because a lot of the music isn't to my taste.
16:15 Kalar: This doesn't make deter my interest.
16:15 ShadowKirby: we need to get some new DJs that will play something else then rock and whatever chef plays.
16:15 Untitled: I think we should make using mics nearly essential
16:15 Kalar: What does is the lack of microphone-action.
16:15 Kalar: Man, are we mirroring each other or what?
16:15 Kalar: :O
16:16 Untitled: if we just have random songs playing by someone
16:16 Untitled: it's just the same as having a bot
16:16 Untitled: really
16:16 Kalar: Exactly.
16:16 Untitled: if the DJ shows and explains the music the experience is a lot better.
16:16 ShadowKirby: True
16:16 Kalar: That's GWRadio's first gripe. Another one being, there's no real reward listening in. There's no interaction at all, unless you go into this module or send pms.
16:16 Mike: yes but we do have DJs who aren't confident in their english speaking skills, such as DS
16:16 Kalar: The mainsite could make that connection live, at least.
16:16 ShadowKirby: I,d do it but my Mac don't wan to use any mics

16:17 Untitled: and
- a quitté le serveur en disant : Ping timeout
16:17 Untitled: I think somewhere on the forum index or on each forum page, we could have a GWRadio show advertisement spot where banners are placed for shows
16:18 Kalar: That'd increase the initial interest, yeah.
16:18 Kalar: But what will make us keep 'em?
16:18 ShadowKirby: The gold button just isn't enough to grab attention
16:18 Kalar: Temed shows? Are we supposed to drop the whole, "lets have fun" for some organzied "fun"? Or will it become WoW, a second job?
16:19 ShadowKirby: and we also need to widen our audience. Maybe something linked with that game making magazine they have in G&D
16:20 ShadowKirby: they come for the games and stay for the music

16:20 Kalar: Yeah. All these things sound pretty okay!
Mike a quitté le serveur en disant : Ping timeout
16:20 Kalar: How do you guys stand when it comes to podcats though?
Mike a rejoint ce canal
16:20 Audience: [Mike] ~00:53~ <@MysteriousWanderer> hahaha i thoughtmike's real name is mikekuul
Audience a donné les privilèges d'opérateur a Mike
16:20 Mike: rofl sorry i knocked off my wireless

16:20 Untitled: I'm not sure Kalar
16:20 ShadowKirby: silly Mike
16:21 Untitled: I think live radio is much better
16:21 Untitled: as you can place requests and such
16:21 Mike: im on a laptop! there is a button on the very front for switching the adapter on and off
16:21 ShadowKirby: what about both. We record the live shows and distribute them as podcasts to those who can't make it live
16:21 Kalar: Perfect.
16:21 Kalar: My thinking exactly.
16:21 Untitled: who would record?
16:21 Mike: The problem with podcasting is space and bandwidth
16:22 ShadowKirby: whoever is doing the live show
16:22 Kalar: There's a nifty thing called streamripper, you just need an extra computer flipping it.
16:22 Kalar: And there' prolly some other ways too!
16:22 Mike: I spoke to rami before he left and he wasn't sure if GW's server would be able to do it
16:22 Mike: Now, if I had a steady stream of money i would get a server for podcast hosting
16:22 Mike: since its something i want to look into personally in the future anyhoo
16:22 Untitled: yeah
16:23 Untitled: could we do radio advertisements or something
16:23 ShadowKirby: yeah, I guess we need to take that in account
16:23 Mike: no, no ads
16:23 Untitled: alright
16:23 Mike: unless you REALLY want to find sponsors yourself
16:23 Kalar: Hmm.
16:23 Kalar: Still, ther'es a lot of folks at GW who has private hosts.
16:23 Mike: note: podcasts would not allow full songs to be played
16:23 Kalar: I'm pretty sure I could take care of at least my own podcasts.
16:23 Mike: like
16:23 Untitled: yeah that's gay
16:23 ShadowKirby: podcast would be good for like, live talk shows
16:24 Mike: you could review and play a brief clip of a song, but there is no point in making someone download a show if its full of songs that they could download individually
16:24 Mike: yes SK
16:24 Untitled: and it's probably illegal
16:24 Mike: podcasting has been brought up for GWR before by KTT btw
16:24 Mike: well technically GWR is illegal anyhoo
16:24 Mike: stupid RIAA
16:24 Kalar: Sorry, caps.
16:24 Mike: haha
16:25 Mike: kalar and i talked about the podcast thing before
16:25 Untitled: yeah but I thought it was 'more' illegal for podcasts because you're essentially distributing songs for free and the user has control over them, i.e. they could rip them and save as their own files
16:25 Mike: and the idea we had was:
16:25 Kalar: If we have some sort of access clearing, like we have for the Happy Zoo only for all of GW's registered members, GWR would be faciliatated greatly. And podcasts would be a greater option. That said, I don't give a damn about the RIAA, I'm Swedish.

