There is no slowdown... if you have the Slim PSP.
That's simply not true, the lag is a progamming issue not a problem with the psp, custom firmware can set your fat psp to the same processor speed as the slim and it won't make a difference. The easiest and fastest way to notice the lag is to watch Gaffgarion's Shadowblade (Night Sword) in the first battle it's clearly much slower. Even the walking on the spot animation visibly slows to a crawl during laggy attacks. As far as I'm aware the lag is identical to the Japanese version despite claims otherwise.
Why would the US version be fixed when the Euro version released less than a week before wasn't?
If only they had fixed the issues they themselves put into this port such as distorted sound effects, lower music quality (despite their claims of a remastered soundtrack, what is the point) and lag before most attacks then this would be the perfect version of FFT.
I'm enjoying the translation so far, most names are changed but some are still the same such as Wiegraf (a much better name then Wiglaf) but names like Argath Thadalfus aren't really an improvement over Algus Sadalfas. The squire's commands have gone from Accumulate, Throw Stone Dash, Heal to Focus, Stone, Rush and Salve. With Ramza's Guts skillset becoming Mettle with the additional Tailwind (Yell) and Chant (Wish), I don't have Scream or Cheer up yet. Gafgarion's Dark Knight class is now Fell Knight (to further distinguish it from the generic Dark Knight class). The Knight class's command Battle/Break Skill is not "Arts of War" with Power break and the like now being Rend Power. I haven't got this far yet but I know that Rafa and Malak's truth skills now hit up to 10 times and Meliadoul's Mighty Sword skills hit monsters and unequipped humans now as well. Descriptions of monsters, places and abilities are improved, for example monster's descriptions include the full list of their innate abilities and weaknesses rather than the half hearted effort of the first. The quotes from the original Japanese version are back in when you click on a characters name, before it only worked for Specials. Job requirements and JP costs are the same as the Japanese version so they weren't dumbed down for this release. No complaints against the voice acting so far and I haven't tried multiplayer yet but I'm sure I'll need to do some configuration for xlink kai.
Currently at Dorter Trade City.