Error Internet murder (Read 8427 times)

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while I dont have much to contribute to this discussion, since I always seem to fuck up and  say something that makes me seem like a massive moron I try to stay out of them anymore

but this thread is highly amusing. I must say.
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And who actually cared so much about The Mike? would they have cared for weeks and weeks and asked him "IS HE OK!?", no offense to you The Mike, btw

and if you honestly dont see the difference between kid who is eating lead and person making topic about relative who is dying

then you are lost to dear friend...............

Nobody cared about the Mike. That's exactly what I'm trying to say. Who is going to care about this guy? Nobody. Are you going to ask yourself weeks and weeks from now, "oh, I wonder how that nail polish-drinking kid is doing?" No. I'm trying to draw a parallel here, but no one sees it, except Dark Angel.
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Shouldn't the topic be "Internet Suicide"?

I dunno, I just saw like, 5 seconds of the video, then I closed it. I don't need to see someone kill themselves.
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I don't know what the arguing is all about, but I did see some of the videos posted here. It's clear that the kid is fucked up in the head. But I just don't care that much though. I would love to help the kid and everything, but there are just some people like that in the world. It seems like it would take a hell of a lot to change him. I do agree he needs some help....but if his mom isn't doing anything about it....well....fuck it.
I am at a loss of words.
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Man there was another dude who said he was going to OD on drugs until he died, over a webcam I think. Anyway everyone goaded him and pushed him until they realized too late that he was for real and suddenly everyone in the chat was saying call poison control! I think his name was Ripper but I'll have to ask my roommate later. but yeah, everyone thought he was attention whoring (well he was kind of but still he's dead now).

Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 02:07:45 am by bloodbat[h]
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Sarhan, stop complaining about the mike's topic and comparing it to this one. There's clearly a difference. Everyone else, just ignore him and get back on topic. Stop arguing and calling each other stupid.
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so I am planning on writing to my local news station to see if that would make a difference, because youtube wants to ignore me.

i really don't know what else to do.
has a girl in his bed. pot in his pipe and family guy on the tube. i like life
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Impeal turn on ignore posters please :(

it is so much better for everyone involved if I just create a list of people to ignore and then do so.

also come on people The Mike has nothing to do with this; a dude COMMITTING SUICIDE FOR YOU versus a guy who wants pity or E RELEASE jesus are you fucking retarded.

ps still asking if there's anything we can do. FYAD has probably done this shit (believe it or not, they have SAVED LIVES before) so I doubt it but now I feel awful realizing he wasn't a fakepost!

so I am planning on writing to my local news station to see if that would make a difference, because youtube wants to ignore me.

i really don't know what else to do.

they won't do nothing but create some shit for 4chan to jerk off to!
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what the hell is this
monoxide gets baker to hate on this dweeb. is this the guy from SA or what

yeah I wouldn't be surprised if 4chan or some miscellaneous-chan were responsible for abusing this kid. this one place I visited had a whole board dedicated to harming people and destroying forums etc. I remember they did some shit to that private school kid with speech problems who uploaded stuff to youtube a while back, and he was in better shape than this guy (also he was possibly a joke, I never found out). I don't have any solutions to offer either but man, this is pretty disgusting.
Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 04:57:07 am by Render
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EDIT: Meh, nevermind. It's not worth it.
Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 03:36:11 am by Sarhan
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Ok, I'm lost. I know Reymon14 is tryin to kill himself, yet I'm not understanding the vocab.

Who is SA? byob? The Mike?
Said Bizzle.

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Someone get this kids e-mail or aim and try to explain to him what he's doing is wrong.

I'm still pretty convinced this is a joke though.
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Bizzle, you can read about The Mike here:

SA is something awful(the website), and byob is a part of it.
has a girl in his bed. pot in his pipe and family guy on the tube. i like life
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I don't know if it's being suggested or not, but perhaps we should all register youtube accounts and flood this kid's videos with positive messages.  I'm going to right now.  It's sick and it's wrong, and fuck the idiots on youtube encouraging him.

Also, The Mike, if you're reading this... Ever heard of Kelsey Tatum?  She's my cousin, and she died of a brain tumor about a year ago.  She fought through it for years and still graduated with honors, spending her entire highschool career in St. Jude's (renowned hospital).  She was really something else, but fate took her from us.  It's a shame the same is happening to your family, and I'm sorry such insensitivity was shown to you by your topic being locked.  But perhaps if you had reached out to us in the way I just did, relating stories with you, your topic wouldn't have been locked.  So... ask a mod or admin to unlock it, edit your post to promote discussion, like maybe asking what the more painful losses we've experienced were, and maybe you'll get the responses and support your were hoping for.

Sorry to de-rail.  Anyways, I'm headin over to youtube to register and account solely to comment to this guy and try to be supportive and maybe even a friend to him.  Anyone care to join me?  Climbtree?
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Don't think this was posted already, but WHOA.  I don't care what anyone says, even if you feel sorry for him, I simply cannot watch this without laughing.
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are you weady
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It is probably a very bad idea to bring this up again but
someone killing himself because he's clearly mentally retarded is not the same thing as someone seeing their friend dying and assuming that's a good idea for a topic because clearly IT IS.
didn't you also defend MISTER BIG T when he made a thread about his terminally ill grandmother.

But on topic. I am not exactly an expert on SAVING PEOPLE'S LIVES ON THE INTERNET, and as such I would like to trust his parents to be capable of preventing him from harming himself, but if we desire to make SURE we really need his, or more accurately, his parent's contact information. His Youtube profile isn't very helpful, even if assuming his first name really is Reymon and that "ramenvill" is anywhere close to an actual city in the United States. There might be more info on his MySpace profile, but it's private, and since he last logged in 9/24/2007 he's probably not as active there as he is on YouTube. So I suppose someone should try to YouTube PM him for his home address and hope that he reads them? If he can be goaded into eating lead and drinking nail polish perhaps he'd even give it.
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After my job interviews today I'm going to get right on that LORd.  Thanks for the leads.
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You know what? Steel is correct.
You ARE an idiot.

I mean, just COMPARING these two topics is just..... ohiorteriopadadadaDDDDD
It's like comparing CARS to PIZZA

We have here two totally different situations, with the only similarity being "POSSIBLE DEATH OF SOMEONE" and "IT IS A GENERAL FORUM TOPIC"
but other than that, they have nothing in common, in the first place
Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 12:39:40 pm by TommyOliver
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He would have been dead already. I dont mean to be nasty, but my internet mentality means i think this is fake.