16:25 Mike: 1. to do away with the schedule
16:26 Mike: 2. all shows are just freelance, except scheduled events such as troubadours
16:26 Mike: 3. create talk shows as podcasts (if people want to record them live then thats even better!)
16:26 Untitled: we need LOTS of DJs too
16:26 Mike: yes
16:26 Mike: but
16:26 Untitled: so something is playing more often than now
16:26 Untitled: not*
16:27 Mike: i believe that doing away with the schedule removes the problem of DJs not sticking to it (because there is none haha)
16:27 Mike: if they want to keep their own routine then thats fine
16:27 ShadowKirby: yeah, that's what I,d do.
16:28 Kalar: However! I stand for a different opinion, namely that once people get the hang of a show, they'll want to come back and listen to it again. Preferably at the same time as last time, to remember it.
16:28 Mike: but it isnt really fair if i go around hounding people because YOU MISSED LAST TUESDAY ONE MORE FAILURE AND YOU ARE FIRED
16:28 Mike: because its a fun hobby thing
16:28 Kalar: That's why I got some folks on ASL back in the day - I was always there at the same day.
16:28 Mike: which is why i said it was fine if a DJ wants to stick to a routine on their own
16:28 Kalar: Yeah, it should be casual. If ya wanna book a slot, do it, however besides that booked time it's all freestyle!
16:29 Kalar: I can't read and type at the same time, also, I had it typed at the time you wrote it and I hate deleted

16:29 Kalar: (index finger typer)
16:29 Kalar: Okay, so yeah, everyone concurs on that solution - "no schedule, booked timeslots if ya wanna"?
16:30 Mike: well
16:30 ShadowKirby: yeah
16:30 Mike: its not about booking time slots
16:30 Mike: unless its a special event
16:30 Mike: like album releases
oblivion a rejoint ce canal
16:30 oblivion: you are all faggots
oblivion a quitté le canal
16:30 Mike: thanks
16:30 ShadowKirby: well, like saying "Hey guys I have a show on Monday 10PM so leave it free"
16:30 Mike: yeah
16:31 ShadowKirby: man album releases. I'd probably do that once I get my new Mark Knopfler album in september
16:31 Kalar: Perfect.
16:31 Mike: i can handle any arguments over times ("i marked this time in my topic so you cant freelance here", "well tough shit imma play anyway")
16:31 Mike: btw we will still have DJ profiles
16:32 Mike: just no schedule
16:32 Mike: now
16:32 Kalar: I'm content thus far.
16:32 Kalar: No revolution, but all good stuff. Anyone got anything to add?
16:33 Mike: back on the topic of podcasting, is anyone here interested in doing one or at least have ideas for what they would like to see
16:33 Mike: i was thinking about partnering up with someone for a web/tech podcast at some point
16:33 Kalar: I'
16:33 Mike: i am sure there will be applications for a RM2K podcast so thats something we need to think about
16:34 ShadowKirby: partnership with different sub-communities of GW is a must.
16:34 Kalar: m interested in doing one. I just can't see myself sticking to a general theme. :/
16:34 Mike: well it doesnt really have to be a theme
16:34 Mike: as long as you provide good content thats worth their time
16:34 Kalar: Man, SK, that's a good one. Time to break the walls, it's web 2.0-time.
16:35 Kalar: Okay, so say we do podcasts. How many can the server handle? Who'll do them?
16:35 Kalar: And what communities would we like to reach out to?
16:35 Mike: well just GW in general, and if anyone outside wants to listen then they are welcome to
16:36 Mike: if i did my podcast i would expand it beyond GW just because it would be something i want to make as part of my site etc
16:36 Mike: which i dont have a problem with anyone doing, as long as they are taking advantage of GWRs resources (like, if we host it then they arent just using us as a host and forgetting GW)
16:36 Mike: on the topic of hosting, we have three options:
16:37 Mike: 1. We see if GW can handle it (i'll talk to bart)
16:37 Kalar: Dito. I think everyone should have this oppurtunity. It's pretty great for getting PR to your site and GW, and pretty much an oppurtunity to grow as aperson, holding long conversations about interesting topics.
16:37 Mike: 2. We invest in some (Like I said, I will pay for it when I am sorted, or we could have some sort of renting model or something)
16:37 Mike: 3. People host it on their own hosting (members can offer to host other peoples if they like, after all it IS a community) and GWR indexes them
16:39 Kalar: I like 1 timed with 3. And when ya get cash, a move-on to 2.
16:40 Mike: What I like about 3 is people have the option of getting sponsors (they will be small and probably within friends etc) to help pay for their hosting
16:40 Mike: or even as a little bit of pocket money
16:41 Kalar: That way, we get a practical solution tomorrow if needed, and when time comes you, as manager, get the chance to do something you're interested in too, for the benefit of all.
16:41 Mike: SK, unt, anyone else, thoughts?
16:41 ShadowKirby: I like the idea. sponsors would be like "advertise a bit of my game and I give you cash"
16:42 Mike: yeah
16:42 Mike: if we bought some space as a community, then i would seek to have any proceeds in sponsors go towards that hosting + GW's main hosting
16:42 Mike: which would help out the entire community, not just GWR
16:43 Mike: but at the moment thats not a feasible plan
16:43 Mike: or maybe it is, we dont know
16:43 Mike: until things kick off we dont know how much space and bandwidth we need, how popular things are etc
16:44 Kalar: Okay.
16:44 Kalar: So, feels like time to wrap this up.
16:45 Kalar: Everyone gotten what they wanted out of this? Is t feelin' good?
16:45 Kalar: What's the next step, Mike, the ball's as always in your court. Want any help from any of us?
16:45 ShadowKirby: always ready to help
16:46 Mike: So, the concept so far is: Unscheduled programming (with special shows), people can make their own routine if they like, then we have the podcasting option for those who want to do a show. The podcasts are mainly for talk shows (but can be like music review shows, as long as they dont have massive amounts of music)
16:46 Mike: podcasts can be recorded live as well, making them live talk shows as well as podcasts
16:47 Mike: encouraging a different kind of programming than the usual "a solid hour of music"
16:48 Kalar: Sweet!
16:48 Mike: Well, at the moment I can't do work on the site because my hands are tied in other work, but the amount of work to be done for GWR is reduced significantly since I only need to make a site for DJ profiles, information and podcast listing
16:48 Kalar: I'm good. Just want to see a mainsite, or something definite.
16:48 Mike: and since we have a design it wont take long to organize when i have the time
16:49 Mike: as for the podcasting aspect, i'll speak to bart and see what he thinks
16:49 Mike: i'll also post a topic about the proposed changes in the forum
16:49 Kalar: Superb. Any last thoughts, anyone?
16:49 Mike: and see what other people think
16:49 ShadowKirby: once it's done we will need to get contacts in the other communities
16:49 Mike: i was hoping more people would be here to discuss this but oh well
16:49 Mike: well, thats up to the individual DJ really
16:50 Kalar: Yeah on both accounts. But at least that we're three is better than one, and one can make miracles on his own.... imagine what we can do, AS A COMMUNITY!?...
16:50 Mike: if they want to crossover their show into "RM2k.Zeta Land" then thats up to them
16:50 Mike: haha
16:50 Mike: i also want to see if KTT wants to get involved with GWR more
16:51 Mike: because he has an interest in new media, like me
16:51 Kalar: Great, the more the merrier!

