GW meet GW Ontario: Red, White, and Blood (Read 3562 times)

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Alright, so is there a time / address nailed down? I'll probably need to sell my shift for the day. Should I bring anything, y'know, gamewise?

Wiimotes are appreciated. I only have two. Other than that, work it out with Izekeal since he's bringing the PS2. I was planning on picking up a 360 but the money I had earmarked for it was spent on clothes for Autumn and I... more on her than me.

As we're getting closer I'll PM everyone with my address and directions. I'm in Kingsville, Ontario. The official date is 3-4 November 2007.

Also, I don't want anyone thinking I've been ignorning this topic- I've been wrapped up in showings, wakes, memorials and funerals all week and my head is a bit light as a result.

EDIT: Just got a PM from Izekeal.

Regarding the food situation. Now, there are places to eat in Kingsville but there aren't any buffets and most of the places will take FOREVER to serve us if we have a group of more than five or six people. This isn't counting the fact that it's expensive as hell to eat out here. This leaves a couple of options. One, we can drive fifteen minutes into Leamington and have more selection but still have price worries. Or, we can drive into Windsor (40+ minutes) to get to the closest buffet that can fit all of us. Now, for me the 40 minute trip isn't a big deal but most of you will be coming from 2+ hours away. More driving can't be all that appealing.

So, I will offer to cook. It's going to be WAY too cold to BBQ but I can do burgers in my broiler if that's what everyone really wants. I'm not some Emeril gormet chef but I haven't poisoned anyone with my cooking. And I'm pretty flexible about making stuff for individuals. Let me know what you all think.
Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 02:01:39 am by Mamamack
Check it out! I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year!
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I am 100% in favour of this proposition.  It'll make eating dinner on Saturday a lot easier.  We won't have to drive anywhere, it's cheaper (we can pitch in for the cost of the ingredients), the food will be hot, and it'll give us more time to hang out.  Win-win.
Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 02:15:20 am by Izekeal
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I am totally up to you cooking haha, makes it cheaper and...more fun heheheheh

also I should have Guitar hero 3 by the meet soo
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im going to beat up dx

for real this time
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So is Kingsville the set location for this meet? We kind of want to nail that down asap, even though it seems to be the case

Also, who is confirmed for coming? If the London guys cant get a drive from Dan then there might be an issue

Mamamack: If you want help cooking I would be more then happy too! I love to cook, and BBQ'ing is fun so I can help out if you need. If we're doing BBQ, I'll bring some nice ingredients like fresh tomatoes and shit as well from my parents garden
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I will be coming for sure.  My boyfriend will be coming for sure as well (assuming he dosen't have to work, he probably won't have to).

I can bring 2 Wii Remotes if they are needed.

If you need or want me to bring any food I would be happy to do so.  Maybe I will make some cake or cookies or something.

PS3 ID: Raimiette
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So is Kingsville the set location for this meet? We kind of want to nail that down asap, even though it seems to be the case

Also, who is confirmed for coming? If the London guys cant get a drive from Dan then there might be an issue

Mamamack: If you want help cooking I would be more then happy too! I love to cook, and BBQ'ing is fun so I can help out if you need. If we're doing BBQ, I'll bring some nice ingredients like fresh tomatoes and shit as well from my parents garden

Well, if HybridZero can't go then we'll probably have to rent a van or something.  I checked the greyhound schedule but I'd have to stay overnight in Chatham just to catch the bus on Saturday.  Also, Kingsville is the confirmed location.
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I will be coming for sure.  My boyfriend will be coming for sure as well (assuming he dosen't have to work, he probably won't have to).

I can bring 2 Wii Remotes if they are needed.

If you need or want me to bring any food I would be happy to do so.  Maybe I will make some cake or cookies or something.

Are you using your own car or are you wanting to carpool?
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Who is the one who lives in Hamilton, cause' I don't mind sharing rental costs etc. if it's applicable.
Who we doing, what we doing, where we going, taking over.
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Are you using your own car or are you wanting to carpool?

Ideally I would like to Carpool, however, I have my own car so if there's no room I have no problem driving.

PS3 ID: Raimiette
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Wii ID: 0025 9688 9581 1136
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Ok, that's cool. AS far as I know so far I am driving my brother and Moriason, so that gives me 2-3 more spots in my car depending on if the other 2-3 people are super skinny/small

Once I know the deal with the London guys I will see if I have room in my car
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I could bring Gamecube and Super Smash Bros,
or my old XBOX and Halo. Then again, there's an issue of too few controllers. If you think Karaoke Rev is likely all we'll play, I'll just bring myself and a wiimote.
(Though, by Nov. I'll have PS3, if that's of interest.)
((I'll get back to all of you about carpooling. I'm at work, but I'll figure all this out on Saturday))
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Who wants to squeeze into barts car next to ice puppet

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Bart: Kingsville is the set location. Any fresh ingredients you want to bring would be greatly appreciated. Anything that you can't get fresh we can always pick up from the grocery store which is, literally, two minutes away. I don't have an actual BBQ but my broiler works just as well AND we can cook from the comfort of the house as opposed to having to stand out in the cold.

Raimiette: Bring whatever you like, be it cake or cookies. I was thinking of making cheesecake bites since cheesecakes are kind of my best baked good.

Dudesoft: The Wii plays GC games but I don't have Smash Brothers. I also only have two GC controllers. I could probably borrow a couple off one of my brothers. My youngest brother has an Xbox but only has one controller- I could ask to borrow that but he'd probably laugh at me and tell me no (his Xbox is his prized possession). If you've got a PS3 and are comfortable travelling with it then bring it out. Like I said, I blew my 360 money so any next gen consoles are welcome.

UPDATE: OK, so I'm thinking if people arrive at my place early enough on Saturday that we'll go mini-golfing. I'll have to call ahead because groups bigger than 6 have to schedule a time to get onto the course. I think there is a group discount on mini-golf prices but I haven't checked on that yet. The mini-golf place is also the place with the petting zoo which costs $1.25 to get in.
Check it out! I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year!
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im going to beat up dx

for real this time

it means nothing unless it is signed in blood

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Dudesoft: The Wii plays GC games but I don't have Smash Brothers. I also only have two GC controllers. I could probably borrow a couple off one of my brothers. My youngest brother has an Xbox but only has one controller- I could ask to borrow that but he'd probably laugh at me and tell me no (his Xbox is his prized possession). If you've got a PS3 and are comfortable travelling with it then bring it out. Like I said, I blew my 360 money so any next gen consoles are welcome.

Deals. I have two xbox, and two GC controllers. :D
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im going to beat up dx

for real this time

bring back his tail
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Alright so what official weekend here are we going to decide this for?

I've gotta book the time off now if I want it.
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November 3rd-4th.
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Can we get a word on london carpooling so I know if I have to carry anyone else