16:51 Mike: plus he was the first one to suggest podcasting for GWR, ages ago
16:51 Kalar: KTT seems pretty sharp as well, superb.
16:51 Mike: way before i became manager
16:51 Kalar: in the Wink-Days?
16:52 Mike: aye
16:52 Kalar: Whoa.
Sarevok a rejoint ce canal
16:53 Mike: Now, before we all go back to what we are doing, I do want to say that when this all goes down I want to see content on launch
16:53 Kalar: Okay, we all done? SK, mind posting the whole convo to the GWR-topic?

16:53 ShadowKirby: I'll do.
16:53 Kalar: And yeah.
16:53 Kalar: I'll stand for my part. I'm sure people will.
16:53 Kalar: Or we won't, we'll see.

16:53 Mike: So from now until the launch we need to get more people involved and get them motivated into doing podcasts and organizing their own shows
16:54 Mike: feel free to use the forums to seek partners for shows
16:54 Mike: if you want to do a gaming review show then plan it out
16:55 Mike: if it's just a live talk show then fine, if its podcasting then plan it out and wait for word on what is happening with the hosting and stuff
16:55 ShadowKirby: I'll probably contact Esh and tell him about a partnership with the G&D Times
16:55 Mike: and if its both, gr8!
16:55 Mike: that sounds like an awesome idea
16:55 Mike: i am sure he would like that
16:55 Kalar:

16:56 Kalar: Well then, I feel my voice is done for the time being. Adios, and may the spirit of GWR be with us all...!!
16:56 Kalar: Good talk, guys, lots of constructive thinking.
16:56 Kalar:

16:57 ShadowKirby: Nice meeting
16:57 ShadowKirby: gonna post it in the topic